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ELEMENTARY MENTORING “Never hesitate to hold out your hand;never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another.” - Pope John XXII.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTARY MENTORING “Never hesitate to hold out your hand;never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another.” - Pope John XXII."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEMENTARY MENTORING “Never hesitate to hold out your hand;never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand of another.” - Pope John XXII

2 OBJECTIVES Understand the development characteristics of elementary students Model appropriate interactions with students Recognize individual learning abilities Use journal writings to observe behavior and learning habits Develop communication skills appropriate to situations

3 EXPECTATIONS BE ON TIME You should arrive at Glacier Hills by 1:40(no later than) SIGN IN AND OUT You can only sign for yourself DRESS APPROPRIATELY No short skirts, No revealing/cleavage type apparel. NO inappropriate writing or symbols/graphics. BE A ROLE MODEL Demonstrate this everyday! BE INVOLVED Ask questions, ask for clarifications

4 MORE EXPECTATIONS… BUILD POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS WITH STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN THE BUILDING TURN YOU WORK IN ON TIME Follow the calendar and pay attention to the due dates CONTACT YOUR TEACHER AND MYSELF IF AN ABSENCE IS UNAVOIDABLE. E-mail or voicemail both of us Remember the students and teacher are counting on YOU ! BE POSITIVE Leave ALL personal items in the office. This includes purses and cell phones. Do not bring make-up or brush your hair in the office area. You are a professional!!!!!

5 ASSIGNMENTS Daily JOURNALS Scrapbook of your experience Formal Observation 100-93 A 90-92 A- 87-89 B+ 83-86 B 80-82 B- 77-79 C+ 73-76 C- 67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 D- 0- 59 F

6 ATTENDANCE Absences cannot be made up Only School Authorized Field Trips can be made up. If circumstances present themselves, you may be asked to drop the course.

7 FORMAL OBSERVATIONS Which classroom did you observe? List the teacher, grade, #of students What lesson or Lessons are being taught? Observe how the teacher presents the lesson, how the children respond, observe directions given etc. What is the Classroom Atmosphere? Look around the class. How are the students desks arranged? Where is the teachers desk? What do the wall look like? What types of learning stations are there? Can you distinguish which children have learned the concepts and those who still need more information? What did you learn? What surprised did you find?

8 JOURNALING The Journal will be a record of experience during this course. It is a place to record your thoughts, feelings, successes, etc. This is also the location to record questions you have and perhaps a funny memory/story. By Recording the Behavior of the children, you will get to know theme better and be able to keep them more effectively.

9 Sample Journal: Answer any of the following: What was your most memorable experience of your childhood? What are fears for the future? Who is the most influential person in your life? What is your greatest accomplishment?

10 BOUNDARIES What are they? Hugs…etc. Model Behavior…. No Gum No Hats Food/Bev. Stays in office

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