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Bell Work How did the Enlightenment, Americans, & the American Revolution impact the French Revolution? 1.French citizens learned Enlightenment ideas 2.Some.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work How did the Enlightenment, Americans, & the American Revolution impact the French Revolution? 1.French citizens learned Enlightenment ideas 2.Some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work How did the Enlightenment, Americans, & the American Revolution impact the French Revolution? 1.French citizens learned Enlightenment ideas 2.Some Americans spent time in France sharing ideas with Philosophes. 3.French soldiers, who helped during the A.R., learned why America was fighting. Independence, freedom, representative government They took these ideas back to France.

2 Warm Up Take out your study guide and your philosophe charts and have them on your desk. I will come around and check them. What type of Constitution does the U.S. have? Written, Legitimate, Negative Explain what each of the Scientific Revolution Scientists contributed. Copernicus – Heliocentric Model Galileo – Confirmed Heliocentric Model & Improved Telescope Newton – Gravity, Motion

3 Unit 2: The Enlightenment Study Guide

4 1 During the Scientific Revolution, in the 16 th & 17 th centuries, what powerful institution was the scientific community challenging by using reason and experimentation? The Catholic Church

5 2 What does Heliocentric mean? Sun Centered Solar System What group believed this? Scientists

6 3 What does Geocentric mean? Earth Centered Solar System What group believed this? Catholic Church

7 4 Who was the first person to discover the Heliocentric Theory? Copernicus

8 5 Who went was punished (house arrest) by the Catholic Church for proving the Heliocentric Theory? Galileo

9 6 The Laws of Motion and Gravity were discovered and proven by which great scientist? Newton

10 7 Before and during an experiment, a person must follow steps such as, create a hypothesis, collect data, and reach a conclusion to ensure success. What is this process called? Scientific Method

11 8 What is the difference between a limited and an unlimited government? In a limited government, a ruler can only do what the people or another branch of government will let them do. They have to share power. In an unlimited government, a ruler has total control of the people and their lives and doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

12 9 America has a limited government. What type of limited government does America have? Democracy

13 10 Explain the Divine Right of Kings. Rulers believed that their power came from God.

14 11 The English Civil War was between which two groups? Parliament and the Monarchy

15 12 Once Charles I was executed after the English Civil War who became the Lord Protector of England? Oliver Cromwell

16 13 What were some reasons for the English Civil War? Parliament wanted to challenge the idea of “the divine right of kings” Parliament wanted to Be able to make decisions on laws. Parliament wanted to Limit the absolute power of King Charles I. Parliament wanted to Make the king ask for approval before increasing taxes. The King didn’t want to give up any power The king wanted to tax anytime The King locked parliament out of work The King tried to have Parliament members arrested

17 14 Why was the Glorious Revolution so important in England? Limited the monarchy’s/kings power by establishing a Bill of Rights.

18 15 Parliament made William and Mary sign a document before they were allowed to be king and queen of England. What was the document called? English Bill of Rights

19 16 What was the primary type of government in the 16 th & 17 th centuries? Absolute Monarchy

20 17 What was the Enlightenment? A time when great thinkers & philosophers used reason and logic to challenge and change the old, absolute, ideas of government, freedom, and human rights in order to improve society.

21 18 Which philosophe suggested the separation of powers & checks and balances? Montesquieu

22 19 Which philosophe suggested humans have Natural Rights? John Locke

23 20 What are Locke’s 3 natural rights? Life Liberty Property

24 21 Most philosophes believed that the government’s power should come from whom? The People

25 22 Which Enlightenment philosopher created ideas of popular sovereignty, majority rules, & general will? Rousseau

26 23 Which philosophe argued for freedom of religion and free speech? Voltaire

27 24 What are the 3 branches of the United States government? Executive, Legislative, Judicial

28 25 What is the purpose of a Constitution? Legal documents that outline the role of the government and protect the rights of the citizens

29 26 What is a Democracy? A system of government in which the people have a say.

30 27 What country has the first written Constitution and the oldest democracy in the world? USA

31 28 Why was the Bill of Rights added to the United States Constitution? To protect the rights of the citizens

32 29 What influence did the Enlightenment have on the American and/or French Revolutions? Enlightenment ideas of civil liberty, freedom, independence, separation of powers and popular sovereignty gave American Revolutionaries the courage to break away from a bad government as a result of their success the French believed they could do the same.

33 30 What kind of Constitution does America have? Written, Legitimate, Negative

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