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Alyssa Adkins Child abuse and its Negative effects on a child daily life.

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1 Alyssa Adkins Child abuse and its Negative effects on a child daily life

2 Why Child Abuse? ● Too common and not taking serious enough ● Raise awareness of child abuse and that is not just overlooked in New Bern, North Carolina but all over the world. ● Want to inform the people at my school about child abuse.

3 My paper ● Topic -Child abuse and its negative effects on their daily life. ● Driving question - Does child abuse have negative effects on a child's daily life? ● My thesis statement - “Child abuse has a negative effect on children and their daily lives. Abuse is not just physical; it can also be Verbal, Psychological or Sexual. Abuse can also include Hate Crimes and Neglect. Citizens need to spread awareness and join the cause to help stop Child abuse in America.”

4 Facts ● In 2005 NCANDS a estimate of 3.3 million referrals of child abuse or neglect were received by public social service or CPS agencies ● Boys and girls are equally likely to suffer maltreatment. ● Children with disabilities are more likely to be abused then kids without disabilities. ● Child abuse does not discriminate it happens in every ethnicity

5 Summary ● Child Abuse is real ● Child abuse dose not discriminate ● It dose not just occur in the U.S. but all over the world. ● There are many types of abuse ● Victimization rates were highest among the youngest population of children.

6 Product

7 How? ● A fundraiser that I donated to the CAC in Fort Bragg. When? ● March twenty-eight threw march thirtieth at Craven Early College.

8 Product Impacts ● Raise awareness at my school about child abuse. ● It educated people about the different types of abuse and the effects it has on people and the children going threw it. ● Helped the CAC

9 Learned after completion ● That not many people are aware of how serious child abuse it and its negative effects on the victims and there daily life. ● That doing a fundraiser is not that easy. ● I did not have a mentor. I think that if I had a mentor it could of benefited me a lot. Mentor

10 Connection between my paper and product ● In my paper I am educating students about child abuse. ● In my product I created a fundraiser and educated students on my topic.

11 Successes ● Following the Timeline ● Finishing the paper ● Raising more the 20 dollars in my fundraiser ● Actually being able to present on time ● Not procrastinating ● Putting the Fundraiser together ● Being ready for the what your about to see. Challenges

12 Final Process Reflection ● More volunteering ● This is something I'm not sure were it will fit in my future but I have benefited from it. ● One thing that I took from this project was that child abuse has got out of hand and we all need to help put a stop to it

13 Works Cited ● sheets/child-abuse-and-neglect-statistics.html ● ● ● county Department of Social Services ● 257:bmsdabnm6hc&cof=FORID:9&q=what%20is%20adoption?&js=1&to pic=adoption#1117 ● Education Exempt from Copyright: This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US copyright Law and is restricted from the further use Copyright

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