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Citizenship Introduction and Vocabulary. Revolution The overthrow of a government and replacing with another The overthrow of a government and replacing.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizenship Introduction and Vocabulary. Revolution The overthrow of a government and replacing with another The overthrow of a government and replacing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizenship Introduction and Vocabulary

2 Revolution The overthrow of a government and replacing with another The overthrow of a government and replacing with another To revolt = to break away or rebel Example: American Revolution Colonists revolted against British

3 Political Parties an organization whose main purpose is to elect its members to office The 2 main parties in the US are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

4 Interest Group a group trying to change public policy without trying to be elected a group trying to change public policy without trying to be elected (they try to promote their own “interests”) (they try to promote their own “interests”)

5 Lobbyist People who try to influence public officials in favor of a specific cause People who try to influence public officials in favor of a specific cause They got that name because they used to hang around in the lobby waiting to talk to members of Congress

6 Dissent intense disagreement with the government intense disagreement with the government often involves some kind of protest action or organized movement often involves some kind of protest action or organized movement

7 Civil Disobedience Purposely breaking a law believed to be immoral or unjust Purposely breaking a law believed to be immoral or unjust Rosa Parks refused to move to obey the law that she had to sit at the back of the bus.

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