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Training for staff members responsible for writing self-evaluation reports of study programmes, May 2011 University of Tuzla Prof. Dr Emina Nakaš-Ićindić.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for staff members responsible for writing self-evaluation reports of study programmes, May 2011 University of Tuzla Prof. Dr Emina Nakaš-Ićindić."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for staff members responsible for writing self-evaluation reports of study programmes, 30 -31 May 2011 University of Tuzla Prof. Dr Emina Nakaš-Ićindić

2  2.1 Correspondence between objectives and the content of the programme  Translation of the objectives in the curriculum;  Level  Presence of inter-disciplinary elements;  International dimension in the study programme/internationalisation of the curriculum (policy, participation rate, cooperation forms, international contacts, etc);  Degree to which recent advancements in education at home and abroad have found expression in the curriculum;  Procedures for curriculum revision and innovation;  Participation of relevant stakeholders in curriculum development, revision and innovation.

3  Content of the study programme is in line with the objectives of the education  There are functional linkages of the content of scientific disciplines in realization of multidisciplinary courses/ subjects  Clearly defined objectives and outcomes of education aimed at gaining appropriate competencies within the each course/subject syllabi  Objectives of the education are translated into competencies, i.e. expected knowledge, skills and attitudes students have to attain  Regular revision and introduction of innovations in the study curriculum  Study content is designed in line with the recent advancements in specific scientific fields

4  Insufficient internationalization of the study programme  Standard operating procedures for curriculum revision and innovation are not developed and adopted  Relevant stakeholders are not sufficiently involved in the curriculum development, revision, and innovation

5  The Office for Quality Assurance and Accreditation should be responsible for developing the standard operating procedures for curriculum revision and innovation and the Scientific and Academic Council for their adoption.  Relevant stakeholders should be actively involved in the development, revision, and innovation of the curriculum and should provide financial support for realization of education and scientific research.

6  Attention in the curriculum for knowledge development;  Attention in the curriculum for skills that support professional functioning;  Attention in the curriculum for experience in the field: interaction with professional practice, attitude, content, level and guidance of practical training final projects, etc;  Alignment with recent (international) developments in the field/discipline and professional practice (among other things, as researcher);  Research alignment of the study programme: among other things, feedback of (own) research to the study programme, active involvement of students in research within the study programme;  Attention in the curriculum for development of research skills – conveying the research attitude – research skills. Interaction between study programme and social/academic services.

7  Sequential structure and coherence of the curriculum in terms of the standard process;  Harmony of the curriculum in the cooperation with other university departments and institutions;  Relation between the curriculum and flexible learning process.

8  The study programme fulfils the formal requirements with regard to the size of the curriculum for Bachelor and Master:  It is possible to follow the programme because factors that hinder the learning process are being eliminated as much as possible;  Study time measurements and follow up;  Agreement between estimated and actual study time;  Spread of the study time in the study programme;  Presence of factors obstructing or promoting study and any steps.

9  The didactic concept is in line with the objectives;  The work forms are aligned with the didactic concept. Work forms used (lectures, working groups, project work, practical work, self- study, workshops, etc);  Alignment of the didactic work forms with the objectives, the didactic concept and the characteristics of the student intake;  Attention for recent educational developments at home and abroad in the didactic concept and its elaboration;  Variation of educational forms;  Educational resources used and quality (syllabi, guides, courses, teaching and learning aids, etc): Alignment of the learning resources with the didactic concept, the objectives (at study programme level and study programme component level) and the characteristics of the student intake;


11  Indicator 4.1 Assessment and testing (learning assessment)  Student guidance during assessment;  Organisation of tests and examinations;  Various assessment standards with regard to the objectives of the study programme components and the study programme as a whole: concept, orientation of the evaluation to the (integrated) tests of knowledge, insight, skills and attitudes, degree of difficulty;  Criteria and method of the assessment by the evaluators;  Criteria and method of the assessment by the examination committee;  Transparency of the assessment: Familiarity of students with the requirements connected to the evaluation;  Familiarity of students and staff with the assessment procedures;  Quality Assurance of examination matters

12  Place/relative weight of the practical training/thesis in the study programme;  Contents and concept of the practical training;  Preparation for the practical training;  Guidance in the practical training;  Assessment of the practical training.

13  Proportion of the practical training in comparison to theoretical is increased  Clearly defined objectives of the practical training  Experienced academic staff for realization of the practical training  Application of modern methods and equipment  Precisely defined assessment methods of the practical training

14  Great number of students does not always allow to follow standard and norms in reference to the size of groups at the practical training  Inadeqate facilities for some kind of practical training  Insufficient number of assistants to organize work in small groups  Inadeqate qantity and allocation of didactic equipment, phantom dolls for the clinical and preclinical practical training  Information and communication technologies in the process of education are not sufficentely used  Unequal distribution of material resources for realization of the practical training at some cathedras

15 Years Number of academic staff Number of students Number of graduates Student/staff members Graduates/staff members I49206-4,20- II27160-5,92- III2990-3,10- IV5938-0,14- *There are no graduate students because the new study program started 4 years ago and the first graduate student will complete education at least in two years.

16  Proposed measures  To hire new assitants. Number of assistants employed at the Faculty is limited. The Faculty does not have influence or autonomy to make decisions on number of the academic staff.  To improve conditions for realization of the practical training. Number of students and way of financing, limited material resources

17  Internal procedures for admission of students;  Characteristics of the student intake and related policy;  The curriculum is in line with the preliminary training;  Specific activities with regard to the alignment between the preliminary training and the study programme;

18  Handling the results of enquires;  Influence of students on curriculum;  Participation of students in different decision making bodies and influence on managerial structures.

19  Existence of bilateral and multilateral agreement in the country and abroad;  Existence of student exchange programs  Acceptance of credits gain during exchange programs  Existence of ECTS or other credit systems

20  Existence of coaching system and regular consultations;  Way of coaching students;

21  Way of handling of complains from students;  Measures for student support;  Information and advice during the study programme by study programme/central services;  Communication of educational objectives, and education and examination regulations;  Organisation and guidance of international student exchange (including guidance and integration of foreign students).

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