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Focus:  Where can we find hieroglyphics? Chapter 2 Section 1.

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2 Focus:  Where can we find hieroglyphics?




6 Chapter 2 Section 1

7 Main Idea  Around 3100 B.C., Egypt's two major kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt were combined into one.  Just like Mesopotamia, Egyptians ended up having a surplus of food.  The started becoming artisans as well as farmers.  They could then trade with others even outside of Egypt.

8 The Rise of Government  The advances in farming, crafts and trade created a need for a government.  The began to store surplus crops, so they could be used in times of need.  Government started with village chiefs as rulers.  Then a few strong chiefs would join together and take over others and form small kingdoms.

9  Over time, Egypt was made up of 2 kingdoms, one in the Lower Nile and one in the Upper Nile.

10 Egypt’s Ruling Families  Around 3100 B.C. The two kingdoms became one.  The Credit goes to Narmer, also known as Menes.  As the King of Upper Egypt, he took his army and led them to victory over the north.

11  So show unity the new king Namer, wore the crown of the Upper and Lower kingdoms combined.  This kingdom lasted a very long time, as when he died his family took over.  A line of rulers from one family is called a dynasty.  When one dynasty died off another one took over.

12  Over time, Egypt would be ruled by 31 dynasties, which ruled for over 2,800 years.  Historians divide the dynasties into three categories: Old, Middle and New Kingdoms. Video

13 Unskill  MesopotamiaEgypt Natural DefensesFlat mud plains; few natural defenses Nile Delta, Sahara, cataracts, eastern desert RiversTigris and Euphrates RiversNile River FloodsUnpredictable, constant threat to people Dependable and regular, not feared EconomyFarming and trade GovernmentCity states led by kings and priests; empires later Villages led by chiefs, then kingdoms, then kingdoms ruled by pharaohs Work of ArtisansMetal products, pottery & cloth AdvancesCuneiform writing Numbers based on 60 Wagon wheel, plow, sailboat Hieroglyphic writing 365 day calendar Numbers based on 10 and fractions medicine


15 Early Egyptian Life  Main Idea: Egyptian society was divided into social groups based on wealth and power. Pharaoh Priests and Nobles Traders, artisans, shopkeepers, and scribes Farmers and herders Unskilled workers

16 Egypt’s Social Classes  Upper class Nobles Priests Other wealthy Egyptians They worked as government officials The lived in the cities and on large estates along the river. They had beautiful homes made of wood and mud, with gardens, ponds, pools with fish. They had servants to wait on them. They wore heavy eye makeup and wore white linen clothes.

17  Middle Class Ran businesses Produced goods They lived in smaller homes and dressed more simply. Artisans formed an important part of middle class. They produced linen cloth, jewelry, pottery, and metal goods.

18  Lower class Made up largest section of society Farmers Some rented their land from rulers. Paying them with a hefty portion of their crops. Many worked the land of the wealthy, for them. They lived in small huts along the river. Ate a simple diet of bread, beer, vegetables and fruit.

19  Many of the city dwellers were unskilled workers who performed physical labor.  They lived in city neighborhoods, in small huts with dirt floors and a flat roof.  They had a courtyard for the families animals.  On the rooftops, families would play games, talk and sleep.  Women would dry fruit, make bread, and weave cloth.

20 Family Life  The father headed the family.  Women did have a lot of rights Own and pass on property Buy and sell goods Make wills Obtain divorces Upper class women ○ Were in charge of temples ○ And could perform religious ceremonies.

21  Not many children went to school.  Mothers taught their daughters to sew, cook, and run a household.  Boys learned farming and skilled trades from their fathers.  Children for fun, played games, dolls, spinning tops and stuffed leather balls.

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