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Study Slides Test 2 Humanities 2210 Minoans, Mycenaeans, Archaic Greece, Classical Greece, Hellenistic Greece, Roman Republic, Roman Empire- Chapters 2,3,

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Presentation on theme: "Study Slides Test 2 Humanities 2210 Minoans, Mycenaeans, Archaic Greece, Classical Greece, Hellenistic Greece, Roman Republic, Roman Empire- Chapters 2,3,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Slides Test 2 Humanities 2210 Minoans, Mycenaeans, Archaic Greece, Classical Greece, Hellenistic Greece, Roman Republic, Roman Empire- Chapters 2,3, 4. Identifiers are in Green

2 Legend of King Minos – Minotaur kept in maze beneath the palace. Every 7 years the Athenians had to send 7 young men to be sacrificed to the Minotaur. Ariadne, daughter of Minos, fell in love with Theseus and gave him a ball of twine so that he could find his way out. Minoan

3 Most famous of several similar “Snake Goddess” statues found in Crete. Thought to be votive statue used in rituals. Resembles the Maenads, women who danced in Dinonysic rituals in later Greece. Ceramic, with quartz paste glaze. Snakes associated with rebirth, associated with Chthonic, or underworld deities. Minoan

4 The Lion Gate at Mycenae, Ca. 1300 BCE. Unlike the Minoan cities, the Mycenae citadel was heavily fortified. Later Greeks thought a race of giants had moved these large “Cyclopean” stones. smart history Mycenaeansmart history

5 Kouros Archaic Greece New York Kouros 615-590 BCE

6 Euxitheos and Euphronios, Death of Sarpedon, calyx krater; c. 515 B.C.E. Archaic Greece

7 Classical Greece Kritios boy, 480 BCE. Beginning of Hellenic Style Move award from grid Naturalistic muscles Contrapasto stance Figure show weight Born by left leg Youthful heroes

8 Doryphoros of Polykleitos 440 BCE SymmetrySymmetry how art made the world more human than humanhow art made the world more human than human Canon of Polykleitos and the Cosmos Doryphoros of Polykleitos 440 BCE Roman copy in marble of bronze original, found in Pompeii Classical Greece High Classical style 360

9 Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 5 th century BCE, Ictinus and Callicrates Doric style History Channel 2 Classical GreeceHistory Channel 2

10 Lapith vs. centaur, south face of Parthenon metope relief Descendents of twin sons of Apollo, Lapiths were pre- Hellenic tribal people who came to the aid of the Greeks in the Trojan war. Centaurs were wild and given to base instincts. Classical Greece

11 Battle of the Giants Hellenistic Greece Altar at Pergamon Taking up themes of Parthenon, Pergamon to be a “New Athens.”

12 Laokoon group Probably a Roman copy of Hellenistic Hellenistic

13 Sarcophagus of Husband and Wife from Cerveteri Terra Cotta 530 BCE Etruscan

14 Roman man holding busts of his ancestors, late first century B.C.E. Roman Republic

15 Roman Architecture Linked to Greek and Etruscan precedents. Chief differences from Greek architecture- mixed materials façade orientation definition of interior space rather than a sculptural concept of exterior as it relates to environment Roman Republic Temple of Fortuna, Rome Republican period. Late 2 nd century

16 Roman Empire Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta 17 CE Sculpture during Imperial period more idealized – realistic portrait heads, with youthful body

17 Pantheon in present condition, with street raisedopen universityopen university Roman Empire

18 Villa of the Mysteries, rites of initiation of brides to the cult of Dionysos 1st century CE Pompeii Roman Empire smarthistory villa of the mysteries The initiate, to the far left must go through a mysterious ritual. Young nude reads the liturgy of the ritual,

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