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King Henry VIII and his Family Inside the Tudor MonarchyTudor.

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1 King Henry VIII and his Family Inside the Tudor MonarchyTudor


3 King Henry VII War of the Roses –Henry Tudor had no real claim to the throne –Fought a long and vicious battle to become king –House of Lancaster vs. House of York

4 War of the Roses Ended at Battle of Bosworth Field –Henry VII beat Richard III in battle Richard III –Won the crown through “right of conquest” –Made it official by marrying Elizabeth of York (daughter of King Edward IV) House of Lancaster (Tudor) vs. House of York (Edward III)

5 Results of Henry VII Reign Established strong dynasty after 30 years of war Strengthened judicial system and treasury 7 children (4 lived to adulthood- Arthur, Henry, Margaret, and Mary

6 Henry VIII Came to power after the death of his older brother, Arthur and his father Henry VII when he was 18 years old Handsome, athletic young man with red hair and red beard (important for later!)

7 Young King Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon shortly after he became kingHenry VIII married Catherine of Aragon This was the first peaceful transition of power since the War of the Roses

8 During Henry VIII’s Reign Avoided governing the country himself-too busy hunting, jousting and partying at court Cardinal Wolsey became very powerful due to Henry’s lack of interest Henry was only interested in a few things during his reign: –War with France –Building up the navy (5 to 53 ships) –Having a male heir –Creating the Church of England (Protestant Reformation

9 I need a son. I have been married for 20 years and my wife, Catherine of Aragon is too old to have any more children. Who will inherit my throne when I die? I spy an attractive lady – in-waiting called Anne Boleyn. If only I could marry her instead. Will the Pope give me a divorce? The Church is very rich. I need money for my luxurious court. If only I could get my hands on it. The new Protestant ideas are spreading in Germany. Princes there are reforming their churches and throwing out the Catholic Church. Some people in England like the new Protestant ideas. They believe that the Bible should be in English not Latin. The Church takes money out my country in taxes to help build St Peter’s in Rome. What do I get in return?

10 Henry’s Family Henry had 6 wives (you will read about them tonight!)6 wives Henry had 3 children- Mary, Edward, and Elizabeth

11 King Henry VIII’s Later Life Suffered a jousting accident which kept him from exercising and became ulcerated His wound festered and may have led directly to his death Also may have suffered from gout and syphilis

12 Edward VI Became King at 10 years old His uncle Edward Seymour was names Lord Protector Edward was a Protestant Edward contracted measles and smallpox and later tuberulosis After much suffering Edward died on July 6, 1553 at the age of 15 Before his death he disinherited BOTH of his sisters!

13 Jane Grey (Tudor Monarch?) Queen for 9 Days ONLY! –Grand daughter of Henry VIII’s sister Mary –Forced into fighting for the throne, her army failed. –Mary I the “rightful” queen, raised an army and captured Jane and her husbandJane –They were imprisoned and later beheaded

14 Mary I (Bloody Mary) Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon Wants to turn the country back to Roman Catholic-hence her nickname Bloody Mary Married Prince Philip of Spain (they had no children)Married Prince Philip of Spain (they had no children)

15 Elizabeth I- Good Queen Bess -Was she really Henry VIII’s daughter? -Queen for almost 50 years -During English exploration -Spanish Armada -Never married, no childrenNever married, no children -After her death, with no heirs it started the Stuart Monarchy

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