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Moni McIntyre, Ph.D. Duquesne University Click here for instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "Moni McIntyre, Ph.D. Duquesne University Click here for instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moni McIntyre, Ph.D. Duquesne University Click here for instructions.

2  Navigation through the course will occur by clicking on the following action buttons located in the lower right corner of each screen: The HOME button will be placed in the center of each slide and will bring you to the Table of Contents for further navigation. The NEXT and BACK buttons will move you through the course content. The EXIT button will be placed at the end of each Unit and will return you to the course menu.

3  This course is meant to be self-paced, though there will be opportunities to interact with your local and global JPIC groups.  Course content and activities should be completed in the order that they are presented to maximize student success.  The Table of Contents will be your starting point for each Unit

4  Each type of course activity has a unique icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.  In this course you will: Global discussion Watch video Online journal Local discussion Read online ReflectCreate doc Quiz/test


6 This unit is divided into several components. Start with the Unit 9 Information OR click on the link below to navigate to the component where you left off. Revisit as needed.  Unit 9 Information Unit 9 Information  9.1 Global Conflict Transformation 9.1 Global Conflict Transformation  9.2 Strategic Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation 9.2 Strategic Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation  9.3 Peacebuilding Profiles 9.3 Peacebuilding Profiles  Course Assessment Course Assessment

7  This unit is an examination of conflict transformation as a strategy for world peace. The unit also considers how religion can be helpful in conflict transformation and peace building.

8  To gain a deeper understanding of the parameters and requirements of conflict transformation  To appreciate the contributions of the Catholic Church to world peace  To consider Muslim contributions to world peace  To appreciate the real and potential contributions of religion as a strategy for peacebuilding

9  Why the leading proponent of conflict transformation, John Paul Lederach, finds conflict resolution an inadequate goal for global issues  The four central modes in which conflict impacts situations and creates change  Why the Catholic Church is an authentic voice and an effective actor in global peacebuilding  How one Muslim activist and scholar views ecumenical approaches to peacebuilding


11 Click here to read Lederach, John Paul. “Conflict Transformation.” March 2003. Web. 17 June


13 Click here to read Fetzko, Mark. “ Strategic Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation: The Catholic Contribution to Peace. ” April 2006. Web. 17 June

14 Create a Discussion Board (DB) entry with the following:  The Catholic contribution to peace in your area  The future of Catholic contributions to peace in your area  The possibilities for conflict transformation in the world  After posting your initial entry, respond to at least THREE other student entries in a meaningful way. Ready to post your Discussion Board (DB) entry ? >Click here to go to JPIC 210 >Sign in so that you can post your DB entry. >Type your response in the reply box at the bottom of the page.


16 Click here to read “ Peacebuilder Profiles: A. Rashied Omar” by Mark

17 Take some private time to reflect on the following questions:  According to the author, what does peacebuilding mean to Muslims?  What has made interfaith peacebuilding successful in the past?  What might be some obstacles to peacebuilding in the future?

18 Create a Discussion Board (DB) entry with the following:  Write a short essay (three paragraphs) on interfaith peace building. Post it on the discussion board.  After posting your initial entry, respond to at least THREE other student entries in a meaningful way. Ready to post your Discussion Board (DB) entry ? >Click here to go to JPIC 210 >Sign in so that you can post your DB entry. >Type or paste your response in the reply box at the bottom of the page.

19  This unit provided a deeper introduction to conflict transformation. It also considered the role and contributions of religion to peacebuilding and conflict transformation.

20 Having completed this course, please click on the link after reading all of the rationale to take a confidential C ourse Assessment in which you will be asked to share your experience as a student in this course. **Continue for more rationale

21 Your response will help the team at Duquesne University create courses that are more helpful to your ministry and the ministry of many others around the world. This assessment will identify the most important ways in which they can:  Make the navigation of the course materials easier  Improve course content by making it more relevant to your life and work  Increase your learning **Continue for more rationale

22 This is a confidential assessment. Your anonymous responses will be seen only program managers at Duquesne. Local coordinators will not receive a copy of individual remarks or evaluations; at most local coordinators will receive a very general report. If you have questions on the assessment process, please consult your Course Guide. Course Guide Click here to open the course assessment.

23 This completes PART 3 – RELIGION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACE BUILDING and the course! Please return to the Table of Contents using the HOME button to review any material or EXIT to the course menu.

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