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Age of Exploration WHII.4 WHII.5d. The 3 G’s God Gold Glory Why did Europeans want to explore the Western Hemisphere?

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Exploration WHII.4 WHII.5d. The 3 G’s God Gold Glory Why did Europeans want to explore the Western Hemisphere?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Exploration WHII.4 WHII.5d

2 The 3 G’s God Gold Glory Why did Europeans want to explore the Western Hemisphere?

3 Demand for gold, spices, and natural resources in Europe Political and economic competition between European empires

4 Why did Europeans want to explore the Western Hemisphere? Innovations in navigational arts (European and Islamic origins) Pioneering role of Prince Henry the Navigator and his school of navigation “For Seas Never Before Navigated” Vila do Infante (House of the Prince)


6 Prince Henry the Navigator Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Christopher Columbus Hernando Cortez Francisco Pizarro Jacques Cartier Sir Francis Drake

7 Who explored? Portugal—Vasco da Gama (First to sail to India) Spain— Christopher Columbus (Sailed to the Caribbean) Hernando Cortez (Took over the Aztecs) Francisco Pizarro (Took over the Incas) Ferdinand Magellan (Circumnavigated the globe) England—Francis Drake (Sailed the coast of North America) France—Jacques Cartier (Explored the St. Lawrence River- it divides the U.S. from Canada)


9 Means of Diffusion of Christianity Migration of colonists to new lands Influence of Catholics and Protestants, who carried their faith, language, and cultures to new lands Conversion of indigenous peoples Diffusion = the spread of practices and culture from one area to another

10 Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) Capital of the Aztec Empire

11 Tenochtitlan

12 Cortez himself left us this vivid description of Tenochtitlan “ The city of Tenochtitlan is built in the center of a salt lake, with four artificial causeways leading to it, each as wide as two cavalry lances. The main streets were very wide and very straight; some of these were on the land, but the remainder and all the smaller streets were half on land, and half canals. All the streets had openings in places so that the water might pass from one canal to another. Over all these openings, and some of them are very wide, there are bridges. Canoes were the primary means of transportation. There are, in all districts of this great city, many temples or houses for their idols. They are all attractive buildings...Among these temples there is one, whose size and magnificence no human tongue could describe for it is so large that within the precincts, which are surrounded by very high wall, a town of some five hundred inhabitants could easily be built. All round inside this wall there are very elegant quarters with very large rooms and corridors where their priests live. There are as many as forty towers.”--

13 Greeting Cortez


15 Cortez attacking

16 Pizzarro takes the Incan Empire

17 de las Casas’s Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies, 1542 “...there came some Spaniards who immediately behaved like ravening wild beasts, wolves, tigers, or lions that had been starved for many days... acting like ravening beasts, killing, terrorizing, afflicting, torturing, and destroying the native peoples, doing all this with the strangest and most varied new methods of cruelty, never seen or heard of before...”

18 European Culture in the New World Rigid class system: Mestisos – mixed European and native ethnicity Labor system: Encomienda – Spanish ruled over native lands while natives lived there (from the Spanish word ‘encomendar’ - to entrust) African Slavery Religion Christianity

19 Commercial Revolution Mercantilism

20 The Age of Exploration and its effects on Commerce The Age of Exploration brought major changes to Global cultures The demand for new trade routes and the conquest of empires had an EXPLOSIVE effect on Europe’s economy The new wealth led to the rise of “free enterprise” (an economic system in which money is invested in business to make a profit)

21 Colonial Empires Overseas expansion = power for European countries & wars among them Treaty of Tordesilles (1494): the Pope split the new lands between the Spanish and the Portuguese with the “Line of Demarcation”

22 Mercantilism A country’s power was measured by its wealth in bullion (gold and silver) These countries pushed to establish colonies in the New World for raw materials that could be used to produce goods for export. Absolute monarchs wanted a favorable balance of trade (more exports = more profits) Colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country

23 The Purpose of Colonies ColonyMother Country Manufactured Goods Raw Materials Colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country and were often forbidden from trading with other countries

24 Mercantilism = New Colonial Rivals

25 Commercial Revolution By the 1600’s, nations competed for markets and trade goods. This lead to… Investments from bankers, joint stock companies, merchants, etc. Quick returns on investments ($$$$$$) Increase in trade led more countries to invest in overseas ventures, hoping to cash in on the wealth coming in from the “New World” The Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Dutch became very wealthy

26 Triangle Trade

27 Trans-Atlantic Trade Route The Middle Passage

28 Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade



31 The “Coffin” Position Below Deck

32 Impact of the Commercial Revolution New money and banking systems were created - Monarchies lending to individuals and companies - Individual wealth could be attained - Greater division between classes – continual growth of slavery Economic practices evolved into mercantilism - Gold and Silver determined the value and wealth of nations - Power was determined by wealth Colonial economies were limited by the economic needs of the mother country - The colony could only prosper if the mother country allowed it too - Start of thinking about revolutions from mother countries

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