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2 Status of Scheme Central Sector Scheme launched by Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare on 11th January, 2016. Guidelines of the Scheme circulated to all North Eastern States on 18.01.2016. First and Second Executive Committee meetings held on 04.02.2016 and 19.02.2016 respectively and finalized States Annual Action Plans. First National Advisory Committee(NAC) Meeting held on 17.03.2016 under the Chairmanship of Secy(AC&FW) and Co-chairmanship of Secy (DoNER).

3 WHY ORGANIC VALUE CHAIN IN NER The region have an inherent advantage due to minimal use of fertilizers & pesticides. Significant potential for value added products. Availability of unique commodities such as large Cardamom, Naga Chilly, Tea, Pine apple, Ginger, Bird eye chilly, Joha rice etc. Availability of Conducive climate for organic farming. Participation in markets for the certified products is an opportunity to enhance incomes. Rainfed farming. Traditionally low external input driven. Soil rich in organic matter (>1 per cent). High farm-level agricultural diversity.

4 MISSION OBJECTIVES To develop crop commodity specific organic value chain and address gaps in organic crop production, wild crop harvesting, organic livestock management and processing, handling and marketing of organic agricultural products with necessary infrastructural, technical and financial support. To enable farmers to replace conventional farming/subsistence farming system into high value commercial organic enterprise in specific crops with end-to-end facilities for production, processing, storage and marketing. To facilitate partnerships between farmers and organic businesses [Local enterprises and / or Farmer Producer Companies(FPC)] in domestic and export markets. To develop certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification, creation of facilities, for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing and brand building initiations.

5 ……..contd. To provide conducive environment for project initiative, develop programs for organic value chain development and create market access for organic products. To empower organic producers with program ownership by organizing them into Farmer Interest Groups(FIGs) with the final aim to federate them into Farmer Producer Companies(FPCs). To develop organic parks/zones with facilities for collection, aggregation, value addition, processing, storage and market-linkages for specific commodities requiring capital intensive technology. To develop NER products as brands/labels through brand building and facilitating stronger marketing access under the ownership of growers’ organizations/ companies. To create state specific lead agency (Organic Commodity Board or Organic Mission) for coordinating, monitoring, supporting and financing the development and operationalization of entire value chain.

6 PROJECT STRATEGIES To mobilize commodity clusters and facilitate capacity building, handholding and infrastructure creation for on-farm input production, training on package of practices and facilitating certification services to farmers. To facilitate creation and linking of enterprises (local enterprises/ farmer producer companies) that can create and operate collection, aggregation and post harvest processes, trade organic products and provide necessary services to farmers and to work towards increasing their market. To set up lead agencies at central and state to partner with value chain supporting agencies, service providers and institute business development consultancies. To provide access to information, know- how and finance and enabling the enterprises to offer efficient services, support them in building required management capacities, and stimulating market growth.

7 MISSION GOALS To install dedicated institutional systems at centre and under each of the state for development and promotion of organic farming. To create at least one to two replicable end-to-end organic value chain models in each of the state with the integration of growers, handlers, processors and market facilitation agencies. To empower 50 thousand farmers of North Eastern Region through the creation of 100 farmer producer companies(FPCs) and equip such companies with full value chain under its ownership. To enable states to evolve their own brand. To convert subsistence farming to commercial organic farming with end-to-end facilities. To make North Eastern States as major suppliers of organic commodities for national and international markets. To improve production system to ensure higher productivity with better profitability.

8 Mission Components A. Value chain Production A.1.Development of Organic Production clusters S No Component Provision (Rs. in lakhs) A.1. 1 Clusters development and formation of Farmer producer Companies, as per SFAC norms. For 100 FPCs each comprising of 500 farmers @ Rs. 20.375 lakh/FPC. Rs. 4075/-per farmer. A.1. 2 Assistance for on-farm input production infrastructure. For development of facilities for liquid manures, botanical extracts and vermi-compost etc. @ Rs. 3750/ha/ year for 2 years subject to maximum of 2 ha per beneficiary. A.1. 3 Assistance for off-farm input production infrastructure. For liquid biofertilizers, liquid biopesticides, neem cake, neem oil etc. @ Rs. 3750/ha/year for 2 years subject to maximum of 2 ha per beneficiary. A.1. 4 Assistance for quality seed and planting material. @Rs. 17500/ha.

9 ……..contd. A.2 Support for extension services, input facilitation, training handholding and certification. A.2. 1 Assistance for setting up of input delivery, distribution and agri- machinery custom hiring centre through state lead agencies. @ Rs. 10.00 lakh / FPC. A.2. 2 Support and extension services for training, handholding and certification at production stage through hiring of service providers. @ Rs. 10,000/-ha for three years as per MIDH guidelines Rs. 3000/- in first year, Rs. 3500/ in second year and Rs. 3500/- in third year for handholding training, ICS management and certification.

10 …..contd. B. Value Chain processing B1. Value Chain Post Harvest- Setting up of collection, aggregation, grading facilities (funds to be routed through Banks only). S. NoComponentRate (Rs) B.1.1 Setting up of functional infrastructure for collection, aggregation and grading units. @Rs.11.25 lakh/unit (Total 175 unit). B2. Setting up of value addition and processing units including packaging, storage and transportation. B.2.1 Financial assistance for setting up of integrated processing units. @ Rs. 600.00 lakh/unit (Total 10 unit).

11 ……..contd. B.3 Value Chain Packaging, storage and transportation. B.3.1 Integrated pack house (75% subsidy to FPCs on TFO of 50 lakh or more and 50% to private limited to 37.50 lakh/unit). @ Rs. 37.50 lakh/unit (Total 20 unit). B.3.2 Transportation/ 4 wheeler upto TFO of 12 lakh (50 %). @Rs. 6.00 lakh/unit (Total 25 unit). B.3.3.1 Refrigerated transport vehicle upto TFO of 25 lakh (75 % subsidy to FPC and 50 % to private). @ Rs. 18.75 lakh/unit (Total 16 unit) B.3.3.2 Pre- cooling/cold stores/ripening chambers. Rs. 18.75 lakh/unit. @Rs. 18.75 lakh/unit (Total 16 unit).

12 ……..contd. C. Value chain Marketing- branding, labeling, certification, quality control, retail outlets, awareness and publicity through lead agencies. C.1 Branding, labelling, packaging, publicity and certification of processing units etc. Maximum amount for one state shall not exceed Rs. 150 lakh. Rs. 1100.00 lakh (L.S.) for all states( Rs. 11.00 lakh / FPC). C.2 Seminars/conferences, workshops, Buyers- seller meets, Auction meetings, festivals. Rs. 400.00 lakh (L.S.) for all states (Rs. 4.00 lakh /FPC). C.3 Consumer awareness information dissemination through publicity, printed literature, films and local advertisements. Rs. 400.00 lakh (L.S.) for all states(Rs.4.00 lakh/ FPC). C.4 Hiring of space in prime markets.Rs. 600.00 lakh (L.S.) for all states (Rs.6.00 lakh/ FPC).

13 ……contd D. Value Chain Support Agencies. D1 Setting up of Lead agency/Organic Commodity Board/ Organic Mission for scheme implementation and marketing facilitation. To be set up at state level. D.1.1 Staff, Manpower, Travel and contingencies, Institutional strengthening and hire/ purchase of machinery and equipments. (Only for hired staff on contractual basis co-terminus to project period) 5% of total scheme budget. D.1.2 Setting up of organic certification bodies. One time assistance will be provided for hiring consultants for preparation of operating manuals, training and exposure of manpower and facilitating institutional set up. Cost of manpower to be borne by the state. Rs. 500.00 lakh (L.S.) for all states.

14 “Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region” Table: State–wise Budget allocation and released during 2015-16 and 2016-17 (Rs. in lakh) Sr. No. States No. of FPCs Area covered in ha Budget allocation 2015-16 Amount released 2015-16 Balance amount of 2015-16 (A) Budget allocation 2016-17 (B) Total Budget allocation 2016-17 (A+B) Amount released 2016-17 1Assam1050002439.302207.32231.981052.431284.41-- 2Manipur1050001174.42803.73370.692205.752576.44370.69 3Meghalaya1260002070.241293.22777.021852.202629.22-- 4Nagaland1260001426.74627.86798.882489.703288.58798.88 5Mizoram1470001882.43913.34969.092601.323570.41969.09 6 Arunachal Pradesh 1050001301.96779.31522.652106.712629.36522.65 7Sikkim28140005013.314216.08797.234178.554975.78-- 8Tripura42000578.58370.13208.451187.901396.35208.45 Total1005000015886.9811210.994675.9917674.5622350.552869.76

15 Assam State (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 163.00 40.75- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 375.00 -- A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 375.00 -- A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 700.00 175.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 30.00 40.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 160.00 170.00 Total 1803.00 415.75210.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 46.25 75.31 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No. total 297.13 302.87- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total 75.00 -- B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 6.00 12.00- B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 37.50 -- B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 37.50 -- Total 499.38 390.1875.31

16 Assam State (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) (c) Value Chain MarketingApproved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 35.00 37.50 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 20.00 Total 81.00 111.5057.50 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 55.92 110.0016.25 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --25.00 Total 55.92 135.0041.25 Grand Total 2439.30 1052.43384.06

17 Arunachal Pradesh (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 81.50 122.25- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 187.50 - A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 187.50 - A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 350.00 525.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 30.00 35.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 160.00 170.00 Total 996.50 1227.25205.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 35.00 81.0080.87 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total 121.54 478.46- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total --37.50 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 12.00 6.00- B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75 B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75 Total 168.54 640.46155.87

18 Arunachal Pradesh (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) (c) Value Chain MarketingApproved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 35.00 40.0035.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 20.00 Total 81.00 114.0055.00 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 55.92 100.0026.25 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --25.00 Total 55.92 125.0051.25 Grand Total 1301.96 2106.71467.12

19 Manipur (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 81.50 122.25- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 187.50 - A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 187.50 - A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 350.00 525.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 30.00 35.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 160.00 170.00 Total 996.50 1227.25205.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 35.00 81.0080.87 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total --600.00- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total --37.50 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 6.00 B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75 B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75 Total 41.00 762.00161.87

20 Manipur (10 Farmers Producer Companies + 5000 ha area coverage) c) Value Chain MarketingApproved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 35.00 37.50 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 13.00 27.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 20.00 Total 81.00 111.5057.50 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 55.92 80.0046.25 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --25.00 Total 55.92 105.0071.25 Grand Total 1174.42 2205.75495.62

21 Tripura (4 Farmers Producer Companies + 2000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 32.60 48.90- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 75.00 - A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 75.00 - A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 175.00 - A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 13.00 14.0013.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 60.00 70.00 Total 430.60 457.9083.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 15.00 33.0030.75 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total --600.00- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total 37.50 -- B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 6.00 -- B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 18.75 -- B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 18.75 -- Total 96.00 633.0030.75

22 Tripura (4 Farmers Producer Companies + 2000 ha area coverage) (c) Value Chain MarketingApproved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 10.00 17.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 5.00 11.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 5.00 11.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 8.00 Total 28.00 47.0025.00 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 23.98 40.0027.58 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --10.00 Total 23.98 50.0037.58 Grand Total 578.58 1187.90176.33

23 Mizoram (14 Farmers Producer Companies + 7000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 114.10 171.15- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 262.50 - A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 262.50 - A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 490.00 735.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 46.00 47.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 230.00 235.00 Total 1405.10 1713.15282.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 50.00 120.00105.62 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total 203.83 396.17- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total --37.50 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 12.00 6.00- B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 18.75 - B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75 Total 284.58 597.17161.87

24 Mizoram (14 Farmers Producer Companies + 7000 ha area coverage) (c) Value Chain MarketingApproved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 50.00 52.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 18.00 38.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 18.00 38.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 28.00 Total114.00 156.0080.00 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 78.75 100.0060.94 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --35.00 Total 78.75 135.0095.94 Grand total 1882.43 2601.32619.81

25 Sikkim (28 Farmers Producer Companies + 14000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Amount released 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 228.20 342.30- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 525.00415.00525.00- A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 525.00415.00525.00- A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 980.00 1470.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 93.00 97.0090.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 981.23 210.00208.77 Total 3332.433112.43 3169.30298.77 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 105.00 223.25223.00 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total 1072.00600.00128.00- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total 37.50 75.00 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 12.00 18.0012.00 B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 37.50 - B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --37.50 Total1264.00792.00519.25347.50

26 Sikkim (28 Farmers Producer Companies + 14000 ha area coverage) *Rs. 797.23 lakhs will be released shortly after receiving revised AAP for 2015-16 (c) Value Chain Marketing Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Amount released 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 100.00 104.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 37.00 40.0035.00 C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 40.00 32.00 C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 56.0050.7756.00 Total233.00227.77240.00227.00 D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 183.8883.88180.00117.68 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --70.00 Total183.8883.88250.00187.68 Grand Total5013.314216.08*4178.551060.95

27 Meghalaya (12 Farmers Producer Companies + 6000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Amount released 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs.20.375/FPC 97.80 146.70- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 225.00166.00225.00- A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 225.00166.00225.00- A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 420.00361.00630.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 40.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 200.00 Total 1207.801030.80 1466.70240.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 45.00 100.0091.25 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total 600.00--- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total --37.50 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 12.00 6.00- B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 18.75 -- B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total 18.75 -- Total694.5094.50143.50128.75

28 Meghalaya (12 Farmers Producer Companies + 6000 ha area coverage) *Rs. 777.02 lakhs will be released shortly after receiving revised AAP for 2015-16 (c) Value Chain Marketing Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Amount released 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 44.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 16.00 32.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 16.00 32.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 24.00 Total100.00 132.0068.00 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 67.9467.9280.0061.06 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --30.00 Total67.9467.92110.0091.06 Grand Total 2070.241293.22*1852.20527.81

29 Nagaland (12 Farmers Producer Companies + 6000 ha area coverage) Components Allocation and Released amount (Rs. in lakhs) A.Value Chain production Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 A.1.1. Clusters development Rs. 20.375/FPC 97.80 146.70- A.1.2. On farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 225.00 - A.1.2.1 Off- farm input Rs. 3750/-ha for two years 225.00 - A.1.3 seeds/planting material Rs. 17500/ha 420.00 630.00- A.2.1 Delivery/distribution custom hiring centre Rs. 10 lakh/FPO 40.00 A.2.2.1 Hand holding/ Documentation/Training Rs. 10,000/-ha 200.00 Total 1207.80 1466.70240.00 B. Value Chain Processing B.1.1 Setting up of functional Infrastructure Rs. 11.25 lakh for 175 No. total 45.00 100.0091.25 B.2.1 Integrated processing unit Rs. 600 lakh for 10 No total --600.00- B.3.1 Integrated Pack House Rs. 37.50 lakh for 20 No. total --37.50 B3.2 Transportation Rs. 6 lakh for 25 No. total 6.00 B3.3.1 Refrigerated Transport vehicle Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75- B3.3.2 Pre-cooling/cold stores Rs. 18.75 lakh for 16 No. total --18.75- Total51.00 781.00134.75

30 Nagaland (12 Farmers Producer Companies + 6000 ha area coverage) (c) Value Chain Marketing Approved Budget allocation 2015-16 Released & Budget Concurred by IFD 2015-16 Allocated budget during 2016-17 Proposed budget during 2017-18 C.1 Branding /labeling Rs. 1100 lakh L.S. total 44.00 C.2 Seminar/ Conferences Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 16.00 32.00- C.3 Consumer awareness Rs. 400 lakh L.S. total 16.00 32.00- C.4 Hiring of space Rs. 600 lakh L.S. total 24.00 Total 100.00 132.0068.00 (D) Value chain support Agencies D.1.1 Staff/ manpower/travel 5% of total scheme budget 67.94 80.0061.06 D.1.2 Organic certification bodies Rs. 500 lakh L.S. total --30.00 Total 67.94 110.0091.06 Grand Total 1426.74 2489.70533.81

31 Thank You 31


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