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LATEST DEVELOPMENTS WITH SPENVIS Gareth Lawrence 1, Simon Reid 1, Michel Kruglanski 2, Stijn Calders 2, Erwin De Donder 2, Emmanuel Gamby 2, Lazslo Hetey.

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Presentation on theme: "LATEST DEVELOPMENTS WITH SPENVIS Gareth Lawrence 1, Simon Reid 1, Michel Kruglanski 2, Stijn Calders 2, Erwin De Donder 2, Emmanuel Gamby 2, Lazslo Hetey."— Presentation transcript:

1 LATEST DEVELOPMENTS WITH SPENVIS Gareth Lawrence 1, Simon Reid 1, Michel Kruglanski 2, Stijn Calders 2, Erwin De Donder 2, Emmanuel Gamby 2, Lazslo Hetey 2, Neophytos Messios 2 Hugh Evans 3 1 RHEA System SA 2 IASB-BIRA 3 ESA-ESTEC

2 SPENVIS: Space Environment Information System

3 SPENVIS for SWE studies? Space Weather = Space Environment, its Variability and Effects SPENVIS = Space Environment + Effects SPENVIS can be used to describe the quasi-steady environment plus its Effects on eg Space Hardware Other tools needed for Variability, ie time-dependent aspects SPENVIS is a candidate for inclusion in SSA as a Cat 1 Product, ie Ready-for-Operations Current Development contract ends late ‘10; 2-year Maintenance contract thereafter

4 ESA operational software developed and maintained at BIRA-IASB User-friendly human interface to models of the space environment and its effects web interface, default values, contextual help, user workspace (inputs, outputs), reports, graphical utilities,… Allows rapid analysis of cosmic rays solar energetic particles natural radiation belts Magnetic fields space plasmas upper atmosphere meteoroids and debris illumination ( TEC-ESS ) SPENVIS in short

5 Introduction (continued) Tour of SPENVIS models ( focus on new and forthcoming items ) Coordinate generators Space environment Environment effects Planetary environment Geant4-based tools Current developments Additional foreseen upgrades Third party development toolkit Value-added services Conclusions Presentation overview

6 Introduction > How to start? 1. Create an account  Register 2. Login in  Access 3. Create a new project (user workspace) 4. “Coordinate generators”

7 > Coordinate generators Coordinate grid Spacecraft trajectories Next Release  other trajectories (hyperbolic, user upload)

8 > Space environment > RB Radiation belts Trapped electron/proton fluxes along spacecraft trajectories or maps (coordinate grids) new  IGE2006/POLE (e – geostationary orbit) next  Sampex/PET (p + low altitudes) next  Jovian models (Divine and Garret, JIRE, ONERA/Salammbô) Map in invariant coordinates (R,λ) of the radiation-belt omnidirectional integral fluxes for protons > 10 MeV and electrons > 1 MeV, respectively (model: AP8-AE8)

9 > Space environment > SEP Solar Energetic Particles new  Particle fluence next  PSYCHIC incl. ions (Xapsos et al. 2007) Differential fluences for Z = 1, 2, 8, 12, 26 and >28 predicted with the PSYCHIC model

10 > Space environment > GCR Cosmics rays (inside LET spectrum model) new  ISO-15390 new  Nymmik et al 1996 SEP & GCR > Magnetic shielding Størmer approach (= dipole) next  Upgrade based on Magnetocosmics

11 Solar cell damage equivalent fluences  trapped e –, trapped & solar p + next  RDC converter Tada et al. (1982) Input= uncovered unidirectional Relative Damage Coefficients Output= covered omnidirectional RDC next  additional RDC data (Emcore, Azur solar cells) next  NIEL-based degradation calculations (MC-SCREAM) > Environment effects > Solar cell

12 > Environment effects > SEU Single Event Upset  LET spectra  trapped p + & GCR next  GaAs device next  Profit algorithm Multiple devices Path length distr. next  Upgrade of slowing/stopping ions

13 > Environment effects > Charging Surface charging  space plasma new  Burke’s equation (1980) ( secondary electron emission ) new  auroral environment (Davis & Duncan, 1992) Deep dielectric charging  trapped e – new  DICTAT v3

14 > Planetary environment Orbit generator new  Mars, Jupiter SEP & GCR next  scaling (GCR = force field approx.) Radiation Belt new  Jovian RB Environment effects next  available

15 > Current developments Geant4-based tools Reorganisation and grouping new  common settings New Applications next  Magnetocosmics Planetocosmics MC-SCREAM GRAS (later) Existing Applications now  GEMAT, Mulassis, SSAT GDML tools next  GRAS, SSAT, GDML Editor (later)

16 > Current developments Additional foreseen upgrades next  ECSS Space Environment (ECSS-E-ST-10-04C) next  Ionospheric model NeQuick next  Upgrade of SE databases  project ODI Tbd  Outgassing contamination analysis tool Analysis wizard Upgrade of SHIELDOSE-2, NIEL Meteoroid and Debris Particle Impact Risk Analysis Tool

17 New  Tool bar: Tracking of issues reported by users (bug, feature,…) > Current developments > Bug Tracker

18 > Current developments > Third party New  Third party development toolkit Development of SPENVIS applications by third parties 1.Dedicated repository (SVN) @ developer side:( win32 or linux ) 2.Reduced version of SPENVIS 3.Application development 4.Testing on reduced version @ 5.Export & installation of the application on full version 6.Testing & demonstration SPENVIS team: 7.Final integration in SPENVIS

19 Third party example MarsREM  P. Truscott ( QinetiQ) now ready next  SPENVIS > Current developments > Third party

20 > Current developments > Value-Added Services SPENVIS developed since 1996 GSTPBelgian Federal Science PolicySupported by GSTP and Belgian Federal Science Policy Why change? Generate revenue to support Infrastructure Support, Maintenance & Upgrades Execution of CPU/Memory/Disk intensive models To prevent system overload What kind of business model? a)basic web service free of charge b)annual subscription b.1)standard web service ~ same as today b.2)professional web service intensive use allowed b.3)stand-alone version planned distributed with automatic updates personal and group versions

21 > Conclusions More than 12 years of development Large still growing community of users Rapid analysis Educational purpose User friendly standardised human interface Addition of new models and upgrade of exiting models Next release planned in Jan 2010 Capabilities to plug new tools Third party toolkit Geant4 based tools If you are not yet a SPENVIS user: register now at Real-time demos this afternoon at Space Weather Fair

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