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Year 2 : How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help put London back together again? KS1 History and Geography (Y1 Animals, including) events.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 : How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help put London back together again? KS1 History and Geography (Y1 Animals, including) events."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 2 : How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help put London back together again? KS1 History and Geography (Y1 Animals, including) events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally [for example, the Great Fire of London, the first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through festivals or anniversaries] significant historical events, people and places in their own locality understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom WOW : Visit to the City of London museum; the monument and St Paul’s Cathedral LC1 Why has London always been an important city? LC2 What do we know about the Great Fire of London? LC3 Why was the Great Fire of London not all bad? LC4 Have we always had a queen? LC5 How could we capture the magnificence of London? LC6 How would we persuade someone to visit London? LC7 Reflection: Pupils to re-enact the story of the Great Fire for their parents Literacy Link: LC6 will see pupils create their own brochure so as to persuade people to visit the great city. Literacy Link: In LC1, LC2 and LC3 pupils will be expected to carry out their own research based on the way London has changed and also specifically about the Great Fire. In LC3 pupils will experience a bonfire and write poetry about the flames, etc. Creative Art Link: LC5 will provide opportunities to focus on the work of artist’s that have captured London at different historical times. They will then create their own painting of a famous London landmark Rights respecting school: Article 19 – the right to be safe. © Focus Education 2014 for Forest Academy 2 Raven’s Pippa Boy Goodhart In LC4 pupils will find out about our royal family and create a ‘family tree’ for the Royal family and then their own family tree.

3 Year 2: How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help to put London back together again? Year 2: History, Geography and Art HistoryGeographyArt Can they use words and phrases like: before I was born, when I was younger? Can they use phrases and words like: ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘past’, ‘present’, ‘then’ and ‘now’; in their historical learning? Can they use the words past and present correctly? Can they use a range of appropriate words and phrases to describe the past? Can they sequence a set of events in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they recount the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past giving attention to what they did earlier and what they did later? Can they explain how their local area was different in the past? Can they recount some interesting facts from an historical event, such as where the fire of London started? Can they give examples of things that are different in their life from that of their grandparents when they were young? Can they explain why Britain has a special history by naming some famous events and some famous people? Can they explain what is meant by a parliament? Can they answer questions by using a specific source, such as an information book? Can they research the life of a famous Briton from the past using different resources to help them? Can they research about a famous event that happens in Britain and why it has been happening for some time? Can they research the life of someone who used to live in their area using the Internet and other sources to find out about them? Can they find out about a locality by using different sources of evidence? Can they find out about a locality by asking some good questions to someone else? Can they say what they like and don’t like about their locality and another locality like the seaside? Can they describe some physical features of own locality? Can they explain what makes a locality special? Can they describe some human features of own locality, such as the jobs people do? Can they explain how the jobs people do may be different in different parts of the world? Do they think that people ever spoil the area? How? Do they think that people try to make the area better? How? Can they explain what facilities a town or village might need? Can you find where they live on a map of the UK? Can they use three different grades of pencil in their drawing (4B, 8B, HB)? Can they use charcoal, pencil and pastels? Can they create different tones using light and dark? Can they show patterns and texture in their drawings? Can they use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it? Can they mix paint to create all the secondary colours? Can they mix and match colours, predict outcomes? Can they mix their own brown? Can they make tints by adding white? Can they make tones by adding black? Can they begin to demonstrate their ideas through photographs and in their sketch books? Can they set out their ideas, using ‘annotation’ in their sketch books? Do they keep notes in their sketch books as to how they have changed their work? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they sequence a set of objects in chronological order and give reasons for their order? Can they sequence events about own life? Can they sequence events about the life of a famous person? Can they try to work out how long ago an event happened? Can they explain why someone in the past acted in the way they did? Can they explain why their locality (as wide as it needs to be) is associated with a special historical event? Can they explain what is meant by a democracy and why it is a good thing? 3

4 Year 2: How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help to put London back together again? LC1 Why has London always been an important city?LC2 What do we know about the Great Fire of London? This Learning Challenge will start with a tour of London focusing on the Monument. Before the visit pupils should be helped to consider what they want to find out and therefore have some questions ready for key people. At the end of the visit there could be a range of outcomes. For example, recount writing or fact file style writing. In addition, pupils should take their sketch books and record some of the buildings, textures, etc. for later use in LC5 During this Learning Challenge pupils will find a range of materials from paper to brick and then set up areas to burn these different materials. This will help them appreciate why the city burnt so quickly. In addition, pupils will research to find out more about the Great Fire and also about the diary of Samuel Pepys. They will write up the investigation they did in respect of burning materials and its link to the Great Fire and also write a chronological account of the Great Fire. LC3 Why was the Great Fire of London not all bad?LC4 Have we always had a queen? During this Learning Challenge pupils will find out about the great plague and rhymes associated with the great plague. They will research to find out what people did to try and avoid catching the plague. They will look into plagues and infectious deceases generally and relate this to the world today. This is provides opportunities for our pupils to learn more about our monarchy. They will research about the lives of different members of the present royal family and then create a relatively recent family tree outlining succession etc. After this they will attempt to put together their own family trees. © Focus Education 2014 for Forest Academy 4

5 Year 2: How did all the King’s horses and all the King’s men help to put London back together again? LC5 How could we capture the magnificence of London? LC6 How would we persuade someone to visit London? The pupils will use their sketch books and recall the evidence collected during their visit to London. In addition, they will look at photographs and the work of famous artists who have painted scenes from the great city. They will then focus on one of their favourite scenes and try to capture it using paint. During this session pupils will be encouraged to use a range of techniques that are familiar to them and where appropriate to use a wash to create their end result. This is about creating a brochure that will capture the magnificence of London. Pupils will use persuasive language and the photographs they took during their visit to London. They will work in teams in small groups and make decisions about who does what. The end result will be produced as a printable copy, taking advantage of their computing knowledge to do so. LC7 Reflection: Pupils to re-enact the story of the Great Fire for their parents This reflection brings together everything the pupils have learnt. They will reflect on their learning through dance, music and drama. The idea is to provide their parents with a special presentation of their learning. There will much guidance provided by staff but also an expectation that pupils take on a great deal of responsibility themselves. © Focus Education 2014 for Forest Academy 5

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