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Construction of fiber networks in alternative duct infrastructure Natalija Gelvanovska RRT, LT.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction of fiber networks in alternative duct infrastructure Natalija Gelvanovska RRT, LT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction of fiber networks in alternative duct infrastructure Natalija Gelvanovska RRT, LT

2 Distribution of the fixed BB connections by technology, IIIQ 2010, RRT © RRTSlide 2 The landscape FTTH(B) 43,90% Distribution of the FTTH(B) connections by providers, IIIQ 2010, RRT Near ALL Alternative BB connections are provided by the alternative access infrastructure: Only 1350 xDSL lines are whole-soled by the incumbent to alternative operators. Incumbent 31,90% xDSL 32,33% Wireless 12,47% Alternative 68,10% Development of the speed of BB connections, RRT of BB connections, RRT

3 © RRTSlide 3 The Understanding Measures foreseen in the NGA Recommendation 1)Stimulating deployment of alternative infrastructure, i.e. maps of underground infrastructure, co-building projects 2)Access to already constructed infrastructure of SMP operator, i.e. Unbundling, Bit stream access

4 © RRTSlide 4 The Priorities Creation of alternative fiber infrastructure is a key priority: –It is important to avoid construction of Fiber monopoly; RRT is firstly focusing on the (1) group of measures: –Allowing to increase: amount of alternative infrastructure and amount of infrastructure in the country as such. Access to already constructed infrastructure of SMP operator, i.e. (2) group of measures: –Nevertheless important, measures do not increase the amount of infrastructure as such; –LT: Analysis of M4 is undergoing, M5 was not analyzed yet.

5 © RRTSlide 5 The Activities 1.Information about the all infrastructure which may be used for construction of Fiber networks: RRT co-operates with municipalities; 2.Improvements of the access to the ducts of the incumbent; 3.Investigation of the possibility to use other civil infrastructure for the Fiber networks (i.e. sewers, etc.); 4.Co-ordination of Civil works: –Public – Private works; Private – Private works or –Within the sector, between the sectors; 5.Simplification of Administrative procedures applicable for construction of network infrastructure.

6 It is obvious that access to the ducts owned by the incumbent may not be the only answer for operators seeking to lower the roll-out costs of the NGA networks; There is a number of reasons for that: – Firstly, it is clear that it may not be enough space for all the operators, because duct system was designed to allocate one operator; – Secondly, in the countries were access to the incumbent’s ducts was provided for a longer time, ducts are already quite occupied. While extraction of old and not used cables may not always be possible due to the high risk to damage other cables and duct itself; – Thirdly, the absence of incentive from the incumbent side to provide such an access to the potential competitors would always require duly supervision from the regulator. Therefore construction of fiber networks using the infrastructure ducts of other sectors (i.e. water supply, sewers, etc.) is more and more considered by operators. Alternative duct infrastructure Alternative duct infrastructure

7 SG15 Q.16 “Optical physical infrastructure and cables” addresses the investigation of new cost effective solution for the construction of the infrastructures and for cable laying: – standardization of all the available technologies to enable FTTH development; Among the work done: – Recommendation of installation of fibre in the sewer ducts ITU- T L.77 was issues in 2008 (updated in 2010); – ITU-T Rec. L.78 describes the characteristics, construction and test methods for optical fibre cables to be installed in sewer ducts and drainpipes (05/2008); – ITU-T Rec. L.82 Optical Cabling shared with multiple operator in buildings (07/2010). Activities in ITU-T

8 Activities in ITU-T is primarily run by the industry and therefore reflect the actual (also future) trends in construction of NGA networks; At the moment Q15 is focusing on standardization of installation techniques. Among them: – L.coi: Solutions for installation of ducts and cables in an occupied infrastructure; – L.recc: Installation of optical fibre cable by replacement of existing copper cables; – L.cigd: Installation of cables in gas ducts; – L.ciwd: Installation of cables in water ducts; Activities in ITU-T (ongoing)

9 When asked, operators underline that the biggest challenge is to get access to alternative duct infrastructure: – Absence of information about the geographical location of such ducts and availability; – Lack of interest (and knowledge) from the duct owners. Existing regulatory measures focusing on opening the incumbent’s ducts; Operators argue that while it is difficult to get an access to the ducts of incumbent when regulated, it may be near impossible to get access to alternative (unregulated) ducts; However considering the absence of competition between the access provider and access seeker, it may be easier to obtain the access to the alternative duct infrastructures: – Different co-operation forms may develop. What are the barriers?

10 1997 m., Source: [1] 19/11/201610 Alternative duct infrastructures At the moment Sewer systems are the most popular alternative for fiber installations. Source: [2] Source: [3]

11 Increasing transparency of the all the duct infrastructure available may potentially stimulate the interest among the operators to use it for fiber deployments; Work item on experience to create Maps of Infrastructure suitable for construction of electronic communication networks: – Summer/Autumn: The questionnaire was circulated in TRIS and summarized: The aim: Explore situation in TRIS countries with regard to: existence of digitalized infrastructure plans; Projects with the aim to create such plans (Project) and detailed information on Projects; – At the moment RRT is working on drafting the structure if the report which would cover: the approaches TRIS countries are taking establishing the Maps; The Maps as such: description of solutions, services provided. Items for future works

12 References: 1.“Implementation of fiber optic cables in sewage system”, Stefan Stanko, Ivana Mahrikova, Department of Sanitary & Environmental Engineering, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, P. Hlavinek et al. (eds.), Integrated Urban Water Resources Management, 171– 180. Galima rasti čia: ; 2.“Operational models for shared duct access ”, Analysis Mason for Ofcom, 2010, galima rasti čia:; 3.“ Fiber-Through-the-Sewer Hits US ”, Carol Wilson for Light Reaing, galima rasti čia:; 4.”FTTH Handbook”, Fiber-to-the-Home Council Europe, Third edition, 2010, galima rasti čia: v3.1.pdf;

13 Trends in construction of Fiber connections in Lithuania (2008-2010 3Q)

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