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Khalid Irshad Middlesbrough, Friday 8 th July 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Khalid Irshad Middlesbrough, Friday 8 th July 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Khalid Irshad Middlesbrough, Friday 8 th July 2016

2 Aims of the Session To become familiar with the layout and terminology used in the new framework To understand how and why we assess progress in EAL and to consider how the framework can be used by EAL Specialists and their colleagues. To become familiar with the DFE Codeset for proficiency in English and be able to use it with the NASSEA Steps. To be aware of the new code for nationality and country of origin. To become prepared and confident enough to use the framework in school.

3 Assessment of EAL pupils Who are EAL pupils? Why have a different assessment to one used by schools? What are the challenges of assessing International New Arrivals (INA) or more fluent speakers of English?

4 Outcomes judgements The main weight of evidence will be for current pupils in all year groups across subject areas not just English and mathematics When considering judgements most weight will be given to progress particularly from starting points

5 Our starting points Pupil centred Describes language behaviours Linked to National Curriculum Age-appropriate Gives guidance and strategies Shows progression User friendly

6 Why use a different tracking system? Back to the 80s- Hilary Hester A Language in Common 2000 The NASSEA Steps Assessment Scales The new NASSEA EAL Assessment Framework

7 CEFR,NC and EAL Common European Framework of Reference for Languages National Curriculum for English and Development Matters ‘I can’ statements EAL good practice



10 Comparison Chart

11 Content of the Book Introduction and Glossary Framework summaries Speaking/Listening and Understanding Reading and Writing KS2,3,4 amalgamated. Key Stage Descriptors Advice and strategies for each stage

12 Finding out… In twos- find the answers to the questions In fours- choose one thing to say to a practitioner who is new to EAL

13 Terminology in the Glossary Can you match the definitions to the explanations

14 Meet the pupils Use the Case Study and try to place the pupil on the framework. Can you choose two targets as the next step for the pupil? Can you choose one or two suggestions to help the teacher to meet the needs of the pupil?

15 Over to you! How do you currently assess the language development of learners of EAL? How could you incorporate the new NASSEA EAL Assessment Framework into your current assessment procedures? Which pupils will you assess? When will you assess them?

16 DFE – Proficiency in English and associated codeset loads/attachment_data/file/509299/RFC_875_- _new_data_item_for_proficiency_in_English.pdf loads/attachment_data/file/509299/RFC_875_- _new_data_item_for_proficiency_in_English.pdf 2016-2017 School Census and CTF 16

17 DFE – Proficiency in English and associated codeset Initial collection – autumn 2016 Annual collection from spring 2017 Target group – EAL pupils in R and above DFE codes A to E Which one should I use? NASSEA Steps and the DFE Scale

18 Proficiency in English The data on the English proficiency of EAL pupils will be used to inform policy on this high needs group with the basic rationale being that current data on EAL pupils does not distinguish between pupils who lack a basic command of the English language versus those who are bilingual and have mastered English sufficiently to access the curriculum. English proficiency statistics would therefore provide for the first time important national statistics on the characteristics of this group, along with their attainment and destinations and allow the Department to measure whether the individual pupils, or the schools they attend, face additional educational challenges. (5.3.3) DfE, School census 2016 to 2017 Guide, version 1.0, April 2016

19 New DfE Proficiency in English requirement

20 New census requirements As well as the new EAL Proficiency codes, there are new codes for nationality and country of origin. There is a NASSEA briefing document on these in your pack.

21 And finally… Order forms- Cost of publications Payments can be made by an individual buyer online, or can be done through purchase order Further exemplification on website Copyright

22 Thank you from NASSEA!

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