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Evaluating a Pregnant and Parenting Program for Homeless Youth : The Night Ministry’s Response Ability Pregnant & Parenting Program (RAPPP) Elizabeth Calhoun,

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating a Pregnant and Parenting Program for Homeless Youth : The Night Ministry’s Response Ability Pregnant & Parenting Program (RAPPP) Elizabeth Calhoun,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating a Pregnant and Parenting Program for Homeless Youth : The Night Ministry’s Response Ability Pregnant & Parenting Program (RAPPP) Elizabeth Calhoun, PhD University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health Division of Health and Policy Administration

2 Response Ability Pregnant & Parenting Program (RAPPP) 5 year program Assists pregnant and/or parenting adolescents and their children Goals: provide interim shelter, case management, and empower youth to meet their basic needs Open Door Youth Center-Lakeview

3 Open Door Youth Shelter - Lakeview established 1976 Located in Chicago non-profit faith-based non-denominational 8-bed, 8-crib (Lakeview) The Night Ministry (TNM)

4 Open Door Youth Shelter—Lakeview Common living space Typical bedroom

5 Taken during a baby shower

6 The Population Served Recruited thru Simpson Academy and street outreach Pregnant and/or parenting females 14-19 years and their children Homeless, not wards of the state Chicago-based, outreach targets youth from all over the city with various backgrounds Experience suggests most from South and West Sides

7 Services Provided Education regarding health pregnancy and parenting Employment training Referral to on-site and community based health care for mother and her children Partnership with Homeless Youth Mental Health Program for individual and group therapy and psychiatric assessment and consultation

8 Evaluation Plan & Comparison Group A two-arm, quasi-experimental trial using repeated measures Simpson Academy (High School for pregnant and parenting girls) will provide comparison data 2:1 comparison vs. intervention group Goals: RAPPP intervention model will have 1. Safe, stable housing 2. Improved parenting skills/job readiness 3. Greater social network

9 Challenges to Address Inherent challenges in developing tools that accurately measure progress  questionnaires Client Retention given precarious housing situations Assumptions of the program model, e.g. 1. positive father-mother relationship 2. evaluating progress based on comparison group- no real adequate comparison group Untrusting youth Maintaining communication between multiple sites

10 Lessons Learned Training staff to be cognizant of varying circumstances and cultures Retain non-judgmental stance Use incentives and engaging activities to maintain interest and follow-up  Basic resources (food, shelter, clothes..); phone follow-up for data gathering; cards with main keep in touch number; reminder cards for follow-up; relationship building activities; newsletter

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