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Birth Defects What are some causes of birth defects?

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1 Birth Defects What are some causes of birth defects?

2 Problems in Prenatal Development  Sometimes a pregnancy begins, but a baby doesn’t develop normally If the baby dies before the 20 th week it is called a miscarriage If the baby dies after that time, it is called a stillbirth.  15-20% of recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage  2% ends in stillbirth  Due to bonds that are formed way before the child is born, parents (especially the woman) may go through grieving.

3 FACTS  About 150,000 babies are born each year with birth defects. --------------------  Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life  There are over 4,000 known birth defects. -------------------  The parents of one out of every 28 babies receive the frightening news that their baby has a birth defect.

4 Birth Defects  Some babies survive the pregnancy but are born with serious problems called birth defects.  Some birth defects include: Cerebral Palsy Cleft Lift and/or palate Down Syndrome Muscular Dystrophy Sickle Cell Anemia Spina Bifida and more!

5 Types of Birth Defects 1. Malformations present at birth defects such as congenital heart malformation, spina bifida (open spine), cleft palate, clubfoot 2. Inborn errors of metabolism Defects such as PKU, Tay Sachs disease 3. Blood Disorders Defects such as sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, thalassemia. 4. Chromosomal Abnormalities Conditions such as Down’s Syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner Syndrome. 5. Prenatal damage Cases include certain infections, drugs, maternal disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, Rh disease, umbilical cord accidents, difficult labor or delivery, premature birth.

6 Causes of Birth Defects  Some causes are environmental because it is during the first few weeks that a baby develops all the bodily systems needed for survival The mother’s diet Any diseases or infections the mother has Harmful substances Some medicines Exposure to hazards (such as chemicals, X- rays, etc.)  Some causes are hereditary Sometimes a child inherits a defective gene that is dominant such as Huntington's Some conditions affect only one sex and usually it’s the males  Hemophilia  Color blindness and more

7 More Causes of Birth defects  Errors in chromosomes Such as when a baby has too many or too few chromosomes or has broken or rearranged chromosomes This usually leads to Down Syndrome

8 Prevention and Diagnosis of Birth Defects  All types of birth defects cannot be anticipated or controlled, but there are several things that couples can do to minimize the chances. Genetic counseling for those who have a history of birth defects in their family Prenatal tests that can also determine whether or not a baby will be born with a birth defect  AFP tests the protein levels in the liver and an abnormal level could me a birth defect  Ultrasound can help determine problems with the baby’s skeletal, circulatory, or nervous systems.  Amniocentesis is when fluids are withdrawn fro the amniotic fluid and taken to a lab to be tested for birth defects

9 The Dilemma  What is your opinion on knowing if a child has a birth defect before they are born?  What would you do?  What do you think about parents who want this information only to determine whether to abort the baby or not?  Write a half page or more explaining your position on this topic! Answer the questions using your honest judgment. No one will know your responses except me.\

10 Avoiding Dangers to the Baby  Always avoid alcohol which leads to Fetal alcohol syndrome  1 in 5 babies born with this does not live to see his or her 1 st birthday  Other Drugs Medicines that are over the counter and prescribe by the doctor Caffeine Nicotine All illegal drugs inhalants

11 Causes of Drugs  Not avoiding the drugs can lead to: Low birth weight SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome) Risks of seizures Tremors and developmental delay Congenital heart disease

12 Hazardous Substances and Chemicals  A pregnant woman should also avoid: Paint-low odor and/or latex Pesticides Lead Carbon monoxide Mercury (found in fish)

13 Infections  Occasionally a woman might get and infection during pregnancy and should seek immediate doctor’s attention.  Some of the infections include: Rubella Toxoplasmosis Chicken pox  Other diseases that may cause birth defects includes STD’s and AIDS

14  enetic-birth-defects-risk-factors- epidemiology-and-testing.html enetic-birth-defects-risk-factors- epidemiology-and-testing.html

15 Reflection  Write down 3 facts you learned about birth defects today.  Write down 3 more things you would like to learn about birth defects.

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