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Year 11 maths enrichment.. Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 maths enrichment.. Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 maths enrichment.

2 Roles for your group: Each group must have a: Leader / Spokesperson – Responsible for major decisions and feedback to the class. Resources Manager– Responsible for gathering information, paper, pens, etc… Recorder – Responsible for writing down thoughts and ideas of the group. Time-keeper / Diplomat – responsible for making sure that the task is completed on time and to make sure that all group members contribute fairly and equally.

3 Fraction match. Task 1. (20 mins) In your group work out the answers to the fraction problems. Once you are sure you can stick the answers down on the sheet provided.



6 MISCONCEPTIONS/ ERRORS Task 2. (20 mins) In your group discuss the problems and correct any errors. Is there a misconception? Your group must attempt all the questions. The resources manager can view other groups work and feedback. The spokesperson will feedback to the class.

7 Diameter x pi 20.9 x pi = 65.659 65.659÷ 2 = 32.82964 32.83 (2dp)

8 4.5 2 + 6 2 20. 25 + 36 = 56.25 cm

9 x 3x2 = x 6 y 2x3 = y 6 3x 6 y 6

10 10% = £8.40 5% = £4.20 2.5% = £2.10 4.20+2.10= £6.30 £6.30

11 2159-1962=197 197 x 21 = 4137 4137

12 0.3, 1/5, 2/7, 22%

13 4y + 3 = 6 -3 -3 4y = 3 ÷4 y = 0.75

14 Can't do it because it has not got angles on the triangle. It must be a printing mistake

15 1 2 3 6 9 15 12 15 + =

16 6 x 8 += 48 48

17 Area and volume match. Task 3. (15 mins) In your group, match the answers to the key words Once you are sure you can stick the answers down on the sheet provided.



20 Task 4. (20 mins) On your worksheet, reflect every shape in the corresponding mirror line. Use tracing paper to help you. All the shapes should fit together to form a word. Draw in pencil in case you make any mistakes. Reflection worksheet.

21 e.g.

22 Task 5. (20 mins). In your groups decide which is the correct answer to the given problems. How can you eliminate certain responses? How can you prove the answer to someone else? The class will go through the answers on the board. Mental maths.

23 On a long haul flight an aeroplane flew 3123 miles in 8.4 hours. Work out an estimate of how many miles it flew each hour. a) 4000 b) 40 c) 400

24 Estimate the answer to this question. 54.6 x 2.91 a) 1650b) 165c) 16.5

25 Martin rode 287 kilometres in 11 days. Roughly how many kilometres did he ride each day? a) 30 b) 300c) 3

26 Estimate the answer to this question. 2.1 x 9.4 x 3.7 a) 75 b) 750 c) 0.75

27 A square has edges of length 2.44cm. What is an estimate of the area? a) 6cm²b) 60cm²c) 0.6cm²

28 Estimate the answer to this question. 935 x 29 a) 27000b) 2700c) 270

29 At a theatre they sold 73 cups of coffee during the interval at 68p a cup. Estimate the amount they took on coffee. a) £5.00b) £500c) £50

30 Estimate the answer to this question. 34.87 x 20.27 a) 70 b) 7000c) 700

31 At Dave’s ice cream stall he sold 223 ice creams at 67p each. Estimate how much his takings were that day. a) £150b) £15c) £1.50

32 Estimate the answer to this question. 3.14 x 7.92 a) 250b) 25 c) 0.25

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