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United Way of Central Ohio Integrated Investment Model May 17, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "United Way of Central Ohio Integrated Investment Model May 17, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Way of Central Ohio Integrated Investment Model May 17, 2016

2 Why change is needed … Integrating our Investment Model 2 Current Situation Not aligned with poverty issues Lengthy, resource intensive Limited responsiveness Desired Situation Reduced poverty Collective impact Measurable results Leveraged resources Integrated Investment Model Strategies tied to root causes of poverty Multiple investment approaches Opportunities to increase RUM Flexible, responsive, collaborative Optimizes UWCO’s strengths

3 What we’ve developed … Funding model aligned with building pathways out of poverty Based on integrated strategies that: Empower people Advance policy Improve systems Strengthen neighborhoods Responsive, agile investment approaches with multiple UWCO roles 3

4 4 Integrated Investment Model

5 5 Advocate and advance policies that: increase self-sufficiency and economic mobility maximize educational opportunities support healthy living enhance safe and stable housing Empower people to: achieve in school join and succeed in the workforce manage their health have a safe, stable place to live take care of themselves and their families Support frameworks for community-wide success which: align systems to reduce barriers and open doors maximize public and private resources Partner in neighborhood-based collaborations that: support residents and improve neighborhoods cultivate resident leadership involve sustained multi-sector partnerships decrease mobility and boost engagement Strategic Framework People Policy System Place

6 6 Service Coordination -- investments that link people to needed services People-Centered Services -- investments in effective services that support people Innovation and System Building -- investments in system improvement, policy change, and innovative projects Neighborhood-Based – investments in collaborative efforts in specific neighborhoods that create lasting improvements Proposed Investment Approaches

7 Theory of Change 7

8 THANKS Dave Ciccone United Way of Central Ohio Asst. Vice President, Community Impact and Sr. Impact Director, Health 614-227-8700 8

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