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Return on investment of Open Source Software An Ever-increasing Return on Investment.

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Presentation on theme: "Return on investment of Open Source Software An Ever-increasing Return on Investment."— Presentation transcript:

1 19.11.2016 Return on investment of Open Source Software An Ever-increasing Return on Investment

2 19.11.2016 Closed Source Software Dev Organizatio n 1 Organizatio n 2 Organizatio n 3 $$$ Software $$$$$$ $ $$$$0110 Software

3 19.11.2016 Open Source Dev. Model Org. 2: New feature funders Org. 5: Customer of contributor Org.6 Org. 4: Community-funded Developers Org. 1: Code in Org. 3: Documentation in, code out Org. 8: Code and money in, code and money out Org. 7: Ideas and money in, code out Org. 6: Consultant/ Contributor OS Co m mu nit y $$$ $$$ $ 011 0 0110 1100 0110 0110 110 0110 1001 0110 101100011 0110 0100 0110 $$$ IDEAS DOCUMENTATION 1010 0110 1100 0110 1010

4 19.11.2016 Acquiring upgrades in both models Org. 1 0110 0100 0110 0010011 0110010 Org. 1Org. 2 OS Comm unity0110 OS Commu nity 01100110 1001000100 101010010 10100100 Acquiring Closed Source SoftwareAcquiring Open Source Software Upgrading Closed Source SoftwareUpgrading Open Source Software 0110 0110 0001 1000 0 0110 $$$ $$ Software Upgrade $$

5 19.11.2016 Ever-increasing ROI How To Evaluate strength of community around a project Contract companies and individuals that are heavily involved with the project (and ask their advice). Contribute back bug fixes and documentation Don't start new open source projects alone, someone else is likely working on it already If someone else is not working on it, then build on top of and improve existing communities and projects/toolkits Become a part of the open source ecosystem Easy to do in GeoSpatial, just join OSGeo!

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