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Specific Learning Disabilities and Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Davis School District-SLD/PSW Committee August, 2016 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS.

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Presentation on theme: "Specific Learning Disabilities and Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Davis School District-SLD/PSW Committee August, 2016 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specific Learning Disabilities and Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Davis School District-SLD/PSW Committee August, 2016 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

2 Presentation Outline PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT Review PSW ModelStump the Chump ResultsCONE PreviewContact and Support

3 PSW Overview Team must document evidence of: 1.Academic Weakness  E.g. standard score of 80 or lower 2.Cognitive Strength  E.g. standard score 9 or more points higher than lowest standard score  Or statistically computed strength from scoring manual 3.Cognitive Weakness  E.g. standard score 9 or more points lower than highest standard score  Or statistically computed weaknesses from scoring manual  Relationship between processing weakness and academic weakness PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

4 SLD Identification: PSW Model Cognitive Strength Academic Weakness Cognitive Weakness No significant difference; Constructs are related Child specific rationale Significant difference between processing strength and academic skill deficit Significant difference between processing strength and processing weakness

5 PSW Model Review  ONLY for the eligibility determination of SLD  Evaluation data sources  Pre-referral intervention progress  Formal and informal academic measures  Evaluation of cognitive processes  Consideration of language factors  Other determination procedures unchanged PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

6 Evaluation Process in DSD: myIDEA Forms and Procedures  What will be the same:  Observation  Documentation of the Instructional Strategies and student’s response.  Instructional Considerations for initial evaluation  Rule outs for other disability and environmental factors  Parental input  Evaluation summary  Cultural and linguistic considerations  Eligibility Consideration – Compare Academic & Psychological Processes  Identification of area(s) of Specific learning disability  Eligibility determination This is new PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

7 myIDEA SLD Eligibility Form—Updated and Live 8.Academic Achievement – Identification of Possible Weakness 9.Psychological Processes Comparison – Strengths 10.Psychological Processes Comparison – Weaknesses 11.Relationship Between Academic and Psychological Processes Weaknesses 12.Identification of Area(s) of Impairment in Psychological Process(es) 13.Identification of Area(s) of Specific Learning Disability PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

8 Stump the Chump Results Row LabelsCount of Comment Domain Cognitive Processes12 PSW Overview11 Speech and Language8 Interventions8 myIDEA7 Re-evaluation5 Academic Assessment1 Assessment tools1 Informal Data1 Timeline1 Praise2 Grand Total57 PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

9 Stump the Chump FAQ: Cognitive Processes  Is there a list of correlations between or examples linking psychological processes and academic areas?  Will we be required to use specific cognitive measures and scores?  How do executive functioning skills fit in as cognitive processes?  Are there interventions for psychological processes that may be used as service targets? PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

10 Stump the Chump FAP: PSW Overview  Is there a concern regarding over-identification given the shift to more team- based determinations and a possible lack of consistency?  What if a student has academics in the low range but average cognitive abilities with no strengths or weaknesses?  It seems that cognitive strengths do not receive as much focus as weaknesses. What is their purpose in this model?  I will need support in remembering these steps and explaining them to parents without confusing them. PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

11 Stump the Chump: Interventions, myIDEA, Re-Evals  Is there a list of research based interventions?   I would like to know more about RtI/MTSS, including training for my teachers.  Can we get myIDEA to do the graphs?  If a student didn’t qualify at the end of this year, can I revisit his data to see if he qualifies at the first of next year? PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

12 Stump the Chump FAQ: Speech and Language  Does this mean the SLP has to be involved in every SLD eligibility?  In a case where a student qualifies for both SLI and SLD, who is the case manager?  What are the best language assessments to use in PSW? What about listening comprehension on the KTEA?  I want to know more about the relationship between SLI and SLD! PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

13 Fall CONE Meeting – PSW Component Preview  English Language Learners  Speech and Language Impairment  Updates to USOE Regulations  Gray area cases  Alternatives for Functional Skills PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT

14 Contact and Support  Website:  Resources, references, training documents  FAQ and answers  Committee contact information  Email:  Each committee member will have access  Goal: respond within 24 hours  More complex, discipline-specific questions may be passed along  Hotline: Call SPED Main Office (2-5169)  Scheduled block of time for verbal assistance  Tuesday afternoons (2:00-4:00)  Will determine if additional block is needed PATTERNS OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES -- DAVIS SCHOOL DISTRICT 801.402.5169

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