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Welcome Ms. Vescovi’s Second-Grade Class. Blue Folder Parents—check it daily at home. Return it to school each day with completed homework, notes, lunch.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Ms. Vescovi’s Second-Grade Class. Blue Folder Parents—check it daily at home. Return it to school each day with completed homework, notes, lunch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Ms. Vescovi’s Second-Grade Class

2 Blue Folder Parents—check it daily at home. Return it to school each day with completed homework, notes, lunch money. Please take out the notices and any completed work and keep at home.

3 Supplies Thank you! Just need a pencil box if your child wants to keep some supplies in desk. Will let you know as the year goes on if we need anything. Please DO NOT send in large boxes of markers or colored pencils.

4 Homework Will be in blue folder. Be sure student writes name and number. Spelling and math. Homework will be posted on website. Students should try to read for at least 20 minutes a day. Practice math addition and subtraction facts up to 20 with flashcards regularly. Help your child hold the pencil properly and write letters and numbers correctly.

5 Homework Written homework should take about 20 minutes. Make sure your child understands the work and give help if necessary. Review your child’s homework before it is returned to school. If he/she has trouble, write a note on the homework itself. I do NOT return homework that is correct; I return spelling sentences. If a student forgets to bring in homework, bring it the next day.


7 Absences/Leaving Early If your child is absent, please call the school at (732) 652-7930 to let us know. Send in a note the day your child returns explaining the absence. If your child is absent, please pick up missed work and homework assignments. Send in a note if your child needs to leave early. Send in a note if you don’t want your child to go to Wee People or Middle Earth.

8 Specials Each special is once a week: Music, Technology, Library, Physical Education, Art. Phys. Ed. On Wednesdays—be sure your child wears sneakers. Library on Tuesdays—books will need to be returned.

9 Classroom Rules The class rules are all about showing RESPECT. All students signed the rules poster which you can see on the website. Will focus on RESPECT all year. Discuss with your child regularly how he/she shows respect in the classroom and at home. When we give RESPECT, we get RESPECT! Will be doing Class Dojo. Visit for some information.

10 Labeling Your Child’s Things Please write your child’s name on everything: coats, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes, pencil boxes.

11 Lunch Lunch is at 11:00 am and costs $2.65 per day. If you are paying for lunch, please place lunch money or check (made out to Pomptonian) in an envelope or Ziploc bag. Write your child’s name and the amount on the envelope or bag. Place the money in your child’s blue folder.

12 Snack Time On most days, schedule permitting, the students will be allowed to eat one, small nutritious snack in the afternoon. Only water is allowed at snack.

13 Birthdays Will NOT have food celebrations. Can bring in a small gift or goody bag for each student. We have 22 children in our class at this time.

14 Library Go to the Memorial Library to take out books. Download books onto a Kindle or iPad for free from the library. The fantastic librarians there will show you how. The more your child reads, the better he or she will do at school overall.

15 Scholastic Book Orders You can buy books at great prices. I will send home order forms about every other month. You can send in a check or cash. Be sure it’s labeled. Or you can place the orders online at club. If you want to order online, the class code is LVGPL.

16 Conferences On Monday, November 7 th there will be evening conferences. On Tuesday, November 8 th & Wednesday, November 9th there will be afternoon conferences. Sign up for evening conference if you CANNOT POSSIBLY make an afternoon conference.

17 Curriculum Journeys Reading Program Writing Workshop GoMath series Social Studies Science - Fusion Science Series Think Central access for reading, math, and science. Information on login will be sent home soon.

18 Additional Items Please complete the parent surveys on your child’s desk & return them to me as soon as you can. Please take home the Scholastic book order papers. Take home the Math Student Resources book. Sign the conference paper to let me know the time that works best for you—afternoon or evening.

19 Contacting Me Write a note and send it to school in BLUE folder. Email me at This is the best Call the school (732) 652-7930 and leave a message with the secretary. THANK YOU FOR COMING! LOOKING FORWARD TO AN AWESOME YEAR!

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