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1 Susp



4 History Founded in 1949 Non-profit foundation Activities: Individual training placements for foreign students in the Netherlands and for Dutch students abroad Group trainings in projects (f.e. Leonardo da Vinci projects) Study tours

5 To provide a cultural, educational and personal development experience for young people from all over the world.

6 Marlous Mens Director Cindy Hijink Policy & Trainees Claudia Schouten Trainees Eveline Verduin Trainees

7 The Netherlands has a good reputation in agriculture and horticulture. SUSP arranges good training placements in: - Dairy- Tree nurseries - Arable- Livestock - Field vegetables- Potted plants/cut flowers - Vegetables in a glasshouse- Fruits - Equine (very limited)- Pigs farm We also have a growing amount of organic or biological placements available in several sectors

8 There are 4 million cows in the Netherlands Our companies have 60 to 520 cows and young stock The companies either use a milk robot, a herringbone- or carousel milking parlour Cheesefarms sometimes have their own store at the company Some companies have a combination of dairy and vegetables/arable A lot of farms grow grass and corn to feed their animals A driver- or tractor licence will give you the opportunity to use the machines as well You will mostly live with the family or on the company grounds, it is the best way to learn the Dutch culture. Be open and social and you will have the experience of your life!

9 There are several types of livestock companies: Meat pigs and fattening up pigs. Most companies have 3500 meatpigs on average Milking and rearing goat companies, average of 3500 goats and 1200 lambs. Poultry, laying hens, free range hens Sheepfarms, mostly in combination with other animals At these farms you can learn about every aspect of the business, from taking care of the animals to the financial aspect.

10 Companies with 1 to 22 hectares land/greenhouses The company where you will do a training can be rather large with many employees, but it can also be a small family business Annuals and perennials, different varieties of potted plants like Cyclamen, Begonia, Phillodenderon, Curcuma etc. Alstroemeria, freesia, chrysanthemum, peonies and sunflowers are examples of cut flowers our host companies grow. Learn about growing techniques, technical equipment, marketing and the business aspect of the company Sometimes there is a combination of potted plants and cut flowers. Some companies deliver directly to the customer or supplier, some take their products to the flower auction Most trainees of flower companies live in a student house, a host family or on the company grounds

11 The Netherlands counts around 4.000 tree nurseries that cover about 12.500 ha. 65% of the all the nursery products gets exported to 65 different countries. The cultivars that our host companies grow are for example: climbers, cytisus, berberis and viburnum. Most tree nurseries also grow perennials like hydreangea and lavendula Learn about growing techniques, soil and fertilization. Technical equipment and the business aspect are also an important part of a training at a tree nursery. Most tree nurseries can be found around Boskoop When you do a training at a tree nursery, you will most likely live in a studenthouse or on the company grounds

12 Training in tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber and different kinds of peppers Learn about growing techniques/ pest control /harvesting and growing exchange Technical management: climate control/ water management etc. Marketing and business aspects of a vegetable company


14 On a normal day Dutch growers harvest together 12.600.000 vegetables and 3.600.000 onions Our host companies grow for example onions, asparagus, potatoes, leek, chicory, beans, cabbage and so on They usually use technical equipment and machines for harvesting, planting and preparing the land A tractor license and some experience comes in handy When you do a training at a field vegetable- or arable company you will mostly live with the family or on the company grounds

15 SUSP will find you a suitable placement & housing Contact service 24/7 (evening and weekends: only in case of emergency) SUSP arranges your work permit, residence permit etc. Health insurance Information package at arrival Introductory meeting Midpoint meeting Monthly newsletter, Facebook and other contact moments

16 Trainings of 3-6 months Start throughout the year You will receive pocket money (95 euro per week), housing and meals SUSP will arrange health insurance for you You will participate in the company for about 40 hours per week You will have at least 1.5 day off per week to explore The Netherlands You will have an extra paid 1.5 free days every month


18 Have a reasonable language level in English or German. Be motivated to build your professional career in this field Be interested in the Dutch culture Be between 18 and 26 years old Have experience in the field of choice so you know what you sign up for. Be able to ride a bicycle Be in good health Be single Be free from a criminal record and in possession of good references Available for a training period of at least 90 days Be a (pre) last year student during the training. Your training should be obligated and related to what you study.

19 Within four weeks of your arrival you will go to an introductory meeting in Amsterdam organised by SUSP. You will meet other students You will meet SUSP SUSP will inform you about the Netherlands, procedures, culture etc. After the meeting we will go to the immigration office, then you can explore Amsterdam.

20 Four-day meeting in the eastern part of the country There is one meeting in June and one in September Time for a mid evaluation and lots of time for fun activities Chance to meet other students, local rural youth Nobody ever regretted going to one of these meetings!

21 For more information you are welcome to go to one of our representatives in your homecountry

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