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Nancy Sills  2007/handouts/fun_files/

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Presentation on theme: "Nancy Sills  2007/handouts/fun_files/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nancy Sills

2  2007/handouts/fun_files/ 2007/handouts/fun_files/

3 

4  What do you know?

5  – Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms  Video of THEMIS Video of THEMIS

6  Electromagnetic Field

7  You should have:  1 large piece of paper  1 cow magnet  2-3 compasses  Writing implement Procedure 1. Place the compass on the middle of the paper and trace around it. Draw a dot somewhere near the magnet and place the center of the compass over the dot.

8 Procedure 1. Place the compass on the middle of the paper and trace around it. Draw a dot somewhere near the magnet and place the center of the compass over the dot. 2. Draw a dot at eh location of the arrow head of the compass needle 3. Move the compass from the paper and draw lines connecting the dots with arrows indicating the direction that the compass points. 4. Remove the compass from the paper and draw lines connecting the dots with arrows indicating the direction that the compass points. 5. Continue steps b-d until the line meets the magnet or edge of the paper 6. Pick another spot near the magnet and repeat the processes.


10  ss05.sci.ess.eiu.solarwind/ ss05.sci.ess.eiu.solarwind/

11   

12  The four Cluster spacecraft are providing a detailed three-dimensional map of the magnetosphere, with surprising results  e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=8 e/www/area/index.cfm?fareaid=8

13  How much do you get?

14 1. On you paper number 1-5- skipping 2 lines between each. 2. Observe each bag and write down your observations. 3. On the back of your paper – answer these questions: 4. Which bag has the lightest color beads? 5. Which bag has the darkest color beads? 6. Why do you think there is a difference? 7. Looking at the bag with the sun glasses covering them and the regular glasses. What is the difference?

15  A Mission to Explore One of the Last Frontiers in Earth’ Atmosphere  The TIMED (Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics) mission is studying the influences of the Sun and humans on the least explored and understood region of Earth's atmosphere - the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere/ Ionosphere (MLTI).  php php

16  Impact craters  Cake Batter Lava  Moon Phases  Climate Cycles  Let’s make a cloud.  It’s Alive

17 1. Look at the photographs of the Moon, how do you think the craters were formed? 2. What do you think are factors that affect the appearance and size of craters and ejecta? 3. What does this “lunar” surface look like before testing? 4. Measure the mass of the first impactor and record it on your Data Chart. 5. Drop impactor #1 from a height of 30 cm. 6. Measure the diameter and depth of the resulting crater. Count the rays, measure, and determine the average length of all the rays. 7. Record the information on the Data Chart and repeat the procedure varying the drop height as instructed on the Data Chart

18  What does the data reveal about the relationship between crater size and velocity of impactor?  What does the data reveal about the relationship between ejecta (ray) length and velocity of impactor?  If the impactor were dropped from 6 meters, would the crater be larger or smaller? How much larger or smaller? (Note: the velocity of the impactor would be 1,084 cm/s)

19  Materials:  Cake batter  Large mixing bowl, preferably with handle and pouring spout  Wire whisk  Large spatula  Baking sheet or wooden drawing board with a 10- cm grid on it  Protractor  Stopwatch  Tape measure or ruler  Procedure: - see handout

20  Materials:  4 oreos  1 plastic spoon  1 paper plate  Oreo handout  Make the Oreos look like the handout and place them on the paper plate and label them.

21  Materials  Multicolored mini-marshmellows  Dark colored granular material – like M&M’s, chocolate chips, or coca  Core straw made out of a 2liter bottle  1- liter bottle  (Hand sanitizer or wash hands if you are going to eat any of the items after the lab. )  Procedure  Discuss how the marshmallows are put in my a handful or two- this is the amount of snowfall for a season. Heavy in winter, less in summer. The M&M’s are a volcanic eruption (ash).  Press down on the layers and then add more “snow” and “ash.” Press down until it is fairly packed  Take the core sample by pressing down with the core straw and examine the core. Share yours with another group and determine the layers and what happened during the “time period.”

22  Materials:  Two 2-liter bottles with connected lids  125ml of water  Wooden stick matches  Flashlights or projector  Procedure: See handout

23  2007/handouts/fun_files/aliensong.mpg 2007/handouts/fun_files/aliensong.mpg  What does it mean to be “alive?”

24  Materials:  Three samples labeled A, B, & C  Procedure:  Observe the three samples. You may smell, touch, the samples but not taste them. Record what you observe on the handout.  Get a cup of warm water and pour the water so that each sample is covered with water.  Record your observations on your handout.  Wait 5-10 minutes and observe the samples.

25  Exploring clouds at the edge of space 

26  New Horizons is on its way to Pluto, which it should reach it in 2015.  izons/main/index.html izons/main/index.html

27  Dwarf Planets  Video on NOVA

28  

29  Observe the pictures and then answer the questions on the handout.  f_Planets_Guide.pdf f_Planets_Guide.pdf  f_Planets_Activity.pdf f_Planets_Activity.pdf


31  build your own mission:  Astro-matic 3000 /materials/listbytype/Astro-Matic_3000.html /materials/listbytype/Astro-Matic_3000.html  Let’s fly away h/clubhouse/Lets_Fly_Away.html h/clubhouse/Lets_Fly_Away.html  Make your own - /materials/listbytype/Lets_Fly_Away.html /materials/listbytype/Lets_Fly_Away.html  Put it together puzzle - materials/listbytype/Put_It_Together.html

32  Be sure to contact me if you have any questions.  

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