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Warm up 3/20/08 If an animal has 45 chromosomes in its sperm/eggs, how many chromosomes does it have in its other body cells?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 3/20/08 If an animal has 45 chromosomes in its sperm/eggs, how many chromosomes does it have in its other body cells?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 3/20/08 If an animal has 45 chromosomes in its sperm/eggs, how many chromosomes does it have in its other body cells?

2 Warm up 3/19/08 What does homozygous recessive mean?

3 Warm up 3/18/08 What is the end product of Meiosis in female animals? See page 278

4 Warm up 3/17/08 What is the end product of Meiosis in male animals? See page 278

5 Warm up 3/14/08 Which cells in the human body use Meiosis to divide instead of Mitosis? See page 278

6 Warm up 3/13/08 NO warm up today…. Mr. Shown is at the middle school science fair as a judge.

7 Warm up 3/12/08 Not all genes show simple dominance like Mendel observed. Some show more complex patterns. Describe the “Incomplete Dominance” pattern of inheritance. (see page 272)

8 Warm up 3/12/08 “Incomplete Dominance” Some flowers for example can display incomplete dominance with flower color. RRWW RW

9 Human example: Sickle Cell Anemia “Incomplete Dominance”

10 Human example: Sickle Cell Anemia Heterozygous has immunity from malaria Sickle Cell

11 Warm up 3/11/08 Not all genes show simple dominance like Mendel observed. Some show more complex patterns. Describe the “CODOMINANCE” pattern of inheritance. (see page 272)

12 Warm up 3/11/08 “CODOMINANCE” Cows and horses: Spotted skin/ hair

13 Warm up 3/11/08 “CODOMINANCE” Speckled Feathers

14 Warm up 3/11/08 “CODOMINANCE”


16 Warm up 3/10/08 Genetics practice problem: Father:Rr Mom:rr What is the genotype ratio for each possible genotype?

17 Warm up 3/7/08 What is the definition of a recessive trait? A: A trait that only is expressed if the dominant allele is not passed down.

18 Warm up 3/6/08 How many chromosomes are in a human body cell? (muscle, bone, skin, brain, etc.) A: 46

19 Warm up 3/5/08 How many chromosomes are in a human sex cell (sperm/egg)? A: 23

20 Warm up 3/4/08 -What causes a stem cell to turn into a specialized cell?

21 Video Reflection 3/3/08 -Some of the twins in the video grew up in separate families and yet have the same likes/dislikes and similar behaviors. -What might this tell you about heredity?

22 Warm up 3/3/08 Why aren’t children exact clones of their parents? (use chromosomes in your answer)

23 Warm up 2/29/08 What happens during the “S” part of interphase?

24 Warm up 2/28/08 What do you do to prepare for a quiz/test?

25 Warm up 2/27/08 What is the name for offspring of crosses between two different forms of a trait? A: hybrid or heterozygous

26 Warm up 2/26/08 Why did Mendel choose pea plants? (2 reasons)

27 Warm up 2/25/08 Who is the monk from the 1800’s who is famous in the science world for his genetic experiments with pea plants?

28 Warm up 2/22/08 What is the definition of a gene?

29 Warm up 2/21/08 What does “inheritance” mean?

30 Warm up 2/20/08 No warm up today! Please do not move the chairs. They are in QUIZ FORMATION.

31 Warm up 2/19/08 What happens during the G1 phase of the cell cycle? (see page 245) Answer: -increase in size -extra proteins are made -extra organelles are made

32 Warm up 2/14/08 What is wrong with cancer cells? (see notes)

33 Warm up 2/13/08 When is the next quiz? What is the topic? (see the board) Answer: WED Feb 20 th Topic: Cell cycle, Mitosis, Cancer

34 Warm up 2/12/08 What happens during telophase? See page 245-246 )

35 Warm up 2/11/08 What happens during interphase? See page 245 Answer: Cell growth, DNA replication, and preparation for mitosis (needed organelles)

36 Warm up 2/8/08 If the parent cell has 46 chromosomes how many chromosomes do each of the daughter cells contain?

37 Warm up 2/7/08 What happens during cytokinesis? See page 246

38 Article Essay  Read the article Write 4 paragraphs:  Describe how evolution takes place in the bacteria.  Describe how antibacterial soaps may benefit society.  Describe how antibacterial soaps may harm society.  Explain which choice you will likely make when buying soap. Use some evidence to back up your opinion.

39 Work record Unit 2: Cell Division AssignmentDate assignedDate due into folder Warm up questions1/29/08Each day p.243 #1-4 + connecting concepts1/30/082/1/08 p.249 #1-6 + writing in science1/31/082/4/08 “Cell Size lab”worksheet2/5/08 Essay #1 “Cell Size Limitations”2/5/082/6/08 Notes: Binary Fission/ Mitosis comparison2/5/08 Mitosis Notes Worksheet2/6/08 Mitosis Flip Book2/6/082/7/08 Article: Antibacterial Soaps Essay 2/7/082/8/08 Mitosis Games (4 games)2/8/082/12/08

40 Warm up 2/6/08 In which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up at the center of the cell? See page 247

41 Warm up 2/5/08 What is the name for the process by which prokaryotic cells divide? Answer: binary fission

42 Essay #1 (Cell Division Unit)  “Cell Size Limitations”  Explain why cell size is limited. –What would happen to the cell if it gets too big? –Use the concepts of surface area and volume –In your example calculate the surface area to volume ratio of a cube that 1cm x 1 cm x 1cm and one that is 10cm x 10cm x 10cm

43 Work record Unit 2 (through 2/5/08) AssignmentDate assignedDate due into folder Warm up questions1/29/08Each day p.243 #1-4 + connecting concepts 1/30/082/1/08 p.249 #1-6 + writing in science1/31/082/4/08 “Cell Size lab”worksheet2/5/08 Essay #1 “Cell Size Limitations” 2/5/082/6/08 Notes: Binary Fission/ Mitosis comparison 2/5/08

44 Cell Size Lab  Step 1: Get a sample of agar (rhymes with logger) solution and 1 pair of goggles!  Step 2: Cut the sample into different sized pieces: –1cm x 2 cm x 2cm –1cm x 1cm x1cm –0.5 cm x 0.5cm x 0.5cm – Step 3: Obtain dyed fluid from Mr. Shown. Step 4: Drop both pieces into the solution and let it sit for 10 minutes. Step 5: After 10 minutes, take each piece out and cut a cross section to inspect the amount of absorption.  Cutting Cross section:

45 Warm up 2/4/08 What does the cell need to absorb from the outside environment? What does the cell need to expel to the outside environment? See page 241 Answer: Enter: oxygen, water, food Exit:waste products

46 Warm up 2/1/08 Why are cells so small? in other words…. What keeps them from being giant???

47 Warm up 1/31/08 What kind of microscope was necessary to see smaller organelles?

48 Warm up 1/30/08 How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell? Answer:  no nuclear membrane  no membrane-bound organelles  usually much smaller size

49 Warm up 1/29/08  How is a single cell similar to the human body?

50 Warm up 1/24/08  What does the cell membrane do for the cell?

51 Warm up 1/23/08  Which two organelles are theorized to be descendants of ancient prokaryotic cells.  See pages 179-180

52 Warm up 1/22/08  What do mitochondria do for the cell?  See page 179

53 Warm up 1/18/08  What structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not?  See page 175

54 Plant cells have chloroplasts and and a cell wall

55 Warm up 1/17/08  What does the Golgi Apparatus do for the cell?  See page 178

56 Warm up 1/16/08  What does the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) do for the cell? See page 177

57 Warm up 1/15/08  What do ribosomes do for the cell? See page 177

58 Warm up 1/14/08 Which organelle is this? What does it do for the cell?

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