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3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date: End-to-End Wireless Mobile Networks Ways to Achieve the Vision Guenter Klas 3GPP.

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Presentation on theme: "3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date: End-to-End Wireless Mobile Networks Ways to Achieve the Vision Guenter Klas 3GPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 End-to-End Wireless Mobile Networks Ways to Achieve the Vision Guenter Klas 3GPP SA ALL-IP Workshop, 7-9 Feb 00, Nice

2 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Content Near term requirements Architectural priniciples at hand today Difference between CS domain and MM domain A view on planes and domains The domains and their usage The scope of All-IP The role of GPRS Options to go beyond UMTS R00 Major milestones on the way towards the long-term vision Conclusions

3 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Architectures changed style - were influenced

4 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Near Term Requirements Soft evolution from legacy networks (GSM, GPRS) Making valuable UMTS R99 architecture Closing the gap between fixed network migration to IP and PLMN architecture evolution (GSM -> EDGE, UMTS R99, R00) Consolidate on only a few / single backbone infrastructure(s) Minimize additionally required investment in 2G infrastructure despite ongoing growth in 2G users. Consolidate 2G and 3G core networks Rel 00: provide a solution with appropriate time to market reasonable complexity of standardization & development

5 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Architectural Principles at Hand Today How the CS Domain is motivated SCN or residential access corporate access... IP SS7 PSTN/PLMN MG MGC ISUP MGCP/ Megaco E.g ISUP PSTN/PLMN NodeB Iub RNC UTRAN... NodeB E.g. IP VMSC server GMSC server E.g. BICC MGCP/ Megaco Media gateway Media gateway or ATM ISUP RANAP SCN: switched circuit network, MGC: media gateway controller, MG: media gateway

6 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 NodeB Iub RNC UTRAN... NodeB PSTN/PLMN IP ETSI TIPHON IP H.323 PSTN/PLMN SG, MGC MG SG, MGC GK ISUP H.323 MGCP/ Megaco SGSNGGSN Media gateway SG,MGC GK H.323 terminal H.323 Serves as a „flexible wire“ Architectural Principles at Hand Today How the Multimedia Domain is motivated SCN or residential access corporate access... Serves as a „fixed wire“ SG: signaling gateway, GK: gatekeeper,

7 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Difference CS- /Multimedia-Domain CS Domain Roaming & mob. management monolithic from PSTN gateway to radio access (MSC servers+HLR) Roaming & mob. management based on GSM mechanisms Main change: consolidation on main transport technologies separation of call control from transport. CS Domain Roaming & mob. management monolithic from PSTN gateway to radio access (MSC servers+HLR) Roaming & mob. management based on GSM mechanisms Main change: consolidation on main transport technologies separation of call control from transport. Multimedia Domain Roaming & mob. management separated into: - global/network level roaming support CSCF, e.g. H.323 - edge network level mob. management GPRS Roaming & mob. management based on - GPRS mechanisms - new mechanisms (H.323, SIP) (e.g. cf. TIPHON) Main change: overlay of multimedia call control + roaming support on packet infrastructure Multimedia Domain Roaming & mob. management separated into: - global/network level roaming support CSCF, e.g. H.323 - edge network level mob. management GPRS Roaming & mob. management based on - GPRS mechanisms - new mechanisms (H.323, SIP) (e.g. cf. TIPHON) Main change: overlay of multimedia call control + roaming support on packet infrastructure

8 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 The Time Gap Fixed/IP - UMTS R00 The core principles of R00 reference architecture (CS domain, Multimedia Domain, media gateway, MG controller, CSCF) are introduced now for fixed network to IP migration Fixed network Mobile, UMTS 2000200120022003 Media gateways, MGCP, H.248 Call feature server (incl. H.323/SIP) Telephony server Media gateway controller UMTS R00 compl. Equipment available time gap

9 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Our View of Planes 3G- GGSN 3G- SGSN MGCF RSGW Transport Layer Applications Layer Middleware Layer UMS HLR TSGW CSCF IN, CAMEL, OSA, Parlay, 3rd party applications Network services and control Layer POTS/ISDN MRF left out for sake of simplicity. Legacy PLMN Signaling Networks External IP Networks residential, corporate No interfaces to this plane are shown here. UTRAN CSCF MSC server MSC server MGW

10 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Domains and Their Usage UMS HLR 3G- GGSN 3G- SGSN POTS/ISDN MRF left out for sake of simplicity. Legacy PLMN Signaling Networks External IP Networks residential, corporate No interfaces to this plane are shown here. UTRAN RSGW TSGW MGCF CSCF MGW IN, CAMEL, OSA, Parlay, 3rd party applications MGW MSC server MSC server

11 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 The Scope of „All-IP“ in Rel. 00 (I) IP based transport network consolidation IP + (H.323/SIP?) based multimedia call control layer. To the extent feasible in 2000. Note: Many issues still open (e.g. QoS, enhanced services, NNI) Minimum set of requirements necessary to be defined, out of basic call handling, roaming APIs for 3rd party call control Legal interception, surveillance Advanced charging mechanisms, prepaid... Interoperability with PSTN, other multimedia call control...

12 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 The Scope of „All-IP“ in Rel. 00 (II) IP related mechanisms for authentication, authorization in multimedia domain IP based transport of legacy SS7 signaling possible Media interworking between access networks and IP/ATM core close to IETF models (cs domain) „IETF like“ interworking to PSTN (media gateway controller, media gateway) Reuse of R99 ps mobility management: could ease the job since extensions to H.323/SIP required, ongoing.

13 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 UTRAN The Role of GPRS 3G- GGSN 3G- SGSN MGCF RSGW UMS HLR TSGW CSCF Legacy PLMN Signaling Networks External IP Networks residential, corporate CSCF MGW GPRS servces as a flexible wire from the visited point of attachment to the RAN point of attachment. POTS/ISDN 3G- SGSN 3G- SGSN UTRAN

14 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Roadmap? “All-IP Vision” UMTS R00

15 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Options to go beyond UMTS R00 (I) Should H.323 be in the focus of Rel.00, more investigations into SIP and mobile wireless after Rel. 00. If H.323 is first used for telephony services on IP, SIP could offer means to construct more sophisticated Internet type of services -> better service differentiation, new revenue sources -> important: requirements on SIP evolution. Solving interoperation between different multimedia call control protocols Advanced charging, accounting, billing features for non-transparent multimedia call control (Note: H.323 in R‘99 = transparent) Assume Rel.00 offers basic multimedia call control over IP: extensions required for 3rd party call control (-> OSA) More investigations into leveraging backend services Increasing reliability (e.g. H.323 GK, SIP)

16 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Options to go beyond UMTS R00 (II) Seamless service over heterogenous access networks WLANs Corporate wireless access Residential access 3G RANs More advanced interfacing between multimedia call control and network resource management (for QoS). Flexible means to control bearer resources and QoS of different network parts (core, RAN type 1, RAN type 2), QoS mappings, QoS handling over heterogenoues access networks If importance of cs domain decreases, support of the most successful cs based legacy services in the IP multimedia domain

17 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 A QoS solution for the case where IP network overdimensioning is not possible. Even overdimensioning possibly no solution for mission critical services (costs, non-predictable data volume, jitter, delay lost packets,...) -> End-to-end QoS solutions, policy solutions Carrier-grade, full featured IP multimedia control mechanisms Closer integration of wireline IP structures from network point of view Higher degree of seamless services over different access types Integration of, interworking with local mobility management solutions (e.g. IP based micro-mobility management solutions) Major Milestones on the Way towards the Long-term Vision

18 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Conclusions The current UMTS R00 reference configuration is already challenging for 3GPP time schedule Several key issues need urgent consideration, a.o. addressing, location of functions, QoS management The basic domains (circuit switched bearer independent, multimedia overlay domain) are meeting the trend in fixed-IP migration

19 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 Backup

20 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 The “R00 CS-BI” option ATM RNC 3G SGSN UTRAN Global IP Network NNI Iu-ps DHCP, DNS,... R00 Packet Core for CS-Voice 3G GMSC server 3G VMSC server ATM Iu-cs ISUP /BICC MGCP Voice trunking (over IP / ATM) GGSN QoS core (IP / ATM) MGW SS7 voice Sign. AAL2 voice. PSTN / ISDN : MGW for IP core: alternative MGW for pure ATM core AAL2 voice Mobility HLR Existing IN SCP LNP IN

21 3GPP TSG-SA All-IP Workshop Feb 00, Nice File name: xxx Date:04.02.2000 The “R00 Multimedia” option Mobility (HSS/UMS, AAA) ATM PSTN / ISDN RNC 3G SGSN UTRAN Global IP Network Iu-ps R00 Packet Core for IP telephony GK/CSCF H.323/SIP MGW SS7 voice MGCP RTP GGSN H.323/SIP DHCP, DNS,... QoS core IP (e.g. over ATM) AAA Existing IN SCP LNP IN NNI

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