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Nilufar Ahmad, SDV March 6, 2009 Effective Strategies for Integrating Gender in Sustainable Development Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Nilufar Ahmad, SDV March 6, 2009 Effective Strategies for Integrating Gender in Sustainable Development Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nilufar Ahmad, SDV March 6, 2009 Effective Strategies for Integrating Gender in Sustainable Development Overview

2 Social Development Department Session Objectives Participants in this session will share and discuss: How to enhance women’s empowerment and gender equality in Bank’s Sustainable Development portfolio- Agriculture & Rural Development and Infrastructure How to make sustained progress of MDG 3 through the sustainable development How to move from analysis to advocacy to action How to Learn from innovative practices and scale up within Bank’s portfolio

3 Social Development Department WBG Gender Policy Gender advisor in 1970s, BP in 1994, OP 1999, Gender Strategy 2002 Gender Action Plan (GAP- FY07-FY11) Objective: accelerate implementation of MDG 3 (promote gender equality and empower women) by increasing women’s economic opportunities. Focus is on Infrastructure and Agriculture and Rural development Budget commitment: $36.7 million (providing seed funds) Activities: (a) gender integration in operations and AAA; (b) pilot results-based initiatives; ©research, impact evaluation and statistics; and (d) communications President Zoellick’s 2008 World Bank Group 6 Commitments on Gender Equality (increasing gender equality actions in operations) 1. Doubling gender action in ARD by 2011 2. Increasing IDA commitment for gender

4 Social Development Department Gender integration in WBG Portfolio – well integrated in HD sector 90% of health and education projects FY04-05 integrated gender (Gender Action Plan 2006). Nearly 50% of the ARD projects integrated gender in FY05 (Gender and Rural Development Thematic Group Portfolio Review 2005) 21 % of the infrastructure projects integrated gender in FY05 (Gender review of Infrastructure Portfolio, SDV, 2008).

5 Social Development Department Development Effectiveness increased through Gender Responsive Actions: Value Added Women’s participation in design and decision making improves governance, management, cost recovery and production (Morocco, Karnataka, Kerala, Nepal Rural WSS and Bangladesh Rural Electrification) Women’s participation increases effectiveness, quality and sustainability of infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance; high economic rate of return (31%); improved work environment, as less violence and drinking in project sites (Peru Rural Roads Project) Women’s participation enhanced the benefits of mining for the poorest segments and promoted the sustainability of the project (PNG Mining Sector Strengthening). Private sector accepted and using Bank’s gender guidelines

6 Social Development Department Gender Equality Action in Projects Responded to Gender Policies FY03-04 Gender OP, Strategy and FY07-08 GAP Total Projects: 1133

7 Social Development Department We Need Your Advice on Next Steps Operational Guidelines and Monitoring Develop practical gender and infrastructure resources and results indicators (need your feedback of drafts) Learning Agenda and Knowledge Products Capacity building sessions with staff and counterparts (what is most useful) Social/Gender Dimensions of Climate Change and criteria for climate investments Study and tools on gender and climate change (what is most useful?) Study & tools on gender, poverty and environmental sustainability Technical Support on Gender and Sustainable Development (what is needed and what are the most effective mechanisms to provide this?)

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