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Trailer 1 The trailer for the film Friend Request helped me find out a lot about the horror genre. For example it showed me.

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Presentation on theme: "Trailer 1 The trailer for the film Friend Request helped me find out a lot about the horror genre. For example it showed me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trailer 1 The trailer for the film Friend Request helped me find out a lot about the horror genre. For example it showed me that horror films use teenagers a lot as their main characters as it easy for their target audience to relate as they are already teenagers and everyone looks back at their teenage hood with fond memories and a lot people want to be teenagers again and when you put peoples dream in horror people like seeing it and also hate seeing it and will be more scared if they can relate to the characters and the setting. The setting is a high school and social media which everyone can relate to as we’ve all been to high school and we’ve all had hard times during high school.

2 Trailer 2 The Don’t Breathe trailer helped me learn about suspense and the use of sound. The trailer was filled with a lot of shots where you didn’t know what was going to happen next in trailer. This made me as the audience more interested in the trailer and also the movie as you don’t know what's going to happen next in the trailer. The sound was used very well as there wasn’t much apart from dialogue at the beginning this built the suspense as it worked well with the shots and it worked well with the shots which were going on so it added to the whole trailer.

3 Audience Profile Hypodermic Needle Theory My target audience is mostly likely to find about my film using the internet and finding it on as advertisement on a website such as a YouTube advert as my target audience would use the internet a lot this links to the Hypodermic Needle Theory because as my audience will be easily lead to watch my film by seeing the trailer and being instantly interested by it and this prove that they are gullible sheep willing to listen to anything you tell them to do. This also would influence their behaviour as they are watching a horror movie which could scare them or give them a cheap thrill which could be like there life.

4 Audience Profile 2 Uses and Gratification Model My audience will probably use movie to escape there lives as they are outcasts and don’t fit in well with society therefore movies help them escape as everything usually works out in movies. This is good as horror movies show people how bad life could be and how even in the hardest situations life can work out for anyone. Also my target audience use movies to help with their personal identity to find who they are as my audience is mostly teenagers and young adults therefore they are still finding out about life. Also my target audience is disconnected from reality as they are outcasts and no one will let them in therefore if they watch and talk about movies they may fit in more.

5 Audience Profile 3 Psychographic Groups My audience fits the best with the struggler as they are most likely to be struggling in their as using movies to escape this is good as horror movies show people how bad life could be and how even in the hardest situations life can work out for anyone. Also my target audience may not what type of life they want to live yet so movies help them escape the reality of the future and helps them stay in the moment and not worry about anything else. Also my target audience probably wont succeed in life therefore my trailer will help them look at life as not so bad. Also my target audience is struggling as they are outcasts and no one will let them in therefore if they watch and talk about movies they may fit in more.

6 Audience Profile 4 My target audience is mostly to be working class as they probably aren’t motivated to do anything and they probably cant do anything more than a basic job and will use the little amount of free money they have to escape from there boring lives and movies is a great way to do that as everyone in movies is usually happy at the end except sometimes in horror films so my target audience may see horror films as realistic and not everyone lives happy ever after and if they do its also good for my target audience as they escaping there normal boring lives. This means that I would have to try and distribute my movie on a streaming service as it cheaper than going to the cinema or buying a DVD so more of my target audience is more likely to see it as it would be cheap and easily accessable.

7 Audience Profile 5 Insight Social Value Groups My target audience is mostly likely to fit into the disconnected group as they are detached from reality and want to escape there live in anyway possible and movie are one way they do disconnect from their lives. They are more likely to live in the now and see a trailer and watch the film the same day so it would a good idea to have my film on a streaming service as its cheaper than going to the cinema or buying a DVD and you can take it wherever you want and you can see it whenever you want. Also my target audience is disconnected from reality as they are outcasts and no one will let them in therefore if they watch and talk about movies they may fit in more.

8 Consumer Profile Male 65% Female 33% Other 2% Average Age: 22 90% own a PC 65% own a steaming service 80% watch TV 70% watch movies 45% own a DVD player 60% watch movie advertisements 50% go to the cinema once a month They spend 10-12+ hours on the internet First time earners

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