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The Devil and Satan The word has been used as a translation from two diferent greek words. "diabolos" and "diamonian" Diabolos means "slanderer, false.

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Presentation on theme: "The Devil and Satan The word has been used as a translation from two diferent greek words. "diabolos" and "diamonian" Diabolos means "slanderer, false."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Devil and Satan The word has been used as a translation from two diferent greek words. "diabolos" and "diamonian" Diabolos means "slanderer, false accuser" Translated slanderer once, "even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers" Greek "Diabolos" 1 Tim 3:11 Translated false accuser twice. "the aged women likewise that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers" Titus 2:3, 2 Tim 3:3 Translated devil 35 times - Used to describe: Judas - a devil to Christ John 6:70-71 Persecuting civil authorities - Rev 2:9-10 Our sinful nature Heb 2:14 The word devil has been used in many different ways but never to describe a supernatural fallen angel. The word has been used as a translation from two diferent greek words. "diabolos" and "diamonian" Diabolos means "slanderer, false accuser" Translated slanderer once, "even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers" Greek "Diabolos" 1 Tim 3:11 Translated false accuser twice. "the aged women likewise that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers" Titus 2:3, 2 Tim 3:3 Translated devil 35 times - Used to describe: Judas - a devil to Christ John 6:70-71 Persecuting civil authorities - Rev 2:9-10 Our sinful nature Heb 2:14 The word devil has been used in many different ways but never to describe a supernatural fallen angel.

2 How is man tempted? Every man is drawn away of his own lust James 1:14-16 The devil or slanderer is in us. Our nature is prone to "evil things". The works of the flesh often called "sin", "sin's flesh", "sin in the flesh", or "the devil". Christ said that which cometh out of a man, that defileth a man, for from the heart (mind) of man proceeds all evil. Mark 7:20-23 Every man is drawn away of his own lust James 1:14-16 The devil or slanderer is in us. Our nature is prone to "evil things". The works of the flesh often called "sin", "sin's flesh", "sin in the flesh", or "the devil". Christ said that which cometh out of a man, that defileth a man, for from the heart (mind) of man proceeds all evil. Mark 7:20-23

3 The works of the flesh - Are those evil things which come from naturally within man. Mark 7:20-23 They are in contrast and are at enmity (or conflict) to the fruit of the spirit. Gal 5:19- 21 - Are those evil things which come from naturally within man. Mark 7:20-23 They are in contrast and are at enmity (or conflict) to the fruit of the spirit. Gal 5:19- 21

4 The fruits of the spirit Christ destroyed the devil through his death. "That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil." Heb 2:14, 1 John 3:8, Heb 9:26 Christ destroyed the devil through his death. "That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil." Heb 2:14, 1 John 3:8, Heb 9:26

5 Christ destroyed the devil by His life A life of dedication and denial of the flesh. The crucifixion was a public example of what God requires of those who would folow His son. They like him must crucify the flesh with all it's affections and lusts. Gal 5:24, Col 3:5, Rom 8:13 A life of dedication and denial of the flesh. The crucifixion was a public example of what God requires of those who would folow His son. They like him must crucify the flesh with all it's affections and lusts. Gal 5:24, Col 3:5, Rom 8:13

6 Diamonian - (Greek word meaning demons) - Used to describe certain diseases, sicknesses, or mental disorders from which people sufferred. To cast out a demon was to was to cure a person of their sickness. Matt 12:22, 17:15-18, John 7:19-20, Luke 13:11 - Used to describe certain diseases, sicknesses, or mental disorders from which people sufferred. To cast out a demon was to was to cure a person of their sickness. Matt 12:22, 17:15-18, John 7:19-20, Luke 13:11

7 Satan The word Satan is an untranslated Hebrew word meaninig adversary or opponent. A Satan may be good or evil Example of a good satan - an obedient divine angel, Num 22:22-23 This is the first occurrence of the Hebrew word Satan in the Bible and has been translated into English as "adversary" and to "withstand" Example of an evil Satan Peter was called satan by Christ, because he tried to prevent the Lord Jesus from performing His father's will. Matt 16:23 Lucifer Isaiah 14:12 - who happens to be a King of Babylon Isaiah 14:4 The word Satan is an untranslated Hebrew word meaninig adversary or opponent. A Satan may be good or evil Example of a good satan - an obedient divine angel, Num 22:22-23 This is the first occurrence of the Hebrew word Satan in the Bible and has been translated into English as "adversary" and to "withstand" Example of an evil Satan Peter was called satan by Christ, because he tried to prevent the Lord Jesus from performing His father's will. Matt 16:23 Lucifer Isaiah 14:12 - who happens to be a King of Babylon Isaiah 14:4

8 Satan The following are also refered to as satan. Hadad the Edomite 1 kings 11:14 David 1 Sam 29:4 The sons of Zeruiah 2 Sam 19:22 Adverse or Apostate religious communities. Yahweh himself, 1 Chron 21:1, 2 Sam 24:1 The following are also refered to as satan. Hadad the Edomite 1 kings 11:14 David 1 Sam 29:4 The sons of Zeruiah 2 Sam 19:22 Adverse or Apostate religious communities. Yahweh himself, 1 Chron 21:1, 2 Sam 24:1

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