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Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Triggered Action Response Plan Post Demonstration Workshop Leadership Behaviour and Behavioural.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Triggered Action Response Plan Post Demonstration Workshop Leadership Behaviour and Behavioural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Triggered Action Response Plan Post Demonstration Workshop Leadership Behaviour and Behavioural Communication Douw Cronje CoM MOSH Learning Hub

2 Leading the change to zero harm A leading practice comprises three components: Practice Behavioural Comms Leadership Behaviour First and foremost:

3 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Desired Behaviour of Deciders To adopt the LP To resource the adoption process To demonstrate commitment to the LP Desired Behaviour of Adopters To adopt the LP To work according to the procedures of the LP – correctly and consistently Leadership behaviour To enable adoption by subordinates Providing skills, resources, information, training etc To get desired behaviour of subordinates repeated Positive reinforcement of desired behaviours Positive coaching in case of undesired behaviours

4 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Behaviour is determined All behaviours have a knowable set of causes Pathologies and personality aside, psychological, social and environmental factors comprise our: Experiences Learning & social learning Perceptions Beliefs Biases Values Mental Models May be incomplete or erroneous and not result in

5 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Behavioural Communication - messages to: Address knowledge gaps Address misperceptions Address particular knowledge, values and beliefs that may affect adoption Mental Models Communi- cation Leadership behaviour: Everything the leader says or does (or not) sends a message Categories of leadership behaviour in the adoption context: As per the behavioural communication plan Re-enforcing desired behaviour Coaching in cases of undesired behaviour Modeling

6 Leading the change to zero harm Desired Behaviour Mental Models Communi- cation Direct enquiry process One-on-one interviews Qualitative research Representative sample of deciders, adopters & other stakeholders on: All potential adoption mines The source mine The demo mine BC & LB Plans Empirical Research Using an interview protocol informed by Expert knowledge of the particular risk Expert knowledge of the LP Hypotheses and research questions derived from the above

7 Putting South Africa First CHAMBER OF MINES OF SOUTH AFRICA Selected LP Behavioural Communication and Leadership Behaviour Planning Influence diagram Id stakeholder groupings Key insights & research Desired culture Hypotheses & research questions Interview protocol Id interviewees Select & train interviewers Direct enquiry interviews Code & analyse Mental models report Implications & findings Generic BC plan Generic LB plan


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