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February 2007 Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp: What's it good for? David Knight.

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1 February 2007 Ubiquitous Computing Ubicomp: What's it good for? David Knight

2 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Humanistic Research Strategy Current focus is misguided –Technology feasibility –Scenario innovation Basis: Purpose in life is to develop talents and use them for the service of humanity User-centered design Value-sensitive design

3 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Humanistic Strategy Process RelevanceUnderstanding Research Goals Empowerment Sequential Iterative? Glue of the design stage design evaluate prototype

4 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Relevance Population trends –40,000 ft view of society –Where are we going? –Identify opportunities for systems Motivations and Actions –Needs: personal, navigational, socially determined –Market research is a poor method –Find new needs in people’s motivations

5 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Understanding Ethnography Ethnomethodology –Go beyond description to modeling –Limitations in models –Turntaking approach Bodystorming –Can vary from on-site to pretend Simulation –Find preconditions for design –Cost? Evaluation?

6 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Empowerment EventTagger –Memory assistance for elderly –Supports user autonomy CoffeeMug –Holds recently edited documents –Control is back in the hands of the user InfoRadar –Location-aware messaging –Empowerment by subtraction

7 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing What’s it good for? Where’s the killer app? How different is this process? How did they get details out of the data? More costly or inexpensive?

8 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Engaging Experiences Calm computing is failing us –“Hard” vs “Soft” ubicomp –Proactive computing >>> proactive people –Servant role is unrealistic –Making computers human A new agenda –Don’t hide the computer –use it as a tool

9 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Play and Learning Sandbox - physical digital place –Design environments for non-experts to create systems –Is this UbiComp? –Profitability –Challenges and issues for designers?

10 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing

11 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing

12 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing

13 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Scientific Practices Environmental science –Sharing information –Information overload –Interaction techniques

14 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Persuasive Practices Allow people to change their behavior Nintendo’s Pocket Pikachu –Pedometer to monitor physical activity –Emotional attachment to virtual pets

15 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Ethical Guidelines Challenges –Quality of interaction –Privacy related choices “Now is the time” –Is this a critical point in time? –…or is it always “the sooner the better”? Impact on civil liberty –Many people will feel violated –Some people may welcome being watched

16 February 2007Ubiquitous Computing Ethics in Ubicomp Principle 0 First, do no harm Principle 1 Default to harmlessness Principle 2 Be self-disclosing Principle 3 Be conservative of face Principle 4 Be conservative of time Principle 5 Be deniable

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