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Rapo  Werner Hack / Marielle Nagtzaam  founded 40 years ago  clients all over Europe  3 seasons  member of Fresh Forward (Fragaria)  over 120 hectares.

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Presentation on theme: "Rapo  Werner Hack / Marielle Nagtzaam  founded 40 years ago  clients all over Europe  3 seasons  member of Fresh Forward (Fragaria)  over 120 hectares."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rapo  Werner Hack / Marielle Nagtzaam  founded 40 years ago  clients all over Europe  3 seasons  member of Fresh Forward (Fragaria)  over 120 hectares of propagation

3 Fresh bare-root plants Planting March 1.5 m spacing Depends on variety

4 Digging fresh plants Lifting : End of July early short day cultivars Darselect, Rumba.. August mid season and late short day cultivars Elsanta, Sonata, Jive, Polka October short day cultivars for Spain Camarosa, Fortuna, Calinda

5 Grading of fresh bare-root plants Grading in 2 sizes in bundles, packed in crates Sprinkled and covered to avoid dessication Planted on 1, production field 2, waiting bed

6 Fresh plants strawberry production TunnelsOpen field

7 Waiting bed : 100.000 pl/ha

8 Waiting bed plants Fresh bare-root short day cultivars transplanted 1- 15 August on a temporary bed of 1 m wide Multi-crown plants by end of November for programmed cropping

9 Waiting bed plants Plants are dug November and December Grading based on crown diameter >22 mm 18-22 mm 15-18 mm Waiting bed plants tend to have 4 to 7 flowers stalks and 40 to 60 fruits/plant

10 Waiting bed summer production

11 Waiting bed substrate production Planting MarchProduction June

12 Cold stored runnerplants Planting March-April Adapted for marketable Plants graded in: A A+ A++

13 Digging and grading Plants are cut before lifting Stored in bins Shed graded

14 Grading of frigo plants based on crown diameter A++ >18 mm (150pl/crate) : 3-4 flower stalks 30-35 fruits A+ 14-18 (250 pl/crate) : 3 flower stalks 20-30 fruits A 9-14 mm (500 pl/crate) : 1,5-2 flower stalks 15-20 fruits

15 Fruit production 3-or 1 row system

16 The use of cold stored plant material of short day varieties

17 Before planting on production field: Nematodes Verticilium Phytoptora Cactorum

18 Pratylenchus penetrans and Meloidogyne hapla

19 How to avoid? Take soil samples of the field Tagetes Kalkstikstof

20 Wilt-Verticillum Infection mainly in warm period and on sandy soils Wilting and yellow colouring of leaves in autumn Many small crowns

21 How to avoid? Take soil samples of the field Not plant on fields where potatoes were Difficult to desinfect soils Start with clean material

22 Phytophthora cactorum

23 How to avoid? Healthy plants Good drainage and not overwatering Good structure of soil Good organic matter Bedculture is better drainage Chemical treatment before 2 days after planting

24 Summary important : Healthy plants Good drainage and not overwatering Good structure of soil Nutricients of soil Good organic matter No Verticilium / nematodes in soil How to handle when you recieve frigo plants Threatments Phytoptora / ohter crop protection

25 varieties Early season: Honeoye Lambada Darselect Rumba Wendy FF1602 Middle season: Elsanta Sonata M. Centenary Polka Vivaldi Elegance Late season: Florence Symphony Salsa Jive FF1504

26 Rumba  early cropping  beautiful presentation  healthy crop  high yield  very shiny



29 Propagation year 2016 Cold spring In the Eastern part of the Netherlands lots of rain and hail damages In August not enough fresh plants available to the market Not enough frigo plants available in spring Important to order in time

30 Our sales representative in Estonia : Kindel Kasi OU Family Kaskema

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