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Week th grade 5/9—5/13 Ms. Cluff. (32L) Do Now- Cinquain Poems Write the following definition, formula, and TWO Cinquain poems of your own. Look.

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Presentation on theme: "Week th grade 5/9—5/13 Ms. Cluff. (32L) Do Now- Cinquain Poems Write the following definition, formula, and TWO Cinquain poems of your own. Look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 18- 9 th grade 5/9—5/13 Ms. Cluff

2 (32L) Do Now- Cinquain Poems Write the following definition, formula, and TWO Cinquain poems of your own. Look at the example on the next slide if needed. A cinquain is a 5-line poem that describes, a person, place or thing. Formula Line 1: one word (subject of poem) Line 2: two words (adjectives describing the subject ) Line 3: three words (verbs that end with “–ing”) Line 4: four or more words (a simile describing feelings about subject) Line 5: one word (a synonym for the subject) Write your TWO poems under this formula.

3 CINQUAIN POEM Example Feather Purple, unpredictable Wiggling, wobbling, plummeting Wild as an angry bumblebee Plume

4 Poem Analysis Read and analyze “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. You may work in your groups to complete this. You may write directly on the handout and/or attach a piece of paper. You will turn this in 15-20 minutes. Use your notes if needed.

5 Quick News… Vocabulary Quiz #7—Moved to Monday/Tuesday. Poetry Book—Assignment today (100 points +20EC); Due 5/27/16 Final Project—Assignment 5/20/16; Group sign-ups on 5/23-5/24; Due Finals week (100 points + 20EC) 22 School Days left Finals—5/31—6/3 (Grades Due-- – 5/30—No School – 5/31—periods 5 and 7 Finals – 6/1—periods 1 and 3 Finals – 6/2—Period 6 Final – 6/3—Periods 2 and 4 finals Grades Left… – Vocab Quiz #7 (30 points) + Vocab Quiz #8 (30 points) – Poetry Book (100 points + 20EC) – May/June Notebook Check (100ish points) – Final Project-Based on Unwind (100 points + 20EC) – Unused Bathroom Passes (35EC)

6 (32R) “The Road Not Taken” Paraphrase Write the paraphrase next to each line on the poem handout as we go over it. (32R) “The Road Not Taken” Paraphrase (33L) “The Road Not Taken” Analysis (33R) “The Road Not Taken” Quick Write

7 Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

8 I will be telling my 2 nd road story with emotion (regret, happiness, tired, etc.) In another generation: Two roads split apart in the woods, and I I took the road that less people went down And that changed who I am today.


10 1.Two roads split (one goes one way and the other goes a different way) in Fall (when the trees and their leaves are turning yellow. 2. And I’m sorry that I could not have gone down both roads. (He wishes he could have split himself and gone down both, but he is only one person.) 3.By myself, I stood at the fork in the road for a long time 4. And examined one of the roads as far as I could see. 5. I looked so far that I couldn’t see the end of the road because the road curved away from my line of vision.

11 6. I took the other road (the one that I didn’t examine), which was just as nice as the other. 7. This second road may be more deserving of me taking it. 8. Because it was grassy and wanted someone to walk on it. 9. However, the pathway to the 2 nd road 10. Was equally as worn down by people walking on it as the 1 st road.

12 11. Both roads were equally not walked on that morning. 12. The leaves were not stepped on, so they were not black in color. 13. I decided that I would save the 1 st road (the one I had looked down to where it bent) for another day’s travel. 14. Yet I knew I would probably will never follow through on that previous decision to go back to the 1 st road. (Probably because my future choices that I knew I will encounter, I am unlikely to ever have the opportunity to discover the 1 st road.) 15. I doubted I would ever come back to the 1 st road.

13 16. I will be talking about this decision with satisfaction/regret (depending how you interpret the sigh) 17. Somewhere, after years and years have past: 18. “There were these two roads that split into two roads, and I— 19. I took the less traveled one, 20. And taking the less traveled road has really changed my life.”

14 (33L) “The Road Not Taken” Analysis 1.Is there a rhyme scheme? If so, what is it? 2.Where is the refrain (repeated phrase)? 3.Personification? 4.What is the main metaphor used in the poem? 5.What is the theme of this poem? 6.What is the significance of the word “sigh” in line 16? 7.Why do you think the title of the poem is “The Road Not Taken” rather than “The Road Taken”?

15 “The Road Not Taken” Quick Write (page 33R) Write a FULL page response… Homework—due Friday Is taking the road less traveled a good thing? The last line of the poem is, “And that has made all the difference,” so is this difference a positive or negative difference? What is Frost trying to say about taking the road less traveled? What is your “Road Not Taken”?

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