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Shanghai cuisine By Brody and JacintaBy Brody and Jacinta.

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Presentation on theme: "Shanghai cuisine By Brody and JacintaBy Brody and Jacinta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanghai cuisine By Brody and JacintaBy Brody and Jacinta

2 Shanghai is located here on the east China coast just to the south of the mouth of the Yangtze river.

3 Features Benbang Cuisine and Haipai Cuisine have many things in common: First, they make great use of fresh meat, chicken, vegetables and especially all of marine ingredients such as fish, shrimps and crabs. Secondly, they have a great number of signature dishes made from various seasonal ingredients. Thirdly, a wide range of cooking techniques have been adopted and include steaming, braising, stewing, stir-frying, quick-frying, deep-frying, boiling, marinating, smoking and roasting. Fourthly, strongly hot food hardly ever forms part of Shanghai Cuisine. Most of the dishes taste fresh, clear, mellow, sweet or subtly spicy. Benbang Cuisine and Haipai Cuisine have many things in common: First, they make great use of fresh meat, chicken, vegetables and especially all of marine ingredients such as fish, shrimps and crabs. Secondly, they have a great number of signature dishes made from various seasonal ingredients. Thirdly, a wide range of cooking techniques have been adopted and include steaming, braising, stewing, stir-frying, quick-frying, deep-frying, boiling, marinating, smoking and roasting. Fourthly, strongly hot food hardly ever forms part of Shanghai Cuisine. Most of the dishes taste fresh, clear, mellow, sweet or subtly spicy. In recent years, Shanghai Cuisine has been greatly influenced by Cantonese Cuisine. Consequently the foods are now less oily and more delicate with the use of more high quality and expensive ingredients. People here have become more concerned about a healthy diet. This means there is an upsurge in the trend towards the use of fresh ingredients and in particular good quality fruit and vegetables In recent years, Shanghai Cuisine has been greatly influenced by Cantonese Cuisine. Consequently the foods are now less oily and more delicate with the use of more high quality and expensive ingredients. People here have become more concerned about a healthy diet. This means there is an upsurge in the trend towards the use of fresh ingredients and in particular good quality fruit and vegetables

4 History West Lake Vinegar Fish is a traditional delicacy of Hangzhou with sweet and sour flavor. It’s Shanghai cuisine is the youngest among the ten major cuisines in China though with a history of more than 400 years. Traditionally called Benbang cuisine, it originated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1840).

5 Chinese Table Manners Eating- When eating a meal in China, people are expected to behave in a civilized way (according to Chinese customs), pay attention to table manners and practice good dining habits. A round dining table is more popular than a rectangular or square one. As many people who can be seated comfortably around it conveniently face one another. The guest of honour is always seated to the right of the host; the next in line will2 sit on his left. Guests should be seated after the host's invitation, and it is discourteous to seat guests at the place where the dishes are served.

6 Is Shanghai Cuisine healthy? We believe that Shanghai Cuisine is very healthy as it offers a variety of flavours which is good for your system & they use many vegetables/ fruits and many meats such as beef, pork, fish & many more. What do we think about Chinese Cuisine?What do we think about Chinese Cuisine? We believe that the Chinese Cuisine is very different compared too many other country’s such as America, Australia and India just too name a few. Some of the foods prepared in restaurants use the balance of yin and yang coming together to form a magnificent flavour for your tastebuds to enjoy.

7 Chicken and Duck Blood Soup Shanghai's favourite soup is chicken and duck blood soup. it contains solidified blood as its main ingredient. the blood rather resembles dark red tofu and has very little taste. The broth used is a very light or slightly salty clear chicken broth with some spring onion Shanghai's favourite soup is chicken and duck blood soup. it contains solidified blood as its main ingredient. the blood rather resembles dark red tofu and has very little taste. The broth used is a very light or slightly salty clear chicken broth with some spring onion

8 Xiaolongbao They are famous soup dumpling. The dumplings, cleverly hiding its soup within its delicately pinched wrapper. Before you eat the dumpling you have to puncture the dumpling wrapper to let out the steam, and then slurp the soup slowly before eating the Xiaolongbao. They are famous soup dumpling. The dumplings, cleverly hiding its soup within its delicately pinched wrapper. Before you eat the dumpling you have to puncture the dumpling wrapper to let out the steam, and then slurp the soup slowly before eating the Xiaolongbao.

9 Yangchun noodles The Noodles are a delicious and famous food in China, and have a very long history. Noodles mean longevity in Chinese culture, which makes them very popular in China. They have become many Chinese people's staple food. -Yangchun noodles are also called clear soup noodles-Yangchun noodles are also called clear soup noodles

10 How to cook Yangchun noodles Ingredients for each serving:Ingredients for each serving: 1 serving noodles (around 100g) 1 tablespoon soy sauce or to taste 1 teaspoon home rendered lard or 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon sugar 1 green onion, finely chopped Light chicken stock or liquid for cooking the noodles as needed (around 2 cups) Method If you prefer to use chicken stock, heat chicken stock in a small pot. In serving bowl, combine soy sauce, sugar, green onion and lard (or sesame oil). In another pot with boiling water, cook the noodles accordingly. Pour around 2 cups of chicken stock or liquid for cooking the noodles into serving bowl to tune the seasonings. Transfer noodles and serve hot!

11 Quiz 1)What do you think about Shanghai's cuisine?1)What do you think about Shanghai's cuisine? 2) Where is shanghai located?2) Where is shanghai located?

12 3) What is Xiaolongbao?3) What is Xiaolongbao? 4) What is another name for clear soup noodles?4) What is another name for clear soup noodles?

13 5) What meal would you choose from Shanghai’s menu?5) What meal would you choose from Shanghai’s menu? 6) Why is table manners important when it comes to Chinese dining?6) Why is table manners important when it comes to Chinese dining?

14 7) When was the Ming & Qing dynasties? 7) When was the Ming & Qing dynasties? 8) What do Benbang & Haipai cuisines make good use of? 8) What do Benbang & Haipai cuisines make good use of?

15 9) Who was the influence in Shanghai cuisine? 9) Who was the influence in Shanghai cuisine? 10) If you could, would you travel to shanghai to eat various and new amounts of food? Why? Why not? 10) If you could, would you travel to shanghai to eat various and new amounts of food? Why? Why not?

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