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New Year in Romania In Romania,New Year is something special,and we need to respect some traditions in our country. We will tell you the most important.

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2 New Year in Romania

3 In Romania,New Year is something special,and we need to respect some traditions in our country. We will tell you the most important customs and traditions in Romania about The New Year.

4  Some people say : What you do on New Year`s Day, you will do the same for all the next year ! Firstly, at 00:00 you shouldn`t be alone because no one wants to be lonely the whole year to come.

5 Secondly, in that night,you must have money with you in order to have it all the year.

6 You must wear something red to be beautiful for the year to come.

7 Another tradition is to break your glass because if you do that, you will have good luck.

8 I wish …. The most important tradition is to make a wish at 00:00,because in the next year,that wish will come true.

9 At 00:00 everybody light the fireworks, because fireworks symbolize the prosperity of the new year.

10 After that, you must eat some of the traditional food, especially fish and cheese pie with your family or friends.

11 Iuliana Roman School no.22 Galati Romania

12 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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