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Complex demodulation Windowed Fourier Transform burst data Appropriate for burst data continuous data Questionable for continuous data (may miss important.

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Presentation on theme: "Complex demodulation Windowed Fourier Transform burst data Appropriate for burst data continuous data Questionable for continuous data (may miss important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complex demodulation Windowed Fourier Transform burst data Appropriate for burst data continuous data Questionable for continuous data (may miss important frequencies)

2 Complex demodulation

3 Wavelet Analysis Seasonal SST averaged over Central Pacific (Torrence and Compo, 1998) (Derivative of a Gaussian) “… to analyze time series that contain nonstationary power at different frequencies (Daubechies 1990)”

4 Continuous Wavelet Transform Continuous Wavelet Transform: Convolution of time series x n [N is the # of observations] with a scaled and translated version of a wavelet  0 (  ) [  is non-dimensional time] WAVELET TRANSFORM  t is sampling interval s is scale (frequency) xnxn s The wavelet  0 (  ) must have zero mean and be localized in time and frequency and have a complex conjugate  *

5 H(  ) is the Heaviside step function: H(  ) = 1 @  > 0 H(  ) = 0, otherwise  - scaling factor Real Imaginary Fourier transform of Complex Morlet (in time domain) plane wave modulated by a Gaussian Considerably faster to do the wavelet transform calculation in frequency (or Fourier space)

6 Real Imaginary WAVELET FUNCTIONS m = 6 Fourier transform

7 (derivative of Gauss order 2) m = 2


9 WAVELET FUNCTIONS m = 2 Fourier transform

10 WAVELET FUNCTIONS m = 4 Fourier transform

11 WAVELET FUNCTIONS m = 6 Fourier transform

12 WAVELET TRANSFORM Convolution of time series x n’ with a scaled and translated version of a base function: a wavelet  0 (  ) – continuous function in time and frequency – “mother wavelet” Convolution needs to be effected N (# of points in time series) times for each scale s; n is a translational value Much faster to do the calculation in Fourier space Convolution theorem allows N convolutions to be done simultaneously with the Discrete Fourier Transform: k is the frequency index Convolution theorem: Fourier transform of convolution is the same as the pointwise product of Fourier transforms Torrence and Compo (1998)

13 WAVELET TRANSFORM Fourier transform of Inverse Fourier transform ofis W n (s) With this relationship and a FFT routine, can calculate the continuous wavelet transform (for each s) at all n simultaneously where the angular frequency:


15 (Torrence and Compo, 1998)





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