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School Improvement Grant (SIG) Planning and Reporting Cohorts 2, 3, and 4 SIG Schools Rita Fentress, Director of School Improvement, Consolidated Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "School Improvement Grant (SIG) Planning and Reporting Cohorts 2, 3, and 4 SIG Schools Rita Fentress, Director of School Improvement, Consolidated Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Improvement Grant (SIG) Planning and Reporting Cohorts 2, 3, and 4 SIG Schools Rita Fentress, Director of School Improvement, Consolidated Planning and Monitoring, May 26, 2016

2  Reporting Progress  Annual Report  Planning for 2016-17 school year  SIG Application Amendment  2016-17 SIG Budget Agenda 2

3  iZone/District Level Report –Submission period – June 15 -30, 2016  School Level Reports –Cohort 2 (Year 4 extension) –Cohort 3 –Cohort 4 –Submission period – June 15 -30, 2016  SIG Final Expenditure Report (FER) –C omplete a FER as of June 30. –Due August 1 in ePlan. Annual Report – iZone and School Level Reports 3

4  iZone or District Annual Report – high level perspective –Academic and leading indicator data –Monitoring –Support to schools –Human capital –External providers –Operational flexibility to schools –Sustainability  School Level Annual Report –Academic and leading indicator data –Promising practices Reporting Progress 4

5  Both document templates can be downloaded from the ePlan 2016 LEA Document Library. –ePlan –LEA Document Library –School Improvement Grant –Annual report folder  We suggest that school level reports are submitted to the iZone/district for review and then uploaded to the LEA document library by district personnel who have access to ePlan. Submission Process 5

6 6 Questions

7 2017 SIG Application Amendment 7

8  Submission window July 1- 15  Will be processed in the order submitted. SIG Application Amendment

9  Cohort 3 SIG schools requesting a Year 4 extension –Provide a letter of requesting to use federal fiscal year (FY) 2013 carryover funds for a year of grant sustainability to be implemented in the 2016-17 school year. Please include signatures of the director of schools and director of federal programs. –Indicate the schools that will participate in the Year 4 extension. –Indicate the interventions to be sustained at the iZone, district and school level. –Indicate the anticipated amount of carryover funds that will be available for the Year 4 extension. Cohort 3 – Year 4 Extension

10  2017 LEA application in ePlan –Update LEA Cover Page –LEA Descriptive Information page Describe the changes to be implemented in 2016-17 If there are no changes from the previous year, write “ no change.” Cohort 4 – Year 2 Amendment 10

11  2017 School Model – ePlan Related Documents  Complete needs assessment.  Revise goals based on identified needs.  Revise milestones.  SIG model elements –Describe the changes to be implemented in 2016-17. –If there are no changes from the previous year, write “no change.” Revising the School Model 11

12  Budget information must match the SIG Year 2 application amendment  Must be reasonable, necessary, and allocable.  Budget narrative should be concise but specific. Year 2 Budget 12

13  Indicate original budget before each narrative –Type “ORIGINAL BUDGET” before each narrative. This differentiates the original budgets from the revised budgets you will complete later in the year. ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines 13

14  Indicate Cost for Personnel Positions –Include number of positions, amount allocated to each and a brief description. If multiple positions of the same type and cost, combine.  Returned Example:  Approved Example: ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines 14

15  Include Quantities –Include the quantity, unit price, and a brief description of all equipment, materials, and supplies.  Returned Example:  Approved Example: ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines 15

16  When submitting revisions, indicate revision#, before each narrative –Type “REVISION #” at each revision. This differentiates the original budgets from the revised budgets. –Always leave the original budget and any previous revisions in the narrative. Add and clearly label the next revision below. ePlan Application - Budget Guidelines 16

17  iZone/District Annual Report – June 15 - 30  SIG School Level Annual Report – June 15 - 30  SIG Application Amendment – July 1 - 15 In summary 17

18  – Application and program questions  – Budget questions  – ePlan questions Questions 18

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