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KG to PG Online Micro-University in Every Village Raj Reddy Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA July 5, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "KG to PG Online Micro-University in Every Village Raj Reddy Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA July 5, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 KG to PG Online Micro-University in Every Village Raj Reddy Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 July 5, 2016

2 Educational Innovation Desired Goal  Provide Quality Education to Every Child at 10 % of the Cost  Not just Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for Elementary School  From KG to PG, Not Just Age Group 6 to 14 but 5 to 25  Universal Rural Access to Education Beyond Rural Emphasis of Programs such as PUC/UG Program at RGUKT  Re-Envision KG to PG Education: Eliminate Dropouts  Move From Fixed Curriculum to Elective Curriculum  Adopt Variable Duration Courses: One Day, One Week and one Month Courses  Move Away from Fixed Time and Variable Grades model to Variable Time and Constant Outcome model (must get A-grade)  Teach Responsibility, Passion and Dedication  The Rule of One: Single Room School House  schoolhouse/ schoolhouse/ schoolhouse/

3 AP Literacy Problem  Dropout Rate is very high  50% of the students don’t complete 10 th Grade  33% of AP is Illiterate: Kerala 94% Tamil Nadu 80% AP 67%  Rural Rates may be higher because of lack of local high schools  Online Micro-University in Each Village  Students not Motivated to Learn  One Size Fits All Syllabus  Initiate Flexible Syllabus for KG to PG  Brown University Model  Students have 100s of Elective Courses to Choose from

4 Vision: A KG2PG Micro-University in Every Village  Universal Access to KG thru PG Education in Every Village  Every Child has access to a KG to PG school within 2kms  One Room School House Model  Expand Educational Opportunity to All Villages Using Online Education  Quality Teachers Online. Local Teacher’s Assistants for Interaction  Upgrade Infrastructure: WiFi, Power, Projection LED TV, Chairs, Tables, Toilets 4Cs: Necessary Conditions for Success  Connectivity: Wi-Fi in Every Village  Computing Device: Every Student has an iPad or Notebook  Capacity Building: Digital Literacy for Both Students and Parents  Content: 24x7 Access to Learning and Teaching Materials

5 What is a Micro-University (MU)?  A Micro University is Small Campus of “AP Online University” With upto 300 Students Learning KG to PG Subjects Without Leaving the Village  10 Classrooms 15’x20’ with LED TV screens  3000 sqft  Staggered Utilization  0730 to 1330KG to 8th (Elementary School)  1330 to 1930 9 th to 16 th (High School and UG)  PG classes – Self Paced  Adult Education – Self Paced  PPP Model with Government Support for All as Per Constitution?  CMU is Private University: Tuition $50K  University of Pittsburgh: State Sponsored. Tuition $20K  Both Not-for-Profit

6 Essential Skills for Surviving in the 21 st Century Topics for Elementary School Curriculum Learning to Learn (Digital Literacy and Web Skills) Learning to Learn (Digital Literacy and Web Skills) Learning to Think (Analytical Skills Math ) Learning to Think (Analytical Skills Math ) Learning Live (Vocational Education) Learning Live (Vocational Education) Learning by Doing Softskills for: Learning by Doing Softskills for: Communication skills/language proficiency Communication skills/language proficiency Presentation skills Presentation skills Interpersonal Interaction Interpersonal Interaction Teamwork and Work ethic Teamwork and Work ethic Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Stress Management Stress Management Time Management Time Management Anger Management Anger Management Personality and Gender Relationships Personality and Gender Relationships traits/sociability/courtesy traits/sociability/courtesy Self-discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence Self-discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence

7 Revise the KG thru PG Curricula Permitting 80% Elective Courses One Day, One Week and One Month Course Options Typical one-day subjects are: Typical one-day subjects are: First Aid, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness, Lifesaving, Personal Management, Driving, Camping First Aid, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, Emergency Preparedness, Lifesaving, Personal Management, Driving, Camping Typical one week subjects are: Typical one week subjects are: Family Medicine, Family Law, Family Life, Communications, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science Family Medicine, Family Law, Family Life, Communications, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science Typical One Month Subjects are: Typical One Month Subjects are: Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical Engineering Civil EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical Engineering Botany Zoology Physics Chemistry Geology Botany Zoology Physics Chemistry Geology BotanyZoology PhysicsChemistryGeology BotanyZoology PhysicsChemistryGeology Law Medical Science Agriculture Management Law Medical Science Agriculture Management Law Medical ScienceAgricultureManagement Law Medical ScienceAgricultureManagement Economics Mathematics Statistics Psychology Sociology Economics Mathematics Statistics Psychology Sociology EconomicsMathematicsStatisticsPsychologySociology EconomicsMathematicsStatisticsPsychologySociology Indian History Political Science Geography General Studies Indian History Political Science Geography General Studies Indian HistoryPolitical ScienceGeographyGeneral Studies Indian HistoryPolitical ScienceGeographyGeneral Studies

8 Model School Structure Affiliated to AP Online University To be Established by Government Staggered Use Facilities KG to 8 th grade from 0730 to 1330 and 9 th to 12 th Grade and 4 yr Under Grad and 2 Yr PG from 1400 to 2000 2 Permanent Staff for each shift and 9 contract TA Use upperclassmen as TAs? Top 10% of each class may be offered Taships Free Tuition and Rs 5K per month? 2 Staff and 2 Kitchen-Duty Small meal during break: 2 Eggs and Fruit

9 Required Infrastructure 10 classrooms one per grade each 20 seater + one as office 20x15? Corridor in the Middle? Courtyard? Screen in each room Furniture: 6 x Table and 3 seater Bench? WiFi Connection 10MBPS? Tablets/iPad for each student Rs10K? 150 students 15Laks? 20 students per grade? Solar Power/ Two fans in every room? Toilets Water Spply Kitchen/Canteen? Estimated Cost 60 to 80 Lakhs

10 Financial Model  Outsource KG to PG Micro University: BOOT Model  PPP partner (Local Hands-On Entrepreneur Educator) to Build and Maintain the Facilities  Annual Payment of 5 to 10 lakhs to ensure break-even  Content and iPads or equivalent to be provided by Government  Permanent Teacher Salaries paid by Government  TAs to be funded from Tuition income  Rs5K Kg-8; 10K for 9 to 12; 20K for UG and PG  Meals and Staff to be paid by Panchayat or PPP partner

11 Free Education?  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan:   Universal of elementary education   "in a time bound manner“   mandated by the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India  Costs Not Included  iPad and Connectivity  Uniforms and Sandals  Infra: Tables, Chairs, and Toilets  Mid-day Meals, Egg and Multi Vitamins  Outsource KG to PG Micro University: BOOT Model

12 Free Education?  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan:   Universal of elementary education   "in a time bound manner“   mandated by the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India  Costs Not Included  iPad and Connectivity  Uniforms and Sandals  Infra: Tables, Chairs, and Toilets  Mid-day Meals, Egg and Multi Vitamins  Outsource KG to PG Micro University: BOOT Model

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