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Unit #9 Tip of the week— If a word ends in y and is preceded by a consonant, usually the y is changed to i when adding suffixes not starting with i. exceptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit #9 Tip of the week— If a word ends in y and is preceded by a consonant, usually the y is changed to i when adding suffixes not starting with i. exceptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit #9 Tip of the week— If a word ends in y and is preceded by a consonant, usually the y is changed to i when adding suffixes not starting with i. exceptions – dryness, fryer


3 Academic Verbs— 3) connote to imply something else or have an additional meaning The word childlike can connote innocence. 4) denote to mean something specific or literal A red octagonal sign denotes a place to stop.

4 Commonly misspelled words— 5) arrogance ar + ro + gance 6) righteous right + e + ous

5 Roots/prefixes/suffixes— itis = inflammation audi = to hear bell = war cap/cep(t) = to take

6 7) tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils 8) auditory related to hearing 9) belligerent hostile, warlike 10) intercept to take between

7 Commonly confused words— 11) does (v.) Does that song annoy you? 12) dose (n. or v.) The doctor gave him a dose of medicine.

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