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●Mutton is very popular in Qinghai -it is the staple food of the herdsmen -Herdsmen pick a fat sheep, kill it, cut it into large chunks and since mutton.

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2 ●Mutton is very popular in Qinghai -it is the staple food of the herdsmen -Herdsmen pick a fat sheep, kill it, cut it into large chunks and since mutton doesn’t need to be fried it is ready in about half an hour ●If you go to Qinghai you will probably be offered zanba and milk tea -Zanba is made with milk, tea, sautéed barley, golden butter and sugar -milk tea is boiled in a pot and the main ingredients are tea and salt ●Yoghurt is very popular in Qinghai ●Niangpi is a popular snack made from flour and baking soda There are two kinds of niangpi; thin which is yellow and thick which is light brown

3 ●since the culture in Qinghai is closely related to Tibet’s the clothing is similar as well -The women wear wrap dresses -They have weaved purses and aprons as well

4 ●On February 2 nd monks display a thangka which is a sacred painting on cloth. They roll it out on a hill outside a monastery in Tongren ●During weddings people perform a camel dance in groups of four

5 ●Qinghai is located in the northeastern part of China -It has a landmass of 9,600,000 sq km -It is the fourth largest providence in the China ●Qinghai has lots of high mountains, broad basins, rolling hills and flat table land -The Yellow, Yangtze, and Mekong river all originate from Qinghai -Some mountain ranges include Tanggula, and Kulun Mountains ●The average elevation is 3000 meters -The average temperature is -5 to 8°c -Heavy winds and sandstorms are common in February and April

6  Early 16th C. Immigration of Heshuote Mongols  1720es. Qinghai conquered by Qing Dynasty China; Chinese province  1724 Lubuzangdanjin Rebellion suppressed; hitherto Tibetan Amdo placed under direct Manchu rule  1904 British invasion of Tibet, occupation of Lhasa; the Dalai Lama fled to Qinghai  1912 the Northern Warlords government appointed Ma Qi as the highest military commander of Xining  1915, Ma was entrusted to military and minority affairs concerning Mongolian nationality and Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces  1923 Following a dispute between the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, the latter fled to Amdo (which he ruled until 1937)  1927 Nationalist Chinese administration in Nanjing created Commission for Tibetan and Mongolian affairs; Panchen Lama recognized sovereignty of Nanjing Government over Amdo 1  928 Qinghai Province created (largely identical with Tibetan Amdo)  1931 War between Tibet and Qinghai



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