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FALL PEP SUMMIT 2011 September 30 - October 1 Minneapolis, MN Using the Railyard System.

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Presentation on theme: "FALL PEP SUMMIT 2011 September 30 - October 1 Minneapolis, MN Using the Railyard System."— Presentation transcript:

1 FALL PEP SUMMIT 2011 September 30 - October 1 Minneapolis, MN Using the Railyard System

2 2011-2012 NAIHS PE Curriculum Outline


4 The Egoscue Method A series of postural fitness exercises that strengthen and stretch the body empowering individuals to regain proper body alignment and function. Railyard Sample Videos

5 Brian Bradley Vice President of Education & Therapy Protocol at the Egoscue Method world headquarters in San Diego, CA Show Fit TV clip

6 Sampling of Egoscue E-cises Static Back Knee pillow squeezes in SB Hip Lifts Hip Crossover Frog Egoscue Shoulders Cats & Dogs Foot Circles / Point Flexes Sitting Femur Rotation Crocodile Twist Static Extension Air Bench Runners Stretch Downward Dog

7 The Patch / Railyard



10 CrossFit / R.A.W. Training / Getting a lot out of a little (time/equipment/cost) Focus on technique and building slowly, incremental goals (authentic formative assessment) Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable This is what we “GET TO DO”!

11 Adventure Education Teambuilding games and challenges with few or no props. Orienteering / Adventure Racing This is what we “GET TO DO”!

12 Adventure Activities Scottish Highland Games Adventure Workouts Field Trips

13 Field Trips; Spring Adventure Racing Series

14 Adventure Workout 1.Run (.1 and back) 2.Vaults (L/R 6X) 3.Run (.9 and back) 4.Over Under Log Challenge (6X) 5.Run (.1 and back) 6.Under Bungee (6X) 7.Run (.9 and back) 8.Climb the Slope (1X) 9.Run (.1 and back) 10.Tire Flips (2X) 11.Run (.9 and back) 12.Sled Drive (10 yards) 13.Run (.1 and back) 14.Monkey Bars (4x) 5 PU’s for each fall 15.Run (.9 and back) *Record Laps Completed

15 Scottish Highland Games 1. Plyo-box Jumps 2. Kettlebell Carry 3. Monkey Bars 4. Tire Flips 5. Hill Tire Drag 6. Tire Discus 7. Log Clean & Press 8. Log Sit-Ups 9. Caber Toss 10. Log/Fence Toss 11. Mountain Bike 12. Log Over Unders 13. Horizontal Rope 14. Med Ball Toss (Shot Put)

16 Tracking Results

17 Railyard Adventure Workout Railyard –Bear / Crab –Vaults –Kick-ups –Crocodile Walk Suspension Trainers –Push-ups –Rows –Pull-up w/Squat –Knee-ups Medicine Ball –Push Press –Kayaker –Wood Chopper –Russian Twist XLR8 Bags –Clean & Press –Front Squat –Kettlebell Swing –Shoulder carry Bungee/Rope –3 and under –Step under –Up the river –Accelerations

18 Recommended Reading

19 Thank you for listening

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