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Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI Total amount of.

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Presentation on theme: "Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI Total amount of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 “SP CONSULT BG” Ltd. Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing“

2 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 “SP CONSULT BG” Ltd. Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing“

3 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 “SP CONSULT BG” Ltd. Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing“

4 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Representation of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian small-scale fishermen are organised in local fishing associations, which operate almost entirely at the local level. By “local level”, it should be understood involving fishermen from one and the same location (city/village), who are using mainly one port, pier, quay berth. There is still no national association/association of small-scale fisheries in the country, which could unite the required number of fishermen and to achieve an adequate representation at the national level. The existing branch organisations - Association “Chernomorski Izgrev” and Association of Fish Products Producers BG Fish (AFPP BG Fish) represent the interests of owners of fishing vessels of an overall length >12 metres, which means that the interests of small-scale fisheries are underrepresented at the national level, and even less at the EU level.

5 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Organisational and legal form of the fishermen's organisations The existing local fishing associations in Bulgaria as per its organisational and legal form are set up in the form of not-for-profit associations, registered in private benefit. The other common form of organisational structure in the country is presented by the cooperatives, registered under the Cooperatives Act. Their activities are often limited to solving problems at local level, which fall within the competence of the local authorities. Due to their limited financial, technical and organisational capacity, these associations do not have a clear understanding and vision about the policies in the country and in the EU that affect them. This, in turn, leads to uncertainty and demotivation to be in compliance with various rules and requirements.

6 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Associations of fishermen of so-called small-scale fisheries: 1. Fishing Association Tsarevo; 2. Fishing Association Ahtopol; 3. Fishing Association Pomorie; 4. Association Mena – Nessebar; 5. Fishing cooperative Karia – Shabla; 6. Fishing Association Kaliakra – Kavarna; 7. Fishing Association Trakata – Varna; 8. Fishing Association "Chengene Skele“/Otmanli-Burgas; 9. Fishing Association "Karantinata" – Varna; 10. Fishing Association "Ada Bahcha " – Varna.

7 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Representation of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in Romania. The Romanian small-scale fishermen also have organisational structures (local fishing associations), which operate entirely at the local level. By “local level”, it should be also understood involving fishermen from one and the same location (city/village), who are using mainly one port, pier, quay berth. Due to their limited financial, technical and organisational capacity, these associations do not have a clear understanding and vision about the policies in the country and in the EU that affect them. This, in turn, leads to uncertainty and demotivation to be in compliance with various rules and requirements.

8 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 In Romania are existing the following fishing associations: 1. Federatia Organizatiilor de pescari de la Marea Neagra; 2. Asociatia Ro-Pescador; 3. Federatia Ro-Pescador Marea Neagra; 4. Asociatia Pescuitului Maritim Tomis. 5. Federatia organizatiilor producatorilor de peste din Delta Dunarii.

9 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 What is the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)? The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is a set of rules for managing European fishing fleets and for conserving fish stocks. Designed to manage a common resource, it gives all European fishing fleets equal access to EU waters and fishing grounds and allows fishermen to compete fairly.

10 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU Пилотен проект „Мерки за подпомагане на дребномащабния риболов“ ДОГОВОР ЗА БЕЗВЪЗМЕЗДНА ФИНАНСОВА ПОМОЩ ОТ ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯT СЪЮЗ: MARE/2014/04 - SI2.724176 Why the fisheries sector (fishing in the Black Sea) is managed by the EU/EC? The principle of conferral is fundamental to the functioning of the European Union (EU), where the Member States (MSs) empowered by the founding Treaties the European Union to act on their behalf in specific areas. The European Union has the power (conferred upon it by the Member States) to make management decisions (on their behalf). The European Union can do it only in certain areas (explicitly and exhaustively prescribed). The European Union may not do anything for which is not explicitly empowered by the founding Treaties (with the reservation of the supplementary competence (flexibility clause) under Article 352 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

11 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 In the area of conservation of marine biological resources (sea fishing) upon the European Union is conferred an exclusive competence. It means that in this area only the European Union can act, and the Member States can act only if the European Union has empowered them to do so. The other areas of exclusive competence are: 1. customs union; 2. competition rules; 3. monetary policy for the Member States whose currency is the euro, 4. common commercial policy. Role of international organizations in the field of fishing in the Black Sea: Functions, members and competency of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

12 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Why a control over sea fishing is required? The common fisheries management system is in place to: safeguard stock reproduction for high long-term yield; lay the foundations for a profitable industry; share out fishing opportunities fairly; conserve marine resources.

13 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 The principal aim of fisheries management under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is to ensure high long-term fishing yields for all stocks at the latest by 2020. This is referred to as “maximum sustainable yield”. Another increasingly important aim is to reduce unwanted catches and wasteful practices to the minimum or avoid them altogether, through the gradual introduction of a landing obligation.landing obligation The new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) provides for regionalisation and more extensive stakeholder consultation.regionalisation stakeholder consultation

14 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 How is the EU managing marine fisheries in the marine waters under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Member States; Fisheries management can take the form of input control, output control, or a combination of both. Input controls include: rules on access to waters — to control which vessels have access to which waters and areas;access to waters fishing effort controls — to limit fishing capacity and vessel usage;fishing effort technical measures — to regulate gear usage and where and when fishermen can fish. technical measures

15 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Output controls mainly consist of limiting the amount of fish from a particular fishery, in particular through Total Allowable Catches (TACs) ( see TACs and quotas ). TACs and quotas The Common Fisheries Policy increasingly has recourse to multi-annual plans which often combine different management tools.multi-annual plans Fisheries management is based on data and scientific advice, and control measures to ensure that rules are applied fairly to and complied with by all fishermen.datascientific advice

16 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 How the EU fisheries laws and regulations are prepared?

17 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Adoption of regulations/acts in the European Union: Legislative bodies: the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament Right of legislative initiative: the European Commission Main elements of the legislative procedure: The European Commission submits a legislative proposal to the Council and the European Parliament. The Council and the European Parliament adopt the legislative proposal either at the first or at the second reading. If, by the end of the second reading, the European Parliament and Council fail to reach an agreement, a ‘Conciliation Committee’ is convened to negotiate a compromise text (called also "joint text"). If the compromise text agreed by the Conciliation Committee is acceptable to both institutions at the third reading, the legislative act is adopted.

18 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU Пилотен проект „Мерки за подпомагане на дребномащабния риболов“ ДОГОВОР ЗА БЕЗВЪЗМЕЗДНА ФИНАНСОВА ПОМОЩ ОТ ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯT СЪЮЗ: MARE/2014/04 - SI2.724176 Adoption of regulations/acts of the European Union: If a legislative proposal is rejected at any stage of the procedure, or the European Parliament and the Council cannot reach a compromise, the proposal is not adopted and the procedure ends. Legal base: Articles 289 and 294 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

19 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Adoption of laws, decrees of the Council of Ministers and ordinances at national level. Laws: Legislative procedure at the National Assembly; Decrees of the Council of Ministers and ordinances: procedure of the Council of Ministers and ministries.

20 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 How can the process of adopting normative acts be influenced? How to participate in public consultations at the time of adoption of the normative acts? Legal framework: Law on Normative Acts The state bodies, legal entities and citizens may submit proposals for improvement of legislation. Proposals shall be addressed to the body empowered to issue the normative act, or to the competent body entitled to initiate legislation. In the process of development of a draft of a normative act public consultations with citizens and legal entities are conducted.

21 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Before submitting a draft of a normative act for issuance or acceptance by the competent authority the proposing body shall publish it on the website of the relevant institution together with the motives, respectively the report and the ex-ante impact assessment. When the proposing authority of the draft is a part of the executive power, the publication is done on the Portal for Public Consultations and when it is a local authority – on the website of the respective Municipality and/or the Municipal Council.

22 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 The term for suggestions and opinions regarding the drafts of normative acts published for public consultations shall not be shorter than 30 days. In extraordinary cases, explicitly justified in the motives, respectively in the report, the proposing authority may determine a different term, but not shorter than 14 days. Upon completion of the public consultation and prior to the adoption or issue of the normative act, the proposing authority shall publish on its institutional website a report on the received suggestions with a justification providing reasons for not taking into account of those rejected. When the proposing authority is a body of the executive power, the publication of the report is done simultaneously on the Portal for Public Consultations as well.

23 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 What can be achieved at the participation in the public discussion ? Amendments to the relevant act; Supplements to the relevant act; Exceptions to the established rules; Transition periods; Examples.

24 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 The need for representation Need in the creation and existence of representative small-scale fisheries organizations (SSFO); Participation of the SSFO in the Advisory Council for the Black Sea (ACBS); Participation of the SSFO in the Monitoring Committee of the Maritime and Fisheries Programme (MFP) 2014-2020 with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Participation of the SSFO in the Advisory Council on Fisheries with the Minister of Agriculture and Food.

25 Pilot project „ Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing ” GRANT AGREEMENT FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION: MARE / 2014/04 - SI2.724176 Total amount of the project: 177 767 EUR Total amount of the EU contribution: 159 990 EU  Pilot Project – “Support Measures for Small-Scale Fishing” GRANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ACTION: MARE/2014/04-SI2.724176 Thank you for your attention!

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