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SCH4U – Grade 12 Chemistry, University Preparation DVORSKY Equilibrium Constant (K c ) and the Reaction Quotient (Q c ) Review of Le Châtelier’s Principle.

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Presentation on theme: "SCH4U – Grade 12 Chemistry, University Preparation DVORSKY Equilibrium Constant (K c ) and the Reaction Quotient (Q c ) Review of Le Châtelier’s Principle."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCH4U – Grade 12 Chemistry, University Preparation DVORSKY Equilibrium Constant (K c ) and the Reaction Quotient (Q c ) Review of Le Châtelier’s Principle

2 Law of Chemical Equilibrium At equilibrium there is a constant ratio between the concentration of reactants and products in any change. Using ICE charts and the equilibrium equation we can solve for the: Concentrations at: I = initial, C = change, E = equilibrium Equilibrium constant Initial or Equilibrium concentrations of chemical species in a reaction May need to use the quadratic equation to solve problems. There may be more than one solution, but only one of the solutions will make sense. The equilibrium constant (K) describes the extent of a reaction. K > 1 means equilibrium favours the products (more products made than reactants) K = 1 means at equilibrium there are equal concentrations of products & reactants. K < 1 means equilibrium favours the reactants (less products made than reactants)

3  How do you know a reaction is at equilibrium?  How can you predict the direction in which the reaction must proceed to reach equilibrium? ◦ The reaction quotient (Q c ) is an expression that is identical to the equilibrium constant expression, but its value is calculated using concentrations that are not necessarily those at equilibrium.

4  Q < K  denominator is large ◦ system attains equilibrium by moving to the right, move towards making products  Q = K  system at equilibrium  Q > K  numerator is large ◦ system attains equilibrium by moving to the left, move towards making reactants


6 A dynamic equilibrium tends to respond so as to relieve the effect of any change in the conditions that affect the equilibrium.  Predicts the way that an equilibrium system responds to change  Involves: ◦ Initial equilibrium system ◦ Shifting “non-equilibrium” state ◦ New equilibrium state Henry-Louis Le Châtelier, 1850-1936, a French chemist and engineer

7 Increase concentration of reactants F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\Nelson Chemistry 12 Textbook\Chem_12\Attachments\d)_Animations\ Decrease concentration of reactants F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\Nelson Chemistry 12 Textbook\Chem_12\Attachments\d)_Animations\ Video: F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\McGrawHill Chemistry 12 Textbook\elp\unit4\

8 Increase concentration of products F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\Nelson Chemistry 12 Textbook\Chem_12\Attachments\d)_Animations\ Decrease concentration of products F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\Nelson Chemistry 12 Textbook\Chem_12\Attachments\d)_Animations\

9  Common ion effect ◦ Involves adding an ion to a solution in which the ion is already present in solution (concentration effect) ◦ Equilibrium shifts away from the added ion Video: F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\McGrawHill Chemistry 12 Textbook\elp\unit4\4_3a.avi

10  The value of the equilibrium constant changes with temperature, because the forward and reverse reactions are affected  Le Châtelier’s Principle still holds.  The sign of the enthalpy change for the reaction is important. ◦ Endothermic Change (ΔH >0)  ↑ temperature, shift equilibrium to right, forming products & K c increases  ↓ temperature, shift equilibrium to left, forming reactants, & K c decreases ◦ Exothermic Change (ΔH <0)  ↑ temperature, shift equilibrium to left, forming reactants & K c decreases  ↓ temperature, shift equilibrium to right, forming products, & K c increases Video: F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\McGrawHill Chemistry 12 Textbook\elp\unit4\4_3b.avi Video: F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\McGrawHill Chemistry 12 Textbook\elp\unit4\4_3c.avi


12  Pressure and Volume are inversely related at a constant temperature.  Pressure is caused by gas molecules striking the walls of a container, so you change pressure by changing the number of gas molecules. ◦ if ↓volume, ↑pressure so, shift to more gas molecules ◦ if ↑volume, ↓pressure so, shift to less gas molecules ◦ What if same number of gas molecules on both sides of equation?  Volume & pressure have no effect on the position of equilibrium.


14 Catalyst  A catalyst speeds up the rate of a reaction.  Overall effect is to lower the activation energy, which increases the rate of reaction, of both the forward and reverse reactions.  Catalysts do not affect the position of equilibrium, only the time taken.

15 Inert Gases (N 2 & Noble Gases)  Inert gases do not react with other gases. This will not be part of the equilibrium system.  The equilibrium position of the system will not change. ◦ The presence of the inert gas changes the probability of successful collisions for both the reactants and products equally, resulting in no shift in the equilibrium system.

16 Video: F:\Courses\SCH4U1 - Chemistry Gr12 Univ\~ Resources ~\McGrawHill Chemistry 12 Textbook\elp\unit4\4_2.avi


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