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Ch. 16: Chemical Equilibrium Dr. Namphol Sinkaset Chem 201: General Chemistry II.

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1 Ch. 16: Chemical Equilibrium Dr. Namphol Sinkaset Chem 201: General Chemistry II

2 I. Chapter Outline I.Introduction II.The Equilibrium Constant (K) III.Values of Equilibrium Constants IV.The Reaction Quotient (Q) V.Equilibrium Problems VI.Le Châtelier’s Principle

3 I. Introduction Equilibrium will be the focus for the next several chapters. Most reactions are reversible, meaning they can proceed in both forward and reverse directions. This means that as products build up, they will react and reform reactants. At equilibrium, the forward and backward reaction rates are equal.

4 I. Example Equilibrium

5 II. Equilibrium Concentrations Equilibrium does not mean that concentrations are all equal!! However, we can quantify concentrations at equilibrium. Every equilibrium has its own equilibrium constant.

6 II. The Equilibrium Constant equilibrium constant: the ratio at equilibrium of the [ ]’s of products raised to their stoichiometric coefficients divided by the [ ]’s of reactants raised to their stoichiometric coefficients. The relationship between a balanced equation and equilibrium constant expression is the law of mass action.

7 II. The Equilibrium Constant For a general equilibrium aA + bB  cC + dD, the equilibrium expression is:

8 II. Sample “Problem” Write the equilibrium constant expression for the reaction: C 3 H 8(g) + 5O 2(g)  3CO 2(g) 4H 2 O (g).

9 II. Physical Meaning of K K is a measure of the extent of the reaction, i.e. how far the reaction goes to completion. Large values of K mean that the equilibrium favors products. Why?* Small values of K mean that the equilibrium favors reactants. Why?*

10 II. Rules for Manipulating K If the equation is reversed, the equilibrium constant is inverted.

11 II. Rules for Manipulating K If the equation is multiplied by a factor, the equilibrium constant is raised to the same factor.

12 II. Rules for Manipulating K When chemical equations are added, their equilibrium constants are multiplied together to get the overall equilibrium constant.

13 II. Sample Problem Predict the equilibrium constant for the first reaction given the equilibrium constants for the second and third reactions. CO 2(g) + 3H 2(g)  CH 3 OH (g) + H 2 O (g) K 1 = ? CO (g) + H 2 O (g)  CO 2(g) + H 2(g) K 2 = 1.0 x 10 5 CO (g) + 2H 2(g)  CH 3 OH (g) K 3 = 1.4 x 10 7

14 II. K in Terms of Pressure Up to this point, we’ve been using concentration exclusively in the equilibrium expressions. Partial pressures are proportional to concentration via PV = nRT. Thus, for gas reactions, partial pressures can be used in place of concentrations.

15 II. Two Different K’s For the reaction 2SO 3(g)  2SO 2(g) + O 2(g), we can write two equilibrium expressions.

16 II. Relationship Between Concentration and Pressure To be able to convert between K c and K p, we need a relationship between concentration and pressure.

17 II. Converting Between K c and K p

18 The Δn is the change in the number of moles of gas when going from reactants to products. When does K p equal K c ?*

19 II. Sample Problem Methanol can be synthesized via the reaction CO (g) + 2H 2(g)  CH 3 OH (g). If K p of this reaction equals 3.8 x 10 -2 at 200 °C, what’s the value of K c ?

20 II. Heterogeneous Equilibria If an equilibrium contains pure solids or pure liquids, they are not included in the equilibrium constant expression. Why not?*

21 III. Values of K Values of K are most easily calculated by allowing a system to come to equilibrium and measuring [ ]’s of the components. For the equilibrium H 2(g) + I 2(g)  2HI (g), let’s say equilibrium [ ]’s at 445 °C were found to be 0.11 M, 0.11 M, and 0.78 M for molecular hydrogen, molecular iodine, and hydrogen iodide, respectively.

22 III. K c for a H 2 /I 2 Mixture Note that units are not included when calculating K’s. Thus, equilibrium constants are unitless.

23 III. Equilibrium [ ]’s vs. K For any reaction, the final equilibrium [ ]’s will depend on the initial [ ]’s of reactants or products. However, no matter how you set up the reaction, the value of the equilibrium constant will be the same if the temperature is the same.

24 III. Equilibrium [ ]’s vs. K

25 IV. The Reaction Quotient What happens when we mix reactants together and wait? Can we predict what will happen when we have a mixture of reactants and products? The reaction quotient, Q c or Q p, is used to predict in which direction a reaction will move.

26 IV. Formula for Q c or Q p You already know the formula because it’s the same as for K c or K p !! The difference is, we don’t know if the reaction is at equilibrium, thus, we cannot set the ratio equal to K! For the reaction aA + bB  cC + dD:

27 IV. Using Q The value of Q relative to K tells you whether the reaction will form more products or more reactants to reach equilibrium.  Q < K means reaction forms products.  Q > K means reaction form reactants.  Q = K means reaction is at equilibrium.

28 IV. Reaction Works to Make Q = K

29 IV. Sample Problem Consider the reaction N 2 O 4(g)  2NO 2(g) with K c = 5.85 x 10 -3. If a reaction mixture contains [NO 2 ] = 0.0255 M and [N 2 O 4 ] = 0.0331 M, which way will the reaction proceed?

30 V. Equilibrium Problems 2 main categories of equilibrium problems:  Finding K c or K p from known equilibrium concentrations or partial pressures  Finding one or more equilibrium [ ]’s or partial pressures w/ a known K c or K p

31 V. Finding K c or K p To find equilibrium constants, we must be given information as to what [ ]’s to use in the equilibrium expression. Often, we will need to set up a table to organize the information.

32 V. Sample Problem An equilibrium was established for the reaction CO (g) + H 2 O (g)  CO 2(g) + H 2(g). At equilibrium, the following [ ]’s were found: [CO] = 0.180 M, [H 2 O] = 0.0411 M, [CO 2 ] = 0.150 M, [H 2 ] = 0.200 M. What’s the value of K c ?

33 V. Sample Problem In the reaction 2CO (g) + O 2(g)  2CO 2(g), it was found the concentration of O 2 dropped by 0.030 mole/L. When the reaction reached equilibrium, how had the [CO] and [CO 2 ] changed?

34 V. Sample Problem A student placed 0.200 mole PCl 3(g) and 0.100 mole Cl 2(g) into a 1.00 L container at 250 °C. After the reaction PCl 3(g) + Cl 2(g)  PCl 5(g) came to equilibrium, 0.120 mole PCl 3 was found. What’s the value of K c for this reaction?

35 V. Key Points 1)Only use equilibrium [ ]’s in the K c /K p expression. 2)Initial [ ]’s should be in molarity if using K c. 3)Changes in [ ]’s always occur in agreement with stoichiometry in the balanced equation. 4)When entering the “Change” row, make sure all reactants change in one direction and all products change in the opposite direction.

36 V. Finding Equil. [ ]’s This second type of problem is more challenging than the first. Key is interpreting information given and organizing it into a concentration table!

37 V. Sample Problem At 25 °C, K c = 4.10 for the reaction CH 3 COOH (l) + CH 3 CH 2 OH (l)  CH 3 C(O)OCH 2 CH 3(l) + H 2 O (l). At equilibrium, it was found that [CH 3 COOH] = 0.210 M, [H 2 O] = 0.00850 M, [CH 3 C(O)OCH 2 CH 3 ] = 0.910 M. What’s the equilibrium [ ] of CH 3 CH 2 OH?

38 V. Sample Problem The reaction CO (g) + H 2 O (g)  CO 2(g) + H 2(g) has a K c of 4.06 at 500 °C. If 0.100 mole CO and 0.100 mole H 2 O are placed in a 1.00 L reaction vessel at this temperature, what are the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products?

39 V. Sample Problem A reaction mixture at 25 °C initially contains P I2 = 0.100 atm, P Cl2 = 0.100 atm, and P ICl = 0.100 atm. If the reaction I 2(g) + Cl 2(g)  2ICl (g) has a K p of 81.9 at 25 °C, find the equilibrium partial pressures of each species.

40 V. Sample Problem At a certain temperature, K c = 4.50 for the reaction N 2 O 4(g)  2NO 2(g). If 0.300 mole N 2 O 4 is placed in a 2.00 L flask at this temperature, what will be the equilibrium [ ]’s of both gases?

41 V. Simplifications When K c or K p is very small or very big, we can treat x as being insignificant.  As such, we discard x in any addition/subtraction operation. Why?* We must verify our assumption by comparing the value we obtain for x to the number it was discarded from.  Assumption is valid if value of x is less than 5% of the number it would have been subtracted from.

42 V. Sample Problem In air at 25 °C and 1 atm, [N 2 ] = 0.033 M and [O 2 ] = 0.00810 M. The reaction between molecular nitrogen and molecular oxygen to form nitrogen monoxide has K c = 4.8 x 10 -31 at 25 °C. What is the natural [NO] in the atmosphere?

43 V. Successive Approximations If the less than 5% criteria is not met, we fall back to the method of successive approximations. In this method, we take the value of x obtained after simplification, and insert it into the equation where x was discarded. The equation is solved again for x, the process repeating until the value of x becomes constant.

44 V. Sample Problem Hydrogen sulfide decomposes according to the reaction 2H 2 S (g)  2H 2(g) + S 2(g) at 800 °C with a K c of 1.67 x 10 -7. If initially [H 2 S] = 1.00 x 10 -4 M, in a closed reaction vessel, what is the equilibrium concentration of S 2(g) ?

45 VI. Predicting Qualitative Changes to Equilibrium If a system is at equilibrium, what happens when it is disturbed? Le Châtelier’s Principle allow us to make qualitative predictions about changes in chemical equilibria:  When a chemical system at equilibrium is disturbed, the system shifts in the direction that minimizes the disturbance.

46 VI. Three Ways to Disturb an Equilibrium We look at three ways that disturb a system at equilibrium: 1)Adding/removing a reactant or product. 2)Changing the volume/pressure in gaseous reactions. 3)Changing the temperature.

47 VI. Adding Reactant/Product If we add or remove a reactant or product, we’re changing the [ ]’s. The equilibrium will shift in a direction that will partially consume a reactant or product that is added, or partially replace a reactant or product that has been removed.

48 VI. Adding Product

49 VI. Adding Reactant/Product

50 VI. Changing Volume/Pressure Via PV = nRT, pressure and volume are inversely related.  For example, decreasing volume of a container increases the pressure of all gases in the container. Reducing container volume of a gaseous reaction mixture shifts the equilibrium in the direction that will, if possible, decrease the # of moles of gas.

51 VI. Changing Pressure

52 VI. Changing Temperature To determine the effect of changing the temperature, we need to know the heat of reaction, ΔH rxn. Once we know if a reaction is exo or endo, we can write “heat” as a product or reactant. We then apply Le Châtelier’s Principle in the same manner as when we considered the add product/reactant case.

53 VI. Changing T Changes K! In previous disturbances, K didn’t change. What did? However, changes in T change K which leads to shifts in the equilibrium.

54 VI. Visual Example

55 VI. Sample Problem For the reaction N 2(g) + 3H 2(g)  2NH 3(g), ΔH rxn = -46.19 kJ/mole. Which way will the equilibrium shift when each of the following occurs? a)NH 3 is removed via reaction w/ HCl. b)The reaction vessel is opened. c)The reaction vessel is cooled by 25 °C. d)Some Ar gas is added to the reaction vessel. e)A catalyst is added.

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