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MAGAZINE MEDIA – MARKET OVERVIEW THE BASICS. MAGAZINE MEDIA AT A GLANCE Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016 Magazine media reaches 37 million adults.

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Presentation on theme: "MAGAZINE MEDIA – MARKET OVERVIEW THE BASICS. MAGAZINE MEDIA AT A GLANCE Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016 Magazine media reaches 37 million adults."— Presentation transcript:


2 MAGAZINE MEDIA AT A GLANCE Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016 Magazine media reaches 37 million adults every month Print magazines reach almost 30 million adults every month Around 16 million adults engage with magazine content on their mobile phone every month 8 million adults enjoy magazine media websites via a desktop each month

3 OVER 250 NEW CONSUMER TITLES LAUNCHED IN 2015 3068 consumer magazines in the UK in 2015 285 new titles launched in 2015 35% Increase in launches compared to 2014 Source: Source Frontline Distribution.


5 Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, Note: Data for newsbrands and magazine brands include print and digital revenues. TV data is based on spot advertising, broadcaster VOD, sponsorship, advertiser funded programming and product placement. Radio includes branded content. Internet pure play excludes online revenues from newsbrands, magazine brands, TV broadcasters and radio station websites. Individual channel totals do not add up to the total due to differing methodology used in the calculation of internet pureplay and digital revenues for newsbrands, magazine brands and broadcaster VOD. ANNUAL SHARE OF UK ADPEND 2015 (AA/WARC) Total adspend: £20,087m £943 million spent on magazines in 2015

6 SHARE OF UK DISPLAY ADSPEND 2015 (AA/WARC) Note: Figures in brackets show percentage point difference vs 2014. Data for newsbrands and magazine brands include print and digital revenues. TV data is based on spot and broadcaster-only VOD. Radio data excludes branded content. Internet excludes online revenues from newsbrands, magazine brands, TV broadcasters and radio station websites. Percentages do not sum to 100 due to differing methodologies for calculating internet pure play and digital revenues for the newsbrands and magazine brands. Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report, 2015 total display: £13,418m

7 TOP MAGAZINE ADVERTISERS 1 2 3 4 5 Source: NMR July 2015 – June 2016 6 7 8 9 10 1116 12 13 14 15 19 18 17 20

8 TOP ADVERTISER CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 5 Source: NMR July 2015 – June 2016 6 7 8 9 10 Clothing & Accessories £95m Cosmetics & Personal Care £82m Household Equipment & DIY £42m Motors £31m Leisure Equipment £28m Entertainment & Leisure £28m Retail £27m Food £24m Travel & Transport £18m Finance £17m

9 Digital revenue set to increase by 9% in 2017 Source: Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report Magazine media ad spend by platform 20145– 2017 FORECAST 2015-2016 (AA/WARC) £876m £942m £900m


11 OVERALL MARKET Consumers spend over £1.1bn annually on magazine media Source: ABC: June end 2016 (consumer titles)

12 THAT’S MORE THAN… £316m spent on subscriptions in the UK Source: Ofcom I Cinema UK & £620m taken at the box office worldwide

13 TOTAL UK CONSUMER MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Over 800 million magazines will be distributed across the UK in 2016 Source: ABC: June end 2016 (consumer titles)


15 TOP 10 TITLES BY YOY GROWTH 1 2 3 4 5 Combined Total Average Circulation: +57.3% +34.1% +29.0% +26.6% +15.5% +14.6% +14.5% +14.2% +12.2% +12.0% Y.O.Y% Source: ABC: June End 2016 (consumer titles) 6 7 8 9 10

16 GROWTH SECTORS BY CIRCULATION LEISURE INTERESTS +26.31% YOY Source: ABC: June end 2016 (consumer titles) New Launch 0.2m MEN’S LIFESTYLE +22.25% YOY +14.5% CHILDREN’S +13.25% YOY +34.1%

17 GROWTH SECTORS BY CIRCULATION WOMEN’S INTERESTS: SLIMMING +9.58% YOY Source: ABC: June end 2016 (consumer titles) +14.2% NEWS & CURRENT AFFAIRS +2.66% YOY +3.7% HOME INTEREST: GARDENING +1.25% YOY +3.5%

18 FREE MAGAZINES 1 2 3 4 5 TOP 5 BY CIRCULATION 1.97m 1.96m 0.51m 0.40m 0.31m 2015 NEW LAUNCHES Source: ABC: June end 2016 (consumer titles) 0.31m 0.30m


20 MAGAZINE MEDIA MONTHLY REACH Monthly magazine media now reach 72% of the GB adult population MobileDigitalPrintAny Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

21 % PENETRATION BY AGE (MONTHLY REACH) GB adults 15+ Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

22 % PENETRATION BY GENDER (MONTHLY REACH) GB adults 15+ 12.0m13.9m16.1m17.6m18.7m21.2m Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

23 % PENETRATION BY SOCIAL GRADE (MONTHLY REACH) GB adults 15+ 17.3m19.2m21.7m12.3m13.3m15.6m Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

24 % PENETRATION BY WORKING STATUS (MONTHLY REACH) GB adults 15+ 12.6m14.3m16.7m4.3m4.5m5.1m7.2m7.7m7.8m Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016


26 BRANDS WITH PRINT, WEB AND MOBILE DATA Monthly Audience Estimates (‘000s ) +134% +72% +32% +27% +155% +88% +63% +102% +31% +22% Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

27 PRINT & MOBILE REACH – 14 LEADING BRANDS PrintMobile 12.77m 16.10m Magazine media mobile audience is now larger than print Data based on the 14 titles where data is available for print, desktop & mobile Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

28 PLATFORM REACH (MILLIONS) – 12 LEADING BRANDS AnyPrintWebMobile 25.3m 12.77m 16.10m 5.5m Data based on the 14 titles where data is available for print, desktop & mobile Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016


30 MONTHLY REACH BY AUDIENCE MillennialsABC1 Men Age 50+ ABC1 Women 70% 67% 76% 84%75% Families (Children in HH) % of audience that consume magazine media Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

31 MONTHLY MOBILE REACH BY AUDIENCE MillennialsABC1 Men Age 50+ ABC1 Women 29% 14% 44% 40%49% Families (Children in HH) % of audience that consume magazine media Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

32 MONTHLY DESKTOP REACH BY AUDIENCE MillennialsABC1 Men Age 50+ ABC1 Women 20% 13% 15% 21%17% Families (Children in HH) % of audience that consume magazine media Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

33 MONTHLY PRINT REACH BY AUDIENCE MillennialsABC1 Men Age 50+ ABC1 Women 53% 59% 58% 70%53% Families (Children in HH) % of audience that consume magazine media Source: NRS PADD July 2015 – June 2016

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