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Published byMorris Watts Modified over 8 years ago
Integrated Watershed Management Programme [IWMP] State Level Nodal Agency [S L N A] Meeting 23.02.2015 South Conference Hall, Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram at 2.30 pm KV. Mohankumar, IAS CRD & CEO, SLNA Kerala
Agenda Item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of SLNA meeting held on 23-05-2014 Copies of the minutes of the SLNA meeting held on 23-05-2014 have been forwarded to all members. No remarks have been received. The minutes of the meeting is given in Annexure I. The same may be approved.
Agenda Item No. 2 ACTION TAKEN REPORT OF THE SLNA MEETING HELD ON 23-05-2014 Res. No.1: Inclusion of areas of foreclosed projects and areas treated 10 years back under IWMP Action taken: Action taken: As per the decision of SLNA meeting held on 23- 05-2014, proposal to above matter was sent to DoLR on 29/9/2014. Reply is awaiting.
Res. No. 2: Approval of PPRs for 2014-15 Action taken: The PPR for 12 projects for an area of 51333ha in 12 districts for the year 2014-15 approved by SLNA and presented in the 37 th Steering Committee meeting held on 23-04-2014 by DoLR and appraised by the Committee.
Res. No. 3: Approval of DPRs Action taken: SLNA approved 18 DPRs of Batch II, III & IV.
Res. No.4: Preparation of DPR of Chowannur Block due to overlapping of projects of RIDF Action taken: The matter was already settled by DPC and they have finalized the DPR and submitted for approval of SLNA.
Res No. 5: Finalisation of 5 projects of Idukki district and one project in Kannur district under Batch III Action taken All the 6 projects were finalized and DPR submitted for approval of SLNA as Agenda item No 5.
Res. No. 6: Delay in clearance of projects by DPC Action taken The Secretary LSGD (RD) had given instructions to all Dist Collectors to maintain a time line for clearance of projects by DPC in order to avoid delay in approval of DPRs by DPC.
Res.No.7: Finalisation of project of Chittor Block under Batch IV Action taken: IRTC, an empanelled TSO had engaged with Chittoor Block for the preparation of DPR under Batch IV within 2 months.
Res.No.8: Time line for finalisation of DPRs of Batch IV A time line was fixed for finalization of all the remaining 13 DPRs of Batch IV as on 30-06-2014 Action taken All the DPRs except DPRs of project in Chittoor Block of Palakkad district, Kalpetta block of Wayanad district and project in Kasargod block of Kasargod district were completed and submitted for approval of SLNA.
Res.No.9 Preparation DPRs of Batch V It has been resolved to entrust the preparation of DPRs of Batch V for which TSO were not engaged to SS & SC Department. Action taken: All the projects of Batch V except one project in Mavelikkara Block of Alappuzha district had entrusted TSOs for preparation of DPRs. The project in Mavelikkara Block is entrusted to SS & SC Department. Contd..:
Department of Soil Survey & Soil Conservation has been entrusted for the preparation of DPR of IWMP IV/2013-14 batch V project to be implemented in Mavelikkara block of Alappuzha district. As per the MoU the DPR has to be submitted by the end of March 2015. The Department has been pursuing socio-economic surveys & resource mapping for the preparation of realistic & scientific DPR and the DPR will be submitted within the time frame.
Res.No.10: Overlapping of other projects within IWMP project area It is resolved to create a data base of all watersheds treated under various schemes. It is resolved to constitute a task force headed by Chief, State Planning Board; Director, SS & SC department; Commissioner Rural Development and Commissioner, KSLUB. Director, SS & SC department is entrusted to prepare an action plan and fix a time line for completion of the data base. Contd…
The Department of Soil Survey & Soil Conservation has already initiated steps for collecting data for formulating database and the action is pursuing in this regard. Nabard, Western Ghat Cell & Commissionarate of Rural Development have been requested to provide the details. Action taken:
Res.No.11:Appointment of KSLUB as Evaluating agency Action taken The action of entrusting KSLUB as Evaluating agency was ratified. Hence no further action.
Res.No.12: Empanelling of KSLUB and NBSS&LUP as Evaluating Agency Action taken: It is resolved to utilize the service of already empanelled agencies for evaluation of projects. CWRDM and CPCRI were entrusted for evaluation of Batch III projects.
Res.No.13: Co-operation of Line departments. Action taken: The Secretary, LSGD, had issued directions to all line departments to extend whole hearted support to all activities involved right from the planning process of implementation of IWMP.
Res.No.14: Engagement of Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and documentation (MEL&D) agency Action taken: The Secretary, LSGD (RD) had conducted a meeting for finalization of MEL&D agency on 14-08-2014. In the meeting SS&SC department, KSLUB & CWRDM had agreed to undertake MEL&D of IWMP projects in Kerala. As the 11 th Quarterly Review Meeting held on 14-11-2014, GoI ruled out the appointment of State Govt. agencies as concurrent Monitoring and Evaluating agency as they are partner departments and it may cause conflict of interest. Hence it was suggested to entrust third party independent agencies for concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation as per guidelines issued by GoI through open bidding process.
Res.No.15: Web based monitoring and Evaluation of projects It was resolved to entrust Mission Director, MGNREGS to sort out the possibility of obtaining software for concurrent monitoring and evaluation. Action taken: Action pending
Res.No.16: Utilisation of existing facilities in IWDM-K Chadayamangalam, SIRD & CWRDM to handle the entire CB activities Action taken: The Secretary, LSGD had visited SIRD and IWDM-K Chadayamangalam on 7-02-2015.
Res.No.17: Finalisation of nodal agency for CB of IWMP Action taken: Intimations were given to CWRDM, SIRD and IWDM- K Chadayamangalam and they are requested to make a presentation as per agenda item number:10
Res.No.18: Posting of Hydrologist Action taken: Appointed a Hydrologist having M Tech in Land and Water Resources Engineering.
Res.No.19: Engagement of CA for audit Action taken: Entrusted Sri Venkatachalam & Associates, TVPM for audit of Accounts of IWMP for the FY 2013-14.
Res.No.20: Ratification of engagement of TSO for Batch V projects It was resolved to ratify the action of engaging TSOs for DPR preparation of Batch V projects. Action taken: No action.
Res.No.21: Reconstitution of Technical Scrutinising Committee by including one official from KSREC Action taken: Reconstituted the Technical Scrutinising Committee by including Dr Sheeja, Scientist of KSREC.
Res.No.22: Shifting of office of TSU of SLNA Action taken: The TSU is accommodated in the Commissionerate of Rural Development at Swaraj Bhavan.
Res.No.24: Impact assessment study of preparatory phase of Batch I&II Action taken: It is resolved not to conduct the impact study.
Res.No.25: Documentation of projects Action taken: Entrusted KSFDC for producing a documentary on IWMP.
Res.No.26: Convergence of MGNREGS with IWMP It is resolved to approve the proposal submitted by Mission Director, MGNREGS to develop a state specific working instruction. Action taken: Action pending
Res.No.27: One year Diploma course in Watershed Management as a qualification for WDT member Action taken: The proposal was accepted by Govt and GO was issued in this regard.
Agenda Item No.03: Status of Implementation
IWMP - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ABSTRACT (Rs. In Crore) BatchYear No of projects Central Share Released (in cores) State share Released (in cores) Misc Receipt Total Funds Available Expenditure as on 31/01/2015 (in cores) 1237891011 I2009-1010 41.7984.6442.5448.98239.06 (80%) II2010-1116 III2011-1215 IV2012-1320 V2013-1410 VI2014-1512 Total 83 41.7984.6442.5448.98239.06
IWMP Yearwise Expenditure Status
IWMP - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (CONSOLIDATED) (Rs. In Lakhs) District Wise Project No. of projec ts Project Cost (Rs in Lakhs) Total Fund ReleasedExpenditure Details % of Expend iture Up to March 2014 During 2014-15 Total Up to March 2014 During 2014-15 Total KASARGODE7 4959.43309.48351.5660.98211.96292.93504.8976.39 KANNUR6 4211.63207.6325232.6355.9392.16148.0963.66 KOZHIKODE4 3045.6164.7171.5236.2170.3978.33148.7262.96 WAYANAD5 3177.9423.2725448.27222.06189.2411.2691.74 MALAPPURAM8 5103.26210.43204414.43166.29210.25376.5490.86 PALAKKAD9 7180.43538.9075613.90292.01283.74575.7593.79 THRISSUR5 3260.7229.9958287.99121.75114.79236.5482.13 ERNAKULAM5 2985.23153.51144.5298.0187.25163.11250.3684.01 IDUKKI10 7214.86166.05220386.0543.53148.55192.0849.76 KOTTAYAM5 3423147.2360207.2388.5482.99171.5382.77 ALAPPUZHA5 3727.18160.4982242.4984.2112.92197.1281.29 PATHANAMTHITT A 4 2521.44113.64182295.6479.29145.16224.4575.92 KOLLAM5 2736.24118.60110228.6066.61122.99189.682.94 TRIVANDRUM5 3935.08216.21125341.21139.59140.31279.982.03 Total83 57481.983160.141733.54893.641729.42177.433906.8379.83
IWMP- FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE (Consolidated) (Rs. In Lakhs) BATCH WISE Batch Number of Projects Project Cost (Rs in Lakhs) Total Fund ReleasedExpenditure Details % of Expendi ture Up to March 2014 During 2014-15 Total Up to March 2014 During 2014-15 Total I107820.55858.13289.501147.63524.81477.391002.2087.33 II1611896.08964.18680.151644.33721.41764.811486.2290.38 III1510686.00452.23331.80784.03239.82377.55617.3778.74 IV2012926.43785.60280.951066.55222.28424.16646.4460.61 V106925.62100.0093.50193.503.08125.06128.1466.22 VI127227.300.0057.60 0.0025.59 44.43 Total8357481.983160.141733.504893.641711.402194.563905.9679.82
IWMP - Consolidated Physical Progress Report as on 31.01.2015 Sl NoBatch No of Projects Area Status of EPA (No) Status of DPR Status of Evaluati on Status of NRM (Ha) Status of PS (Ha) Status of LH Target Achieve ment Target Achiev ement Target Achiev ement Target Achiev ement 1 I 2009-10 10521370010 10110225192527660241 2 II 2010-11 16897230016 153352846131030840787 3 III 2011-12 158231513410315 425937582118340212 4 IV 2012-13 209639620211517020622372389188244 5 V 2013-14 10510831206360000000 Total713716544562816441317655709329384.420281484
Agenda Item No.4 : Preliminary Project Reports (PPR): Sanction for Watershed Development Projects of Batch VII for the year 2015-16 to be submitted to Government of India for approval. Details as follows
Details of Projects Proposed for 2015-16 KSLUB may present the PPRs Sl. No.DistrictPIAArea (in Ha) 1Kollam Sasthamkotta 4009 2Pathanamthitta Mallappally 4258 3Kottayam Kaduthuruthy 5507 4Idukki Adimali 4550 5Ernakulam Mulanthuruthy 5804 6Thrissur Chalakkudy 2811 7Palakkad Kollengode 6991 8Malappuram Perinthalmanna 4940 9Kozhikode Kunnumel 4221 10Kannur Peravoor 4096 11Kasargode Karadukka 4384 Total51571
Agenda Item No.05: Approval of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) Submitted by WCDC SLNA has received 83 watershed development projects under IWMP in 5 batches viz. 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 Year wise details of projects approved by GoI is as followsYear Number ofNumber of districts districts Number ofNumber ofprojects No. of microNo. of microwatersheds Area in Ha.Area in Ha. 2009-103109452137 2010-11131612789722 2011-1291511582315 2012-13142012696396 2013-1410 6151083 2014-1512 9051333 Total 83613422986
The status of DPR of the above 83 projects is as follows Batch No of projects DPR status Remarks Submitted Approved by SLNA I10 II16 III15 9 Remaining 6 DPRs are placed for approval IV20177 10 DPRs are placed for approval, DPRs of projects in Chittor Block of Palakkad district and Kasargod Block of Kasargod district and Kalpetta block of Wayanad dist is pending. V106Nil Due date 31-3-2015 VI1200 Due date 30-09-2015 Total836442
The DPRs of the following projects of Batch III, IV&V are submitted for approval. The Technical Committee constituted for the purpose of vetting the DPRs examined and recommended for approval. The list of DPRs is furnished below: Sl NoBatchDistrictProject 1 III Idukki 2Kattappana 3Azhutha 4-Do- 5 6KannurIrikkur 7 IV ThiruvananthapuramPothencode 8AlapuzhaBharanikkavu 9KottayamPallom 10 Idukki Kattappana 11Azhutha 12Thodupuzha Contd….
Sl NoBatchDistrictProject 13 IV ErnakulamParakkadavu 14ThrissurChowannr 15KozhikodeKunnamangalam 16KannurIrritty 17 V ThiruvananthapuramKilimanur 18KollamChittumala PathanamthittaMallappally 19 ErnakulamPampakuda 20 21ThrissurCherpu 22MalappuramWandoor
Agenda Item No.06 Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Documentation (MEL&D) The Secretary, LSGD (RD) had conducted a meeting for finalization of MEL&D agency on 14-08-2014. In the meeting SS&SC department, KSLUB & CWRDM had agreed to undertake MEL&D of IWMP projects in Kerala. In the 11 th Quarterly Review Meeting held on 14-11-2014, GoI ruled out the appointment of State Govt. agencies as concurrent Monitoring and Evaluating agency observing that as they are partner departments and hence it may lead to conflict of interest. Contd..
Hence it was suggested to entrust third party independent agencies for concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation as per the guidelines issued by GoI through open bidding process. The responsibility of selection of the agencies as per the guidelines may be entrusted to CEO, SLNA. This proposal may be approved.
Agenda Item No.07 Constitution of a Technical Committee for scrutinizing the technical and financial bid A Technical Committee may be constituted with the following officers for scrutinising the technical as well as the financial bid of agencies who are participating in the bidding process. Secretary, LSGD (RD) - Chairman CEO, SLNA - Convenor Director, SS & SC department - Member Director, GW department - Member Senior Finance Officer, CRD - Member This proposal may be approved
Agenda Item No.8: Approval of Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 Annual Action Plan for 2015-16 is prepared with a fund requirement of Rs 98 crores and submitted for approval The AAP may be approved.
Agenda Item No.9 : Approval of Capacity Building Plan for 2015-16 The capacity Building plan prepared for the year 2015-16. The Capacity Building plan may be approved
Agenda Item no 10 Finalisation of nodal agency for Capacity Building for IWMP For finalising the nodal agency for capacity building for IWMP projects, IWDM-K Chadayamangalam, SIRD and CWRDM are requested to make a presentation on training components, modules prepared, phases of training etc. The above agencies may be shortlisted as partner agencies based on their presentations.
Agenda Item No 11 Appointment of Chartered Accountant Sri Venkatachalam and associates Thiruvanthapuram had completed the audit of SLNA accounts for the year 2013-14 satisfactorily.. The audited statement of accounts with utilisation certificate had already been submitted to DoLR for subsequent release of Programme fund. The firm may be entrusted to conduct audit of accounts for the year 2014-15 also. This proposal may be accepted.
Additional Agenda Received from Director, Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Dept Agency for Capacity Building Activities for SLNA The SLNA meeting held on 23.5.2014 requested Secretary, LSGD ( RD)to examine the infrastructure facility strength available with SS& SC Dept, CWRDM, SIRD etc to finalise the nodal agency for capacity building of IWMP projects. The Secretary, Local Self Government & Agriculture, CEO, SLNA & other officials visited the Institute for Watershed Development & Management-Kerala, Chadayamangalam (IWDM-K) on 7.2.2015 and appraised the infrastructure facilities available with the training institute. The training centre is well equipped with all modern facilities for imparting trainings to personnel associated with IWMP. Contd…
Point for Decision Taking into consideration the long experience of the Department in the field of watershed development the SLNA may select IWDM-K of the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation as the nodal institute for capacity building of IWMP projects.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Documentation ( MEL&D) The SLNA meeting held on 23.5.2014 entrusted Secretary, LSGD ( RD) to finalise MEL& D agency for IWMP projects of Kerala. Though the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation/ KSLUB was selected as the MEL& D agency, later it was informed that the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation/ KSLUB can’t be empanelled as these agencies are partner departments for watershed management activities in the implementation of watershed projects under IWMP. The Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation is not at all involved in the implementation of watershed projects under IWMP programme. In earlier occasions the Department has done evaluation works of IWMP projects for certain blocks. Contd…
Point for Decision Being an independent agency having experience in the implementation of other watershed projects, SLNA may recommend to DoLR to select the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation as one of the MEL&D agency for IWMP projects.
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