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Enlightenment and Revolution Chapter 22. Section 1-The Scientific Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Enlightenment and Revolution Chapter 22. Section 1-The Scientific Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enlightenment and Revolution Chapter 22

2 Section 1-The Scientific Revolution

3 The Roots of Modern Science Geocentric Theory-The theory that the Earth was the center of the universe – Originally the idea came from Aristotle – The Greek astronomer Ptolemy expanded the theory in the second century

4 The Roots of Modern Science Scientific Revolution- A new way of thinking about the natural world by replacing old assumptions with new theories

5 A Revolutionary Model of the Universe Heliocentric Theory- Copernicus’s theory that the stars, Earth and the other planets revolved around the sun – He published this theory in his book: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies in 1543

6 A Revolutionary Model of the Universe Galileo Galilei-Italian Astronomer – Published Starry Messenger in 1610 Wrote that Jupiter had four moons The Sun had dark spots The moon had a rough uneven surface Disproved that the moon and stars were made of a perfect substance

7 The Scientific Method The Scientific Method-A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas – Step 1: Begins with a problem or question – Step 2: Form a hypothesis – Step 3: Test the hypothesis – Step 4: Analyze and interpret the data Data confirms or disproves the hypothesis

8 Newton Explains the Law of Gravity Isaac Newton- English scientist who developed the law of gravity – Theorized that the same physical laws of motion governed both the planets and objects on Earth

9 The Scientific Revolution Spreads Important scientific inventions and discoveries – Microscope (1590) – First red blood cells are examined (1670) – Mercury barometer was invented (1643) Measures atmospheric pressure and predicted weather – First thermometer is invented (1714)

10 The Scientific Revolution Spreads Other important scientific inventions and discoveries Studying human remains advances the study of anatomy Late 1700’s small pox vaccine is created The Sceptical Chymist (1661) by Boyle identified the worlds four main elements – Earth, Wind, Fire, Water

11 Section 2-The Enlightenment in Europe

12 Setting the Stage The Enlightenment-A new intellectual movement that stressed reason, thought and the power of individuals to solve problems

13 Two Views on Government Social Contract- Thomas Hobbes theory that if people hand their rights to a strong ruler that they would recieve law and order – Ideally an absolute monarchy that could impose order and demand obedience

14 Two Views on Government John Locke’s Natural Rights- – He believed that people were born free and equal with three main rights Life, Liberty and Property – The purpose of government was to protect these rights – If the government fails the people have the right to overthrow it

15 The Philosophes Advocate Reason Philosophes-Social critics in France during the mid-1700’s – They had five core beliefs Reason Nature Happiness Progress Liberty

16 The Philosophes Advocate Reason Voltaire- – Born François-Marie Arouet – Published more than 70 books in his life – Used satire against his enemies Targeted the government, clergy, and aristocracy

17 The Philosophes Advocate Reason Montesquieu-A French baron who devoted himself to the study of political liberty – His ideas about separation of power and checks and balances became the basis for the U.S. Constitution

18 Women and the Enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft- – Wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women – Felt that women just like men needed education to be virtuous and useful – Her daughter Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein

19 Legacy of the Enlightenment People became more accepting of progressive beliefs – Mainly scientific knowledge – New discoveries were made in chemistry, physics, biology, and mechanics Religious beliefs were questioned and people developed more of a secular outlook on life More emphasis was placed on the individual within a society

20 Section 3-The Enlightenment Spreads

21 A World of Ideas Diderot’s Encyclopedia- – Dennis Diderot began publishing the 1 st volumes in 1751 – They were a series of essays and articles by the leading scholars in Europe – The French government and Catholic Church banned the books – Helped spread ideas during the Enlightenment throughout Europe

22 Diderot’s Encyclopedia



25 New Artistic Styles Baroque Art-European art during the 1600s and early 1700s which was characterized by a grand ornate design Neoclassical Art-A simple and elegant style of art that barrowed themes from classical Greek and Rome

26 Examples of Baroque Art



29 Examples of Neoclassical Art



32 New Artistic Styles Classical Music-Lighter elegant style of music – Famous classical composers Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven

33 Enlightenment and Monarchy Enlightened Despots- “Absolute rulers” that embraced new ideas and made reforms that reflected the Enlightenment

34 Enlightenment and Monarchy Frederick II- – a.k.a. Frederick the Great – Persian king who ruled from 1740-1786 – Enlightened Accomplishments: Granted religious freedom Reduced censorship Improved education Abolished torture

35 Enlightenment and Monarchy Joseph II- – Ruled Austria from 1780 to 1790 – The most radical of the reformers – Enlightened Accomplishments: Introduced legal reform Allowed freedom of press Supported freedom of worship Abolished serfdom and ordered that peasants be paid for their labor

36 Enlightenment and Monarchy Catherine the Great- – Ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796 – Read the works of the philosophes and corresponded with Voltaire – Enlightened Accomplishments: Formed a commission to review Russia's laws – She was not able to accomplish her major reforms so she instituted more limited reforms

37 Enlightenment and Monarchy Catherine the Great- – Following the serf uprising in 1773, she gave the nobles in Russia absolute control over the serfs Serfs lost all traces of freedom – Her armies gained control of the northern shore of the Black Sea and expanded westward into Poland






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