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Physics-Based Simulation: Graphics and Robotics Chand T. John.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics-Based Simulation: Graphics and Robotics Chand T. John."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics-Based Simulation: Graphics and Robotics Chand T. John

2 Forward Dynamic Simulation Problem: Determine the motion of a mechanical system generated by a set of forces or control values. Challenges: - Contact/collision - Large number of bodies - Drift - Control of end result - Creating natural motion - High-level motion control - Being efficient and accurate Update State Time Step

3 Forward Dynamic Simulation Forward dynamic simulation is needed in: Computer graphics Robotics Biomechanics

4 Bridging Biomechanics & Graphics Graphics has: - Fast algorithms for making visually realistic movies of complicated scenes Biomechanics has: - A need for physically realistic simulations - Real science to back up dynamic models Biomechanics goals: Physically realistic Make clinically relevant conclusions Meaningfulness > accuracy > efficiency Graphics goals: Visually realistic Make cool SIGGRAPH movies Accuracy > efficiency > meaningfulness

5 Constraining Mechanical Systems Use fewer coordinates Add constraint forces Enforce constraints after each time step Optimization Control

6 Robot Controller Simulation 22 33 (x 1, y 1, z 1 ) (x 2, y 2, z 2 ) (x 3, y 3, z 3 ) Reduced/generalized/joint-space/link coordinates Maximal/redundant/operational-space/task-space/absolute coordinates

7 Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm v0v0 a0a0 v1v1 a1a1 v2v2 a2a2 v3v3 a3a3 Propagate velocities outward Propagate accelerations outward

8 Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm f0f0 f1f1 f2f2 f3f3 Propagate forces inward O(N) algorithm for inverse dynamics!

9 Composite Rigid-Body Algorithm Link i This part of the robot is in static equilibrium. This part of the robot is a (composite) rigid body. CiCi When all velocity and acceleration-independent forces are zero, M i is the force causing unit acceleration  i to the robot.

10 Composite Rigid-Body Algorithm CiCi If the robot is given an acceleration of  i : all of C i will act like a single rigid body with acceleration h i, and the rest of the robot stays in static equilibrium. Let f i C = force needed to induce acceleration h i on C i.

11 Composite Rigid-Body Algorithm M ji = h j T f i C for parents j of i M ji = 0 for other j not in C i Fill in symmetric values M ij Inertia I i C of C i = sum of inertias I j f i C = I i C h j f i C (j) = f i C for all j in C i f i C = 0 for all other j Implement in joint space Each parent of link i has force f i C h j T I i C h i if i in C j h j T I j C h i if j in C i 0 otherwise M ji = O(N 3 ), fast for small N IiCIiC

12 Articulated-Body Algorithm a =  f + b Invert f = I A a + p A I A =  -1 p A = -I A b Invertible if body unconstrained Key observation: Acceleration a of a body is always an affine function of applied force f.

13 Articulated-Body Algorithm Propagate I i A, p i A inward. 3 equations, 3 unknowns: a i = a (i) + h i ’q i ’ + h i q i ’’ f i J = I i A a i + p i A  i = h i T f i J Solve for q i ’’ Evaluate a i Propagate a i outward. O(N), faster than CRBA for N > 9 IiApiAIiApiA aiai

14 Adaptive Dynamics Simplification Based on: –Featherstone’s O(log N) divide-and-conquer algorithm –For forward dynamics on O(N) parallel processors Closed loops not supported yet Algorithm: –User picks number of DOFs desired –In each time step: Algorithm picks active joints Forward dynamics steps forward in time

15 Dealing with Closed Loops Closed loop!

16 Dealing with Closed Loops Compute spanning tree Compute dynamics for tree Mimic loop with constraint forces M L LTLT 0 q’’ -  – C +  a c = Equation of motion Constraint forces

17 Lagrange Multiplier Constraints Reduced-coordinate methods are fast Multiplier methods (with maximal coordinates): –Have a drift problem –Involve solving a matrix equation But multiplier methods: –Do not require parameterization –Allow use of nonholonomic constraints Limited branching  sparse matrix Baraff gives O(N) multiplier method for computing constraint forces for dynamics

18 Lagrange Multiplier Constraints This is a system with 127 constraints. Each sphere is a 3 DOF constraint between two rigid bodies. There are 381 Lagrange multipliers.

19 Post-Stabilization with DAEs Constraint manifold State at time t State at time t + 1 After projection

20 Spacetime Constraints Given: –Equation of motion –Objective function to minimize –Spatial constraints to meet Computes: –Actuation force function by constrained optimization –Position function by integrating equation of motion High-energy motions modeled well Low-energy motions require finer physics model

21 Motion Transformation First physics-based mocap editing method Steps: –Map input motion onto simplified character –Find spacetime optimization problem most closely matching simplified character motion –Alter parameters, constraints, etc. –Map new motion onto original to get final animation High-energy works well; low-energy not so well No comparison to real actor’s motion physics

22 Physics-Based Motion Style Tasks represented as constraints C E(X;  ) = total torque from muscle forces X describes a motion sequence  is a vector of style parameters Given motion capture X T and C, minimize E(X T ;  ) to compute style  With new constraints C’, minimize E(X;  ) to compute new motion X

23 Neuromuscular Perturbation

24 Proportional-Derivative Control Rachel will talk about her work on PD control and human motion next week. m kvkv kpkp mx’’ + k v x’ + k p x = 0 DerivativeProportional Examples: Cruise control, CMC

25 Task-Level Control Vince will talk about task-level control of shoulder models two weeks from now.

26 Summary Reduced coordinates –Composite rigid-body algorithm, O(N 3 ) –Articulated-body algorithm, O(N) –Adaptive dynamics simplification Constraint force application –Closed-loop systems –Lagrange multiplier constraints Projection onto constraint manifold –Post-stabilization with DAEs Optimization –Spacetime constraints –Motion transformation –Physics-based motion style Control –Neuromuscular perturbation –Proportional-derivative control –Task-level control

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