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 Student Competency Framework SCF. What is SCF?  Governments and educators around the world recognize that it is necessary that young people are equipped.

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Presentation on theme: " Student Competency Framework SCF. What is SCF?  Governments and educators around the world recognize that it is necessary that young people are equipped."— Presentation transcript:

1  Student Competency Framework SCF

2 What is SCF?  Governments and educators around the world recognize that it is necessary that young people are equipped with the relevant skills and qualities to become effective life-long learners, productive workers and global citizens who can make a positive contribution to the local, national and global communities.  However, it is also recognize that many education systems focus too much on the acquisition of knowledge and not enough on the skills needed to apply this knowledge.

3 What is SCF?  Students are the artists, scientists, thinkers, innovators and leaders of the future. They will be tasked with solving the problems of today, while imagining and creating a new tomorrow.  Competences are critical for equipping students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they will need to successfully navigate their personal journeys in learning, living and working.  Students use and develop competences when they encounter unfamiliar or challenging situations. Competences help students draw and build upon what they know, how they think and what they can do. In school, students develop and apply competences through subject-area content and learning experiences.

4 What is SCF?  In Abu Dhabi, there is a belief that there is a mismatch in the private education sector between those skills required to meet the current and future needs of students and the Emirate, and those currently being taught.  One way of addressing these future needs is through the development of a Student Competence Framework (SCF).


6 What are the Competences? The Abu Dhabi SCF has identified thirteen core competences which begin at kindergarten or Grade 1 and continue to Grade 12. These thirteen competences are grouped into three themes: 1.

7 What are the Competences? 2.

8 What are the Competences? 3.

9 Why is it important to master these competences (skills)? Today’s students will graduate into a world where the demands of our professional, personal and public lives grow more complicated every year. Instead of slowing down, these demands are gaining momentum. As a result, our students need to be more globally aware, better innovators and more engaged and aware citizens, locally & globally.

10 What do students today need to succeed in university, career and life? Students must not only be prepared for future education by learning the core subjects, BUT  They need to be prepared for work, and for their role in the world around them. Each one is equally important to ensuring and shaping a child’s successful future.

11 Why include Values Knowledge and skills must be underpinned by values. Values define a person’s character. They shape the beliefs, attitudes and actions of a person, and therefore form the core of the Student Competence framework. The middle ring signifies the qualities (values) necessary for children to recognize and manage their emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, as well as handle challenging situations effectively.


13 Why include Parents? Preparing children for skills (competences) & qualities (values) is a team effort. As parents, you need to support these skills and qualities at school while you help to inspire and expand your children’s horizons at home. WHY? Our children become more:  Informed about and ready to respond to local, national and global issues;  Knowledgeable in core academic subjects as well as more complex areas such as the environment, finance, the economy, health and business; and  Able to participate safely, intelligently, productively and responsibly in the world around them.

14 How can parents help their children? Competences are not just for school, they are for life. They are a useful way for parents to be involved with their child's learning. Some suggestions for how to support your child to develop competences include:  Ask your child's teachers how they teach competencies and what you can do at home.  Talk with your child about the skills and knowledge that he/she is developing and how they are useful in life.  Do things together that use one or more competencies. This connects what your child learns at school to the things that they do in everyday life. For example: plan a meal together, learn new games, be part of a team, or discuss local or global issues.

15 Implementation Plan 1. Phase I: 2016 – 2017 KG2 – G6: English, Math, Science, & Islamic ONLY 2. Phase II: 2017 – 2018 A. KG2 – G6: All other subjects B. G7 – G9: (English, Math, Science, Islamic, & Arabic) 3. Phase III: 2018 – 2019 A. G7 – G9: All other subjects B. G10 – G12: All Subjects (to be confirmed)

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