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Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms. Vecchio 4-2 Room 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms. Vecchio 4-2 Room 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night! Ms. Vecchio 4-2 Room 28

2 About Me  I graduated from Molloy College with a degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education and Special Education  I am also a competitive dance teacher in Levittown. I have danced at Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall and Nassau Coliseum  This is my fourth year at St. Anne’s and I am so blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful staff and school community.

3 In fourth grade this year, we will be learning….

4 Mathematics This is a very challenging year in math. We will be working on multiplying and dividing larger numbers, fractions, decimals, and angles. With a lot of practice, I know your child will do very well! Please encourage your child to attend extra help on Wednesday mornings at 7:40am if needed. * Online version of the textbook and workbook has been uploaded to my class page

5 Science In science we will be focusing on a number of topics including: - Bird Migration - Plants and animal communities - Properties of Matter and Energy - Ecosystems - Electricity and Magnetism We will also be performing experiments each week in the Science Lab Quizzes & Tests will be taken throughout the year – a outline will always be provided

6 ELA  Grammar  Spelling and Vocabulary (bi-weekly)  Spelling Homework Chart  Original Writing Pieces  Personal Narrative, Opinion, and Persuasive  *Strong focus on Reading Comprehension  Reading Logs- Due: January and June

7 Social Studies  This year we will be learning all about New York State.  We will also be discussing the Revolutionary War and the Industrial Revolution.  We will have a test at the end of each chapter, in addition to quizzes.  A review sheet will be distributed prior to each test.

8 Religion We are fortunate enough to have Mrs. Huggard teaching religion this year. She will be in 3-4x a week for class lessons, and I will be covering the other days. The focus this year will be on Jesus and His followers, The Ten Commandments, The Sacraments, and The Church. We will also be partnering with the Loaves and Fishes Ministry as part of the School Service Initiative.

9 It’s My Birthday  22 students  Healthy snack  Game donation  Book donation  School supply

10 Parent Pass  Parent Homework pass  One for each trimester

11 Things to Note  PEANUT FREE SCHOOL – Please do not send peanut products with your child for lunch OR for snack  ALL tests other than spelling must be signed. Math corrections must be made as well.  The class website will be updated constantly. Please visit my class page for nightly homework assignments  Extra help will be on Wednesdays at 7:40. PLEASE encourage your child to attend!  Any questions/concerns?

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